The following listing of more than 400 diseases and the veterinary/alternative medicine approach to dealing with them are listed in alphabetical order below. This listing has been derived from Dr. Wallach’s book Let’s Play Doctor.  Now armed with all this information, you are in a position to take back control of your own health. This list is extensive. It is in alphabetical order but using Search may be advantageous.

Note: These suggestions are in addition to consuming adequate amounts of the other 90 essential nutrients daily.  Also, if you wish to lookup a specific term or ingredient to match it with a product, SEARCH for the product(s) below.

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ABRASIONS (scrapes): clean wounds with soap and water to remove gross dirt and debris. Disinfect wounds with H202 (hydrogen peroxide). Wounds may be bathed in a variety of herbal washes or poultice. Our choice is aloe, plantain (Plantago major), or comfrey (Symphytum officinale). Colloidal silver is useful here. Take Vitamin C orally to bowel tolerance (anywhere from 1-5 grams). Covering abrasions with nonstick dressings will help prevent infection.

ABSCESS (boil): bring abscess to “a head” (a soft point in the center) with a hot water and boric acid compress or poultice (sitz bath if near the anus or buttock) using a 3 percent solution of boric acid. Herbal alternatives include echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) or sand sagebrush (Artemisia fififolia). Once the abscess opens (by itself or with a sterile needle or blade) it can be flushed clean using a syringe filled with any of the above herbal solutions.

If large enough, the resulting cavity can be filled with gauze (umbilical “tape” is particularly good for this purpose) soaked with any of the above solutions. If the abscess cavity contains bits of puss or dead tissue, it can be flushed with H202. The cavity will gradually fill with “granulation tissue” leaving no trace of the cavity. Take Vitamin C orally to bowel tolerance.

ABSENCE ATTACKS {petit mal): patient stops what he is doing and rapidly blinks eyes then starts the activity again where he left off. Treatment should include choline 4 gm/day, taurine 500 mg t.i.d., dimethyl glycine 100 mg b.i.d., phosphytidyl choline, and B6 100-300 mg/day. A high fat diet to rebuild myelin and a plant derived colloidal trace mineral mix will often be of benefit.

ACHALASIA (megaesophagus): enervation of the esophagus resulting in failure of cardiac (lower sphincter) sphincter to open. A tendency to regurgitate undigested food is a common sign. Small liquid meals and air swallowing can sometimes relieve this condition. Nighttime elevation of head of the bed will reduce risk of vomiting while asleep. Surgery may be required to relieve severe cases.

ACHLORHYDRIA (loss of stomach acid—hydrochloric acid): Contrary to popular belief, stress will result in loss of stomach acid production. Achlorhydria is also a natural process of aging and perhaps the most significant aging phenomenon. Seventy-five percent of people over the age of 50 years require supplementation of stomach acid. Sodium chloride is the raw material required to manufacture stomach acid, so it follows that people on a salt restricted diet are more likely to develop achlorhydria.

Symptoms include “burp, belch, and bloat” after eating. The reduction or absence of acid in the stomach allows intestinal bacteria and yeast (Candida albicans) to enter the stomach and ferment high carbohydrate foods (i.e. juice, fruit, breads, etc.). Failure to deal with achlorhydria will result in B12, calcium, and protein deficiencies and the onset of new food allergies acquired later in life as a result of absorption of partially digested polypeptides (relatively large protein fragments) which trigger an allergic response.

Treatment of achlorhydria includes salting your food to taste and supplementation of betaine HC1 at the rate of 75-250 mg 15-20 minutes before each meal. In the absence of betaine HC1, 1-2 oz. of vinegar with English bitters (Gentian) may be taken before meals. Additionally, plant derived colloidal minerals tone the stomach and increase its ability to produce stomach acid.

ACNE (acne rosacea/acne vulgaris) is a frequent skin disease in teenagers and is sometimes associated with PMS and estrogen supple­ments during menopause. Papules, pustules, superficial puss-filled cysts, and deep puss-filled canals characterize acne. Acne is primarily the result of an essential fatty acid deficiency with a concurrent intake of too much saturated fat and polyunsaturated fatty acids (fried foods and margarine). Eliminate “fast” foods and other sources of fat and sugar. Check out the probability of food allergies (i.e., wheat, milk, soy) as a contributing factor. Betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes are of considerable benefit. Essential fatty acids are a must and should be consumed at the rate of 3 percent of your total daily calorie consumption or supplemented at the rate of 9 grams per day in capsule form. A regimen of Vitamin A 300,000 units/day (as beta-carotene) for five months, then reduce to 25,000 i per day B6 100 mg t.i.d., zinc 50 mg t.i.d. for 30 days, and vitamin E oil may be applied topically to acne lesions is also recommended. Exposing areas affected by acne directly to ultraviolet light directly for 1-6 minutes may also prove helpful.

ADRENAL GLAND EXHAUSTION (stress) characterized by fatigue and inability to cope with diseases or everyday stresses. Adrenal exhaustion directly affects your ability to resist disease or heal a current disease. An adrenal function test can be performed in the following manner. Take base blood pressure in a lying down position after five minutes then stand up suddenly. Pulse should increase by a minimum of ten points. If the pulse does not increase by that amount, your adrenals need help. Concurrent signs and symptoms may include colitis, ulcers and low WBC (white blood cell) count.

Treatment of adrenal exhaustion includes ACE (adrenal cortical extract). Take ten drops of a standard solution sublingually or 3-5 ml IV, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, and zinc 25-50 mg t.i.d. Don’t forget to remove the stress. Dietary recommendations: no fried foods, no margarine, no caffeine, and no sugar.

AGE SPOTS: (Liver spots, pigment of aging): These unsightly brown spots are caused by rancid fat (ceroid lipofucsin or trans fatty acids) from cell walls accumulating under the skin. If you have ten on the back of your hand, you have millions in your brain, heart, liver, kidney, lungs, etc. They interfere with cell function, shorten your life, and are a red flag warning for high risk of cancer and heart disease (i.e. cardiomyopathy). The nice thing about age spots is that they are reversible. When they go away on the outside, they are going away on the inside.

Treatment includes eliminating all fried foods, vegetable oils (i.e. salad dressing, cooking oils, margarine, etc.), and sugar from the diet. Take selenium at 500 meg per day, vitamin E at 1,200 IU and all the other 90 essential nutrients.

AGREEABLE ATTITUDE: usually a disagreeable attitude is the result of food allergies, ADD, ADND, or hypoglycemia (sometimes from poor social training while growing up!) If so these must be dealt with specifically.

Treatment should include plantain (Plantago lanceolata) orally t.i.d., avoidance of sugar in all forms (i.e., alcohol, desserts, sugar, juices, fruits, etc.), avoidance of caffeine, essential fatty acids 9 grams per day, chromium, and vanadium at 50-100 meg each t.i.d.

AIDS (autoimmune deficiency syndrome) is thought to be caused by the HIV virus. This disease may lay dormant for three to ten years before causing overt symptoms and death. Signs are very low white blood cell counts especially T-cells, coughing, and susceptibility to a variety of diseases including Pneumocystis carnii pneumonia, Karposi’s Sarcoma, and a variety of secondary bacterial and viral infections. This disease is transmitted by oral, vaginal, and anal sex, common needles used for IV drugs, contaminated hospital and dental equipment, commercially prepared blood products, and immunotoxic lubricants such as vegetable oils, petroleum jelly, etc.

At this point (1998) prevention is the “magic bullet” for AIDS. Avoid IV “recreational drugs,” use unlubricated condoms for sex with partners with unknown sexual histories. Avoid anal sex. Once HIV is contracted, a vigorous program of antiviral medications (i.e. Ribavirin and Isoprinosin) and immune support (Levamisol, hydrazine sulfate) are indicated. Take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, 300,000 IU of vitamin A per day as beta carotene, 50 mg zinc t.i.d., ACE (adrenal cortical extract) 10 drops ti.d. sublingual, selenium 1000 meg/day orally or by injection, vitamin E 1000 IU/day. Herbs such as garlic (Allium sativum), evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis), and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) may be of value. Long-term remission can be expected but a “cure” is not available for HIV or AIDS. An unknown in this protocol is Levamisol which may be the immune modulator that everyone is looking for. Also suggested: injectable thymus extract, which can be ordered by your physician from a pharmaceutical company, monthly at 3-5 cc after four initial daily injections of 3-5 cc.

ALCOHOLISM is considered to be an addictive allergy complicated by hypoglycemia and vitamin/mineral malnutrition. Rotation elimination diets and hypoglycemia diets are essential. Don’t forget the baseline vitamin/mineral supplements. Take calcium (2000 mg) and magnesium (1000 mg) per day, essential fatty acids 5 mg t.i.d. Vitamin B6 100 mg b.i.d., and chromium and vanadium at 250 meg/day are essential to solve the hypoglycemia problem. Bioflavonoids (catechin) 1 gram/day and amino acids (i.e. DL-phenylananine) should also be consumed. Take 1 oz. plant derived colloidal minerals diluted in calcium enriched orange juice every time craving for alcohol occurs.

ALLERGIES can be caused by poorly digested food, inhalant allergens (i.e. pollens, smoke, molds, etc.), or chemicals (i.e. perfume, formalin, etc.). Diagnosis can be made using the pulse test, diet diary/challenge, and/or cytotoxic test. Symptoms vary widely from urticaria (skin rash with itching) from strawberries or fish, headaches from perfume, tachycardia (fast heart rate) or palpitations (most allergies-MSG), or paranoia from sugar, etc., to asthma-like syndrome from sulfite (food preservative on raisins, apricots, etc.).

Avoidance is the most effective “cure,” however, this may be imprac­tical. Autoimmune urine therapy using five to ten ml of filtered urine subcutaneously every other day for five to eight treatments is suggested. Use a 0.22-micron millipore filter. Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids (rutin, catechin, quercetin), 300,000 IU of vitamin A as beta carotene per day, zinc 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids 1 tbsp. b.i.d., rotation diets, and digestive enzymes with betaine HC1 before meals.

ALLERGIC SHINERS are the purplish/ black discoloration under the lower eyelids of individuals with allergies. They will appear within minutes of ingestion or inhalation of an allergen. Allergic shiners may take as much as 12 hours to three days to disappear after avoidance of allergenic substance. Allergic shiners are a good diagnostic tool to link allergies as the culprit behind other symptoms i.e., allergic shiners in a hyperactive child, heart disease, cancer, etc. Avoidance of the allergen or allergens is the only “cure” for allergic shiners.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE appears to be a physician-caused disease (resulting from cholesterol and saturated fat bashing) in which those afflicted suffer from a progressive loss of memory. Difficulties with arousal and motor function appear in the later stages of the disease. Identified in 1979, it appears to be due to a cholesterol and fat deficiency. Alzheimer’s disease is not genetic.

Treatment should include germanium IM 5 ml of standard solution every other day for 24 days followed by oral germanium at 150/mg b.i.d., Hydergine, 6-12 mg/day, piracetam/choline 1.6 grams q.i.d., vasopressin (Diapid) at a rate of one whiff in each nostril q.i.d. which delivers a total daily dose of 12-16 units of U.S.P. Posterior Pituitary, and centro-phenoxine (Lucidril) 6.2-8.0 gram/day. Lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d. is very useful at all stages though phosphatydil choline is more efficient. Don’t forget the baseline nutritional supplements including colloidal minerals plus betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes 75-200 mg t.i.d.. Oral and IV H202 may be helpful, 200 mg vitamin Bl t.i.d., vitamin E at 2000 iu daily, 500 meg selenium daily and IV chelation will be of value. Eat soft-scrambled (not fried) eggs every day and 72 oz. red meat each month to replace cholesterol needed to rebuild myelin.

ALOPECIA: (baldness): loss of hair, which can occur locally or present as total hair loss. Male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, and alopecia universalis are examples.

Monoxidil and Retin-A creams will aid some male and female pattern baldness if treated early in the process and use is maintained. Deficiencies of the mineral tin have been shown to cause male pattern baldness in lab animals. I personally have had considerable hair regrowth following the use of plant derived liquid colloidal tin. Alopecia that occurs with eczema is often caused by essential fatty acid deficiency and will respond to IV interlipids and/or oral flaxseed oil at the rate of 9 grams per day. Zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. is also indicated. Elimination of wheat and cow’s milk from the diet will increase the rate of recovery. Betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals are a must.

AMBLYOPIA is a type of blindness that can be caused by B12 deficiency or tobacco smoking. B12 IM at a rate of 1000 meg/day for a total of 20,000 meg usually effects a “cure.” Avoid tobacco smoke. Be sure to avoid all fried food and margarine and supplement with all 90 essential nutrients.

AMEBIASIS is an amebic dysentery caused by Entamoeba hystolytica. Diagnosis is dependent upon finding the parasite in a stool examination. Examination of 3-6 samples may be necessary to find the organisms especially if diarrhea has been chronic. The use of the low power lens on the microscope will often allow you to observe the “amebic” movement. Bloody mucus has the highest concentration of the parasite.

Treatment should be to provide symptomatic relief of diarrhea and reduce the loss of protein and electrolytes. Metronidazole at the rate of 750 mg orally t.i.d. for 10 days for adults and 12-17 mg/day t.i.d. orally for children is the treatment of choice.

AMENORRHEA is the lack of, or stopping of, the menstrual period. Many factors are involved in a normal “period” including the requirement of a 20 percent body fat level (trim athletes and very slim ladies stop cycling). Amenorrhea commonly occurs in very slim women athletes, dieters, and anorexics. A weight gain of 10-15 pounds will “jump-start” the cycle and a “period”rwill result. In many cases, increased levels of zinc at a rate of 50 mg t.i.d. will result in onset of the “period.” Essential fatty acids are very useful in the form of flaxseed oil at the rate of 1 tbsp. t.i.d. Herbal stimulus can be affected with saffron (Crocus sativus) as a tea, black cohosh or squawroot (Cimicifuga racemosa) as a fluid extract, and marigold (Calendula officinalis).

ANAPHYLAXIS is an explosive allergic reaction ranging from urticaria to respiratory distress and vascular collapse. This “shock” type of reaction can occur as the result of allergies to foods (i.e. shellfish), insect stings (i.e. bee stings), or drugs (i.e. penicillin) and usually occurs in 1-15 minutes after exposure. Avoidance of exposure is the best preventative.

Immediate injection with adrenaline (epinephrine) from a “bee sting” kit is the treatment of choice and, in many cases, will be lifesaving.

ANAL ABSCESS and anal fissures are caused by constipation and frequent passage of large hard stools. They may occur at the same time with hemorrhoids. Painful red swellings at or near the anal opening are characteristic. These may be opened with a blade or by soaking in hot sitz baths of 3 percent boric acid found at your drug store. A poultice of echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) may be applied directly to the abscess to disinfect and help to bring it to a “point” so it can be opened. Flushing the opened abscess with 3 percent H202 will clean out the puss and disinfect the wound.

ANEMIA is a lack of red blood cells from many possible causes including hemorrhage, infections, and/or nutritional deficiencies. Betaine HC1 orally at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals is required to assure absorption of B12, liver extract orally or IM, nutritional support with iron 20 mg per day, B12 1000 meg per day for 20 days, folic acid 15 mg for 20 days, copper 2 mg, zinc 50 mg t.i.d., B-2 50 mg b.i.d., B-5 50 mg t.i.d., B-6 50 mg b.i.d. for 20 days, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E 800-1200 IU per day, selenium 500 meg/day, and essential fatty acids at a rate of 9 grams per day. Herbs including sweet cicely (Myrrhis odorata) and marsh marigold (Coltha palustris) are helpful too.

ANEURYSM is a “bubble” or “balloon” in the wall of an artery, much like a “balloon” in a weak tire. This can cause pressure on an organ like a tumor or burst causing stroke or sudden death by hemorrhage. Sudden death by hemorrhage goes by various clinical names such as subdural hemorrhage, stroke, or ruptured aortic aneurysm. Aneurysms are most frequently caused by copper deficiency which results in weakened elastic fibers. While copper supplementation may not “cure” or repair all aneurysm, it can prevent them when supplemented at the rate of 2-4 mg/day if it is being properly absorbed. Surgery will be required for most existing aneurysms, although there is a considerable amount of evidence to show that arterial elastic fibers can be repaired by supplementing diets with copper. We do have one aortic aneurysm that has been corrected with copper supplementation and confirmed by x-ray.

ANGINA is a sharp debilitating pain in the center front of the chest from arterial disease in the heart, which reduces the heart’s oxygen supply. Symptoms may appear after strenuous exercise, simply climbing stairs, or after a meal. The allopathic approach is the “coronary bypass” surgery which after 20 years of study has failed to prevent second heart attacks or to extend life. Coronary bypasses do however enhance the financial portfolio of the cardiovascular surgeon!

Chelation, either IV with H202 and calcium EDTA or orally with vitamin/mineral and herb supplements, or the Dean Ornish diet can effect a cure over a period of time. Avoid sugar, caffeine, and cigarette smoke. Exercise in the form of walking for 30 minutes each day is very helpful. Calcium (2000 mg/day) and magnesium (800 mg/day) and essential fatty acids can help prevent progress of current disease and reduce vitamin D intake from the sun and supplements. Nitroglycerin sublingual capsules and time-release transdermal patches are very useful in relieving symptoms. English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) and ginko (Ginko biloba) are specific for relieving angina by increasing the blood flow through coronary arteries. Lifestyle changes and supplementation can reverse cardiovascular disease!

ANOREXIA (appetite loss) can be caused by stress, malnutrition, shock, and injury.

ANOREXIA NERVOSA is thought by “orthodox” medicine to be a psychiatric disease; however, it now appears that it is a manifestation of a severe food allergy. A common complaint of anorexia nervosa sufferers is “I always feel better when I don’t eat and feel bad when I eat.” Deficiencies of zinc and lithium are associated with anorexia. Elimination diets and pulse tests are useful in finding the offending food, frequently cow’s milk, wheat, eggs, and corn.

Treatment should include betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at a rate of 150-250 mg/day t.i.d. and don’t forget the baseline vitamin/ mineral supplements. Herbs are excellent appetite stimulants. Test herbal preparations of buckbean or marsh trefoil (Menyanthes trifoliata), centaury (Centaurium umbellatum), sweet flag or calamus (Acorus calamus), yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea). All of the herbal preparations should be taken before meals. In the case of ANOREXIA NERVOSA, autoimmune urine therapy may be indicated.

ANOSMIA (loss of smell) can temporarily be caused by colds or rhinitis (nasal inflammation from colds or allergy). Chronic loss of the sense of smell is most frequently the result of a zinc deficiency. In the case of injury, stroke, or tumor, zinc supplementation may not be effective.

Zinc supplement at the rate of 50 mg t.i.d. is very effective in returning the sense of smell.

ANXIETY (panic attacks) affects women twice as frequently as men. When one examines the total hormone biorhythm charts of women, this fact cannot be a surprise. The base cause can be either a food allergy reaction (i.e. corn, cow’s milk, etc.) or a severe reactive hypoglycemic reaction often referred to as a “crash and burn” curve because the down slope on the glucose curve is almost vertical. Concurrent PMS can make this a very perplexing situation. Do a pulse test to eliminate allergies and a six-hour GTT.

Treatment should include avoidance of caffeine and sugar in all forms (fruit, juices, processed sugar, candy, etc.). Take chromium and vanadium 200-300 meg/day, B6 100 mg t.i.d., B3 450 mg t.i.d. as time-release tablets, Bl, B2, and B5 at the rate of 50 mg t.i.d., L-tryptophan 10 grams t.i.d., calcium 2000 mg/day, and magnesium at 800 mg/day. Betaine HC1 100-250 t.i.d. before meals and herbs including valerian (Valerian officinalis) can be of value.

APHTHOUS STOMATITIS (canker sores) are often a symptom of food sensitivities (orange juice, tomato juice) or allergies. An elimination/ rotation diet or a pulse test can identify the offending foods. Gluten free diets are frequently effective.

Folic acid at 5 mg ti.d., B12 at 1000 meg/day, iron at 15 mg/day and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. are effective adjuncts to avoidance diets.

ARSENIC TOXICITY is a frequent result of pollution from herbicides, slug poisons, etc. Hair analysis is the best way to determine if toxic levels of arsenic are present. Symptoms are widely varied and include alopecia, constipation, confusion, delayed healing, dermatitis, diarrhea, drowsiness, edema, fatigue, GI complaints, headache, burning and tingling, muscle pain, neuropathy, numbness, pruritis, seizures, stomatitis, and weakness.

Avoid oils during treatment as they promote absorption of arsenic. Identify source of arsenic and eliminate it. IV chelation is very effective in removing the body load of arsenic, as is the oral use of colloidal or chelated selenium.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (hardening of the arteries) is the result of fibrosis of the smooth muscle in the walls of elastic arteries, notably the aorta and coronary, pulmonary, carotid, cerebral, brachial, and femoral arteries. The elevated “lesions” produce eddies which produce lipid and calcium depositions. Magnesium deficiencies produce “malignant calci­fication” of elastic arteries and are perhaps “the cause” of arteriosclerosis.

Elevated blood cholesterol is considered to be a significant risk factor for arteriosclerosis. It is of interest that vitamin D is made from cholesterol in our bodies! This becomes significant when we realize that the toxic effect of vitamin D is angiotoxicity. The target tissue of vitamin D toxicity is the elastic arteries and the specific result is fibrosis of the vascular smooth muscle and calcification of the blood vessel wall — fatty deposits soon follow!!! It is a crime that the “orthodox” doctors do not give this as much press coverage as heart transplants. Again, this infor­mation would wipe out a medical specialty, so they keep it a secret!!!

Symptoms of arteriosclerosis include angina, headaches, loss of memory, breathlessness, leg cramps (“claudication”) in the early stages, and death from stroke and thrombotic type “heart attack” in the final stages.

Treatment includes IV chelation with EDTA and H202, oral chelation, oral supplementation with vitamin/mineral supplements that include 800 mg magnesium, and the complete spectrum of plant derived colloidal minerals. In addition to the baseline nutritional supplements, add vitamin C to bowel tolerance, exercise (to increase the caliber of your arteries), and follow a high fiber, low in animal fat diet. Also supplement with essential fatty acids including salmon oil and flaxseed oil 5 gm t.i.d.. Useful herbs include artichoke (Cynara scolymus), bears garlic (Allium ursinum), European mistletoe (Viscum album), cayenne pepper, and garlic (Allium sativum).

ARTHRITIS (rheumatism) is a devastating degenerative disease of the joints. Symptoms of joint noise, joint pain, swelling, and deformative changes are typical. The cause of arthritis is listed as unknown by “orthodox” medicine and treatment is of the “take two aspirins and learn to live with it.” Prednisone, a synthetic form of cortisone, is used to treat symptoms. In fact, osteoarthritis and degenerative arthritis are a complex of nutritional deficiencies. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic infection with a Mycoplasma spp. is the overt cause. Again, if the truth were released, the “orthodox” doctors would lose an entire specialty in short order, so they keep it a secret.

A dietary calcium/phosphorus ratio of 2:1 is ideal yet impossible to attain in an supplemented diet. A vegetarian diet gets close but is complicated by “phytates” (a natural chelating substance found in plants) which makes even supplemented calcium unavailable.

The calcium/phosphorus ratios of food items are consistent:
red meat 1 12
organ meat 1 44 (liver, kidney)
fish 1 12
carbonated drinks 1 8

It is easily seen that none of the calcium/phosphorus ratios of the basic foods are anywhere near correct. These increase the calcium loss from the body including the bones and teeth. The more meat you eat, the more calcium supplementation you need. It is quite simple. Veterinarians know this but we suppose that “orthodox” physicians believe that if a “truth” will wipe out a medical specialty, it must be ignored or kept a secret!

Treatment of arthritis should include calcium at 2000 mg/day and more if you eat meat two or three times per day. Also take magnesium at 800-1000 mg/day, and cartilage (collagen, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate) at 1000 mg t.i.d. For rheumatoid arthritis, add tetracycline or minocycline at the low dose acne therapy level daily for one year, or oral food grade H202 to deal with the Mycoplasma infection. IV chelation with EDTA and H202 is very helpful! Take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, B6 100 mg b.i.d., B3 450 mg b.i.d. as time-release capsules. Take Vitamin E at 1000 IU/day. Copper at 2 mg/day (may be absorbed from a copper bracelet), selenium 300 meg/day, zinc 50 mg t.i.d. Plant derived colloidal minerals are 98 percent absorbable and give excellent results!

Rotation elimination diets can help when food allergies aggravate or precipitate symptoms. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula is an easy recipe that can be prepared at home that will economically provide all of the necessary raw material to rebuild cartilage, joint capsules, and bone. Autoimmune urine therapy is very useful for all types of arthritis, especially those aggravated by food allergies. DMSO or pain gels are useful in reducing inflammation and pain when applied topically. Herbs including licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), poison ivy (Rhus toxicodendron), and alfalfa (powder or sprouts) are useful adjuncts to arthritis treatment programs.

ASTHMA is a respiratory disease that is characterized by sudden onset with closure of bronchial tubes by spasmodic muscles. ATOPIC ASTHMA has eczema as a feature along with the respiratory disease. Asthma is a disease of malabsorption with essential fatty acid deficiencies and deficiencies of manganese and magnesium. Treatment should include betaine HC1, pancreatic enzymes, and ox bile at 75-200 mg each t.i.d. before meals. Autoimmune urine therapy, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., and plant derived colloidal mineral suspensions that contain magnesium and manganese should be taken. Herbs are very useful for treating asthma with some caution when you have allergies to plants. Useful plants include honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium), jaborandi (Pilocarpus jaborandi), leeks (Allium porrum), garlic (Allium sativum), and evening primrose oil or fluid extract (Oenothera biennia). A variety of standard “inhalers” are available to cope with sudden attacks.

ATHEROSCLEROSIS: see arteriosclerosis

ATOPIC DERMATITIS (eczema) is part of the “atopic” patient syndrome which includes asthma, alopecia (hair loss), and lowered immune response. This syndrome is one of malabsorption of essential fatty acids and can include emotional symptoms similar to PMS, hypo­glycemia, asthma, bronchitis, or diabetes as a result of malabsorption of chromium. The malabsorption is usually the result of a “celiac” disease type change in the small intestinal lining rather than dietary deficiency. Do a pulse test to determine food allergies.

Treatment should include a rotation or an elimination diet (usually a pulse test will reveal cow’s milk, wheat, or soy products to be the culprits). Autoimmune therapy can be very useful. Supplementation should include essential fatty acids as flaxseed oil at 9 grams per day and vitamin E at 1000 IU/day. If malabsorption is a major problem, the fatty acids may be taken as interlipids IV.

ATHLETES FOOT is actually a form of “ringworm” caused by the fungus Tinea pedis. Treatment includes hydrotherapy in baths of 3 percent boric acid, alternating with vinegar baths. Supplements include zinc at 50 mg ti.d., 300,000 units of vitamin A/day as beta carotene, and B6 at 100 mg b.i.d.

Various commercial athletes foot products are available as creams, sprays, and powders. We prefer Desenex.

ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (ADD/ADHD, Hyperkinetic, hyperactive) is characterized as hyperactivity and inability to concentrate, cognate, and retain information. Many affected are disruptive, mean and cruel to other children and small animals, wet the bed, have nightmares, and like to play with fire.

ADD and ADHD individuals (children and adults) are sensitive to sugar (natural and processed) the way some people are sensitive to alcohol. This sugar effect ranges from narcolepsy (hyperinsulinemia coma), ADD/ADHD to downright madness (manic depression) and criminal behavior (school violence including shootings).

The standard medical approach to ADD/ADHD is to prescribe Ritalin or Prozac to chemically subdue the ADD/ADHD victim. The side effects of these drugs are significant and include biochemical and emotional addiction, drooling, drowsiness, and explosive emotions (violence, suicide, etc.).

Treatment must include complete removal of alcohol and sugar (natural and processed) from the diet and educating the ADD/ADHD victim that there is a connection between sugar consumption and their negative behavior. The whole family must eat the same way if this dietary approach is to be successful! Plant derived colloidal lithium, chromium, and vanadium are specific supplements to be taken. It is best to take all 90 essential nutrients.

AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS of all kinds from kidney disease to rheumatoid arthritis (the autoimmune aspect appears as a secondary event rather than the cause as the “orthodox” doctor would have you believe) can be benefited by nutritional support. Essential fatty acids are of great value and may be taken alternately as salmon oil and flaxseed oil at the rate of 9 grams per day along with vitamin E at 1000 IU/day, 300,000 IU of vitamin A as beta carotene, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., and selenium at 300-1000 meg/day. Injectable thymus at 2-5 cc/day is very useful. Be sure to avoid fried foods, margarine, sugar, and caffeine. (See AIDS)

AUTISM is characterized by resistance to change, repetitive acts, and learning/speech disorders. Concurrent food allergies and hypoglycemia markedly aggravate the presentation of autism. Each must be dealt with as a separate entity if real progress is to be made. (Don’t forget the baseline vitamin/minerals.)

Treatment should include avoidance of sugar and food allergens. Supplementation should include calcium and magnesium at double the supplement rate, B6 at five times the RDA for weight and age, and chromium and vanadium for the hypoglycemia. Autoimmune urine therapy can be very useful.

BACKACHE is usually a muscle strain from overwork and/or a “subluxation” (a malalignment of vertebrae) resulting from a fall, osteoporosis, arthritis, bone spurs and calcium deposits, auto accident (whiplash), or improper lifting technique. On occasion, a serious case of constipation will cause a “backache” from impacted stool or pressure from gas. Eighty-five percent of adult Americans get back problems. Plant derived colloidal minerals in the form of Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula have been reported to rebuild cartilage, bones, tendons, and ligaments thus relieving back problems without surgery.

Prevention includes proper lifting technique (straight back and bend knees), strengthening exercises, proper nutrition including calcium (2000 mg) and magnesium (800 mg), high fiber diets, and eight glasses of water per day.

Treatment includes massage, chiropractic, hydrotherapy, Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula, and poultices of herbs including comfrey (Symphytum officinale) and arnica (Arnica montana).

BAD BREATH (halitosis) can be dealt with by basic care. Use a good anti-tartar toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide tooth gel, floss upon awakening and after meals, use a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash, parsley may be used after each meal, and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. Digestive enzymes with betaine HC1 maybe useful.

BALDNESS (thinning hair): see alopecia. Colloidal tin is reported to be effective!

BEDSORES result from pressure of body weight in areas of poor circulation—usually in areas of bony prominence. Massage, sponge baths and ultraviolet light are good preventive therapies. Topical applications can include zinc oxide ointment, colloidal silver, plant derived colloidal minerals, aloe vera ointment, vitamin E oil and DMSO, eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), wild carrot (Daucus carota), and comfrey (Symphytum officinale) may all be used topically and/or in poultices to encourage granulation tissue formation and healing.

BEDWETTING is a complex syndrome of children and teenagers. It can be the result of food sensitivities (frequently milk) or hypoglycemia (most often sugar sensitivities). Compare what happens when the “patient” eats complex carbohydrates, animal protein, ice cream, and cookies before bed. Pulse tests and diet diaries with elimination diagnostic diets will be revealing.

Kids who bedwet are also known to play with fire (literally) and are cruel to other kids and animals. They ultimately are potential perpetrators of violence, school violence, mass murder, and serial killings. This is a serious problem not to be treated lightly.

Treatment includes supplementation with all 90 essential nutrients. Pay special attention to chromium and vanadium at 50-150 meg/day, unsweetened cranberry juice 4 oz. b.i.d., and calcium/magnesium (2000 mg/800 mg). Avoidance of sugar natural and processed, simple sugars (i.e. honey, sweet juices, fruit, etc.), and allergenic foods (i.e. milk and sugar being the most common).

BEE STINGS: A painful “sting” caused by the “injection” of bee venom (formaldehyde) by an agitated bee. Pain gels, DMSO, or Caladryl lotions are very effective in relieving the pain. On occasion an individual becomes sensitive or “allergic” to the bee venom. When this happens a potentially life threatening “anaphylactic shock” situation exists. Prevention is limited to avoidance of bee stings.

Treatment for individuals deemed sensitive to bee stings is limited to the use of adrenaline (epinephrine) from a “bee sting” kit.

BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is perhaps the most common infirmity of aging in the human male. More than 500,000 American males (85 percent over the age of 50) are afflicted each year. As the prostate enlarges with age (usually the result of a zinc deficiency), the tight outer capsule prevents the gland from expanding outwardly so it squeezes down on the neck of the bladder thus producing the well-recognized symptoms of “frequency” and “urgency” in urination. The prostate is an internal gland that can be “palpated” (felt) with the gloved finger. If you are going to do this exam yourself, it is important to examine the prostate monthly like a woman examines her breast monthly. The normal prostate is firm like an orange and about the size of a walnut. It is found at a depth in the rectum that is just comfortably in reach for the average length index finger.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy produces a uniform enlargement that may be hard in “acute” enlargement or “boggy” in chronic enlargement. Tumors, either benign or malignant, tend to be irregular and nodular. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) may be elevated.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy is treated with zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids as flaxseed oil at 9 grams per day, high fiber diets including pumpkin seeds and alfalfa, 300,000 IU vitamin A as beta carotene per day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, chlorophyll (best source is alfalfa), amino acids (glycine, alanine, and glutamic acid) at five grams each daily for 90 days, hydrogen peroxide (20 drops per oz. of aloe juice) at 1 oz. b.i.d., unsweetened cranberry juice at two pints per day, herbs including saw palmetto (Sarenoa serrulata), and selenium at 250 meg t.i.d.

BELL’S PALSY is the sudden drooping of one side of the face due to an inflammation, swelling, or squeezing (the result of osteoporosis) of the “facial” nerve (the 7th cranial nerve as it passes through the skull). Bell’s palsy is often mistaken for a stroke because of the sudden onset. Numbness and partial or total loss of muscular control on the affected side of the face are the typical signs and symptoms. Treated properly, there can be as much as an 80 percent chance of significant recovery.

Treatment is B12 at 1000 meg/day for a total of 20,000 meg, calcium/ magnesium at 2,000 mg and 800 mg per day, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Colloidal minerals are useful. Treat for osteoporosis with Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula.

BIPOLAR DISORDER (mania/manic depression) is one of those descriptive diagnosis that “orthodox” psychiatry issues. We would estimate that as many as 90 percent of the non-drug dependent patients are totally “curable” at home with home testing and home remedies. Food allergies, sugar sensitivities, environmental sensitivities, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia are the major considerations.

Testing for allergies can be accomplished using the pulse test and/or the diet diary and rotation elimination diet. Environmental sensitivities can be identified by the pulse test and avoidance/challenge tests. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia require a six-hour GGT. Be sure to record the emotions and behavior of the patient during the entire six hours—the numbers alone are not revealing in and of themselves.

Foods that are common offenders are cow’s milk, corn wheat, soy, rye, and sugar. Environmental culprits include house dust, perfume, formaldehyde, and makeup. On the glucose tolerance test, the mania and/or depression may occur on the ascending or the descending arms of the curve so someone must stay with the patients and record emotions and events!!!

Treatment of bipolar disorder requires a considerable effort on the part of the “doctor” and “nurse” because a positive turn around may take some weeks with temporary relapses.

Treatment should include chromium and vanadium at 500 meg q.i.d., autoimmune urine therapy for five to eight treatments, rotation or avoidance of offending foods, avoidance of sugar, caffeine, environ­mental allergens, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., niacin (B3) 450 mg. q.i.d. in time release tablets, Bl, B5, B6 each at 100 mg b.i.d., DL-phenylalanine at 5 gms b.i.d., and choline at 250 mg b.i.d. Plant derived colloidal minerals that contain lithium may be useful.

BIRTH DEFECTS (congenital birth defects) are a national crime in the United States! More than 98 percent are the result of preconception and early pregnancy malnutrition of the embryo! Today there are more teenagers that give birth to Down’s Syndrome babies than women over 35. Down’s Syndrome, Turner’s Syndrome, gay behavior, cleft lips, cleft palates, hernias, heart defects, limb defects, spina bifida, anencephaly, etc. are all examples of preventable diseases that have been eliminated by the veterinary profession by taking great pains to give proper nutrition to the female lab animal, pet, and farm species before and during pregnancy. If you want to see why Americans have such a low rating when it comes to preventing birth defects (32nd in the world!!!), just go to a zoo on a Sunday or a fast food operation and watch what the teenage girls and pregnant women eat!

Prevention of birth defects requires more than “prenatal” vitamins after the second month of pregnancy when the “orthodox” doctor gives his pronouncement “you’re pregnant.” By then the embryo has formed all organs and tissues (for better or worse!). Conscious attention to preconception vitamins, minerals, and plant derived colloidal trace minerals and avoidance of alcohol is especially important to teenage and middle age mothers-to-be. Don’t wait for anyone’s advice, it isn’t going to come. Do a home pregnancy test as soon as you think you’re pregnant. If you haven’t been taking supplements, start immediately!!!

BLADDER STONES (kidney stones, cystic calculi) are ironically caused by a calcium and/or a magnesium deficient diet and when you have raging osteoporosis. The minerals in the “stones” come from your own bones!!! Diagnosis may require an x-ray (a flat “plate” of the abdomen). Don’t forget the gonadal shield!!! The signal to think “stones” is blood in the urine (use the urine test sticks) and pain or “colic” that gets worse in the bladder or kidney area. “Stones” are potentially very painful and may require Tylenol-3 or morphine to cope with the pain if they are obstructing a ureter (the tube from the kidney to the bladder).

Treatment should include an anti-inflammatory medication such as licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) to reduce swelling at the “log jam” so the “stones” can pass. If this isn’t strong enough, you may have to resort to prednisone for three (3) days to accomplish this part of the therapy. Calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg is imperative to stop calcium loss from the bones. Reduce meat intake (go more toward the vegetarian scale temporarily) to get your dietary calcium/phosphorus ratio in order. Herbs including dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), khella (Ammi visnaga), madder tea (Rubia tinctorium), and rupturewort tea (Hernia glabra), and unsweetened cranberry juice to acidify the urine can be used.

BLEEDING from superficial wounds is an easy medical problem to deal with by using pressure with a sterile gauze “sponge” or a “Band-Aid” on digits. Bleeding under the skin may indicate vitamin E or vitamin K deficiencies or excessive doses of prescription “blood thinners.” Bleeding in the stool, on the other hand, can be a serious symptom indicating hemorrhoids (bright red blood on toilet paper), stomach ulcers (black bloody or “coffee grounds” stool), ulcerative colitis (bloody mucus in stool), colon cancer (bloody mucus in the stool), or coughing blood—lung cancer, etc.

Diagnosis of the serious causes of “bleeding” will require some sophisticated diagnostic techniques performed by a “user friendly” physician (depending on the state, this may include an N.D., D.C., D.O., or M.D.).

Regardless of the cause, superficial bleeding may be treated with poultices of plantain (Plantago major). The specific therapies for the more serious problems will be dealt with as they are discussed.

BLEEDING BOWELS can be part of the irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea, or intestinal catarrh. Hemorrhoids can show bright red blood on the toilet paper after passing a stool. On a serious note one needs to consider bowel cancer. Amebic dysentery and other parasites should also be considered in the diagnosis.

Treatment for the bleeding bowel should include mullein (Verbascum thapsus), vitamin C at 1,000 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, alfalfa, and specific therapy per diagnosis.

BLEEDING GUMS are an early warning for several problems, including vitamin C deficiency (scurvy), calcium deficiency (or bad calcium/phosphorus ratio—osteoporosis), receding gums (the gums recede because of underlying bone loss), or vitamin E deficiency.

Treatment should include vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800 lU/day, correct dietary calcium/phosphorus ratio with supple­mental calcium/magnesium at 2,000 mg and 800 mg, herbal therapy including mouthwash with alpine ragwort (Senecio fuchsii), and mouthwash with aloe/hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver.

BLOATING (gastric) is the accumulation of gas in the stomach. Normally the stomach is sterile because of the acid environment; however, when hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) occurs, bacteria and yeast from the small intestine migrates up into the stomach. The bacteria in the stomach now “ferments” carbohydrates and sugars that are eaten and produce gas or “bloat.”

Treatment of “belch, burp, and bloat” includes oral hydrogen peroxide (20 drops/oz. of liquid to dilute the hydrogen peroxide) at 1 oz. b.i.d., colloidal minerals and betaine HC1, and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 5 minutes before meals.

BODY ODOR (foot odor, stinky tennis shoes) can occur in anyone, especially teenagers and older people, and often indicates a zinc deficiency. Treatment includes zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., calcium/magnesium at 2,000 mg and 800 mg, plant derived colloidal minerals at 1 oz. per 100 pounds of body weight, lots of green leafy vegetables, alfalfa, and baths and deodorants with hydrogen peroxide. Use bleach to wash socks.

BOILS (carbuncles, abscesses) are usually caused by a “staph” infection of the skin and hair follicles. Boils can occur at a site of irritation. Usually they occur at the neck near a collar line. The tender pus-filled “boil” can be brought to a “head” by poultices of 3 percent boric acid and opened with a blade.

Treatment includes flushing the boil with sand sagebrush (Artemisia fififolia), enchinacea (Echinaca angustifolia) and/or hydrogen peroxide, vitamin C at bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, and zinc 50 mg t.i.d. Antibiotic ointment may be considered if new boils appear until the vitamins and minerals begin to take effect. Don’t forget the base line supplements.

BONE PAIN (including “spurs,” calcium deposits, Osgood-Slaughter, Legg-Perthes) can be immobilizing and crippling. Bone pain can be part of the “growing pains” especially at the joints or the insertions of tendons into bones (which is where “spurs” occur). Bone pain is a self-diagnosing problem. If it persists, x-rays should be taken to confirm diagnosis of fracture, arthritis, “spurs,” or rule the more severe problem of primary or metastatic bone cancer.

Treatment of bone pain and “spurs” includes Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, and magnesium at 500 mg t.i.d. for as long as one to two years. Correct the calcium/phosphorus ratio with calcium at 2,000 mg/day and reduce meat intake. Herbs including comfrey (Symphytum officinale) may be helpful. Plant derived colloidal minerals have reversed spurs and calcium deposits without surgery by remodeling the bone.

BREAST CYSTS (fibrocystic breast disease) are a painful and cosmetic disease, yet benign. The normal breast tissue is overgrown with scar tissue and cyst formation (usually multiple cysts). Prevention is simple enough and is related to avoidance of methyl xanthines (i.e. caffeine, coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, etc.).

Treatment includes elimination of methyl xanthines from the diet, essential fatty acids 5 gm t.i.d., and vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day.

BREAST TENDERNESS (PMS) is a common symptom of PMS and early pregnancy. The tenderness of PMS is cyclical and that of early pregnancy will be associated with missed periods and a positive home pregnancy test.

Treatment includes vitamin E topically and essential fatty acids orally at 5 gm t.i.d., 2000 mg of absorbable calcium, avoid methyl xanthines, and remember the base line supplements.

BRITTLE NAILS are a common ailment, especially in vegetarians, teenagers, pregnant women, and individuals with food allergies. The causes of brittle nails are malabsorption or deficiencies of essential fatty acids, amino acids (low protein-vegetarian diets), collagen, keratin, calcium, iron, or zinc.

Treatment of brittle nails includes dealing with food allergies to improve absorption, gelatin (unflavored and unsweetened or diabetic brands), essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, the base line supplementation, and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg each t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals. To diagnose food allergies, use the pulse test—it’s cheap and accurate.


BRONCHITIS (grippe, catarrh, chest colds) can be caused by viral or bacterial infections. Allergies, both food and inhalant, will aggravate bronchitis as will essential fatty acid, magnesium, and manganese deficiencies. If bronchitis persists after treatment for five to ten days, consider cystic fibrosis in children and lung cancer in adults. X-rays will be necessary to determine diagnosis of chronic processes.

Treatment includes steam vaporizers at night, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., digestive enzymes and betaine HC1 at 75-200 mg each, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU as beta carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., and herbs including slippery elm (Ulmus fulva), coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), cowslip (Primula veris), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) as a poultice/chest rub and/or place in vaporizer, Irish moss (Chondrus crispus), pansy (Viola tricolor), pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberose), and holly hock (Althaea rosea).

BRUISES are the result of a bump or blow that ruptures blood vessels and releases blood into the surrounding tissue including the skin. The fragility (tenderness) of capillaries can result from overdoses of blood thinners, copper deficiency, vitamin K, vitamin C, or vitamin E deficiencies.

Treatment includes vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, vitamin K at 30 meg per day, and pancreatic enzymes at 200 mg t.i.d. between meals. Take enzymes between meals so they get into your bloodstream and dissolve blood clots. Take DMSO topically, pain gel, and herbs including arnica (Arnica montana), marigold (Calendula officinalis), witch hazel (Hamaelis virginiana), and yellow sweet clover (Metilotus officinalis).

BRUXISM (teeth grinding) is the clenching or grinding of teeth. Bruxism usually occurs during sleep and is, therefore, often overlooked until wear of the dental enamel is observed. Bruxism can be the result of food allergies (use the pulse test to find out—sugar, milk, and wheat tend to be the offenders), hypoglycemia (bed-wetting and nightmares may occur with bruxism if hypoglycemia is involved), or deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, and/or B6.

Treatment includes avoidance or rotation of offending food and elimination of sugar from the diet especially before bed. Also take calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day and B6 at 50 mg t.i.d.

BURNS are the painful result of contact with radiant (sun) or thermal heat (fire or hot materials). Prevention of sunburn is easy with modern “sunscreen” products. The nose may need the special protection of zinc oxide ointment.

1st degree—red, painful surface burns from “sunburn,” steam, etc. Dilute white vinegar 1:1 with water and cover burn surface twice daily. Aloe vera or vitamin E oil can be applied locally.

2nd degree—some degree of damage into the second layer of skin with blisters. Bathe the burn area with vitamin E oil, colloidal silver, or cover with zinc oxide. Supplementation of vitamin C to bowel tolerance will be of value.

3rd and 4th degree burns are characterized by loss of skin, blisters, and, in the case of the 4th degree, actual charring takes place. These types of burns require professional help to prevent infection and fluid loss, and the patient may require “plastic surgery.”

BURSITIS is an inflammation of bursal sacs that cushion tendons as they pass over joints (i.e. shoulder, “housemaid’s knee,” “miner’s elbow,” and “bunions”). Overwork of an “out-of-shape” joint can bring on a flare up. Don’t forget the base line vitamins and minerals as a preventative along with moderate exercise.

Treatment of bursitis includes topical pain gels, DMSO, or liniments with eucalyptus to bring more circulation to the area and remove swelling (which is the source of bursitis pain). Oral support includes B12 at 1,000 meg/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids 1,200 mg/day, rutin 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day respectively, gelatin, cartilage 5 gm t.i.d., and alfalfa. Be sure to include Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula in your bursitis program.

CALCULUS (tartar) is a buildup of calcium carbonate on the tooth, usually at the gingival junction where the gum attaches to the tooth. The source of the calcium is the patient’s own bony calcium which is being lost in the saliva. That’s why tartar is worst on the back of the lower incisors. When this happens, you may need more magnesium to hold calcium in the bones and correct a severe dietary calcium/ phosphorus ratio problem. Reduce red meat, soft drinks, and any other major source of phosphorus in the diet. The use of hydrogen peroxide tooth gels and antitartar toothpastes will help reduce existing tartar and prevent build up.

Treatment of calculus and tartar includes flossing, use a “dental pick” that you can purchase from a pharmacy to pop off large “plates” of hardened material from the back of and between teeth, use a firm tooth­brush and hydrogen peroxide tooth gels and tartar control toothpaste. Treat for osteoporosis with Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula.

CANCER (carcinoma, sarcoma, neoplasm, tumor, and malignancy) is one of the more formidable syndromes (a disease is “one diagnosis/ one cause”) of today. Prevention is the “magic bullet” that is effective against all forms of cancer.

Prevention of cancer (CA) takes a considerable conscious effort, but then, aren’t you worth the same or more effort than the maintenance of your Porsche!!! Don’t forget the base line vitamins and colloidal minerals. Be sure to incorporate dietary fiber in each meal. Try to OD on beta-carotene (almost impossible—first sign is dry skin) at about a vitamin A equivalent of 300,000 IU per day. Use selenium at 250 to 500 meg per day. Avoid fried foods and margarine. Consume a lowfat diet, but don’t forget the essential fatty acids for your immune system. Eat four to six cups of vegetables each day and drink eight glasses of water per day. Preferably drink filtered water; drinking distilled water on a regular basis will demineralize your bones! Don’t smoke and only drink alcohol in moderation or better yet—not at all. Make sure you have at least two bowel movements per day (better yet, three). Use sunscreens in intense sunlight. Take alfalfa daily in some form as a detoxifier. Do a liver flush once or twice each month by drinking apple juice for three days. Do a hair analysis each year to monitor toxic metal load as well as absorption capability. If you are not absorbing very well, all your nutrient minerals will be low. Check for food allergies using the pulse test. Use biodegrad­able household cleaners. Avoid foods fried in fat or oil and use organic foods as much as possible. The diagnosis of cancer usually requires an ultrasound exam, biopsy, x-ray, or the use of endoscopic exams. Elevated CEA or PSA are signals to look farther. You are your own first line of defense, therefore, if you find an unusual lump, ulcer, bleeding, extended diarrhea, pain, change in urination or bowel habit, or mole that changes character you should consider cancer as a possible cause. If you do suspect cancer, start with your own therapies right away. It may be weeks before you can get to the “orthodox” doctor for a “rule-in” or “rule-out” diagnosis. Don’t go for six months without treatment because the “doctor was too busy.” What’s more important, your health or his golf game? Once cancer has been “ruled-in” you should intensify your efforts in your own behalf as no one cares as much about you as much as you do!

Treatment of cancer is a busy procedure at best and until you get it “under control” it will take your full-time effort whether you opt to take the “CUT, BURN, and POISON” route as well or if you opt totally for alternative therapies. A useful fact to help your thinking process is that the United States government says that THE FIVE-YEAR SURVIVAL RATE OF CANCER PATIENTS HAS NOT CHANGED OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS DESPITE NEW TECHNIQUES IN SURGERY, RADIATION, AND CHEMOTHERAPY—IN FACT, UNTREATED PATIENTS, AS A GROUP, SURVIVED LONGER! What the government doesn’t tell you is that the “untreated” patient group includes those treated with alternative therapies!!

As with any therapy, you will want to educate yourself to benefits and limits of alternative therapies. Using one system or medication for cancer therapy is like limiting the United States defense system to ground forces (this would be a totally absurd line of thinking in these days of nuclear warfare, ICBMs, submarines, etc.). Fortunately, other countries do not have an FDA and, as a result, they have more pharma­ceutical companies willing to search for, and make available, medications that our FDA forbids. As a result, our health in terms of dollars spent (1997—$1.2 trillion) and return places us 23rd in the world—kind of frightening, isn’t it! A list of medications follows with a brief discussion of the action of each and for what cancer they are recommended. Most can be administered to yourself on a maintenance level once the cancer is under control.

HYDRAZINE SULFATE inhibits the production of glucose from lactic acid in the liver, which literally starves the rapidly growing cancer cells. Hydrazine can prevent metastasis (spreading) and will reduce the size of large tumor masses. The shrinkage of tumor mass has all kinds of benefit including increase in appetite, feeling of wellbeing, reduction in pain, mood improvement, and an improvement in circulation (blood and lymph). This compound is nonspecific and can be used for any tumor type cancer.

CESIUM CHLORIDE provides “high pH therapy for cancer” by entering the cancer cell and causing an alkaline environment. It is recommended for all types of cancer but is particularly effective for SARCOMA, BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA (with bone metastasis), and a spectacular 97 percent improvement of COLON CANCER.

LAETRILE, in short, releases small amounts of cyanide which normal cells can detoxify but cancer cells can’t. The cyanide from the laetrile then kills the cancer cell. Laetrile may be taken as a preventative measure or a therapy.

GERMANIUM is found in significant amounts in a variety of plants including imported Shiitake mushrooms, ginseng, garlic, etc. Germanium functions by increasing the oxygen flow into cells from the blood (cancer cells do not like high levels of oxygen), increases macrophage (scavenger cells) activity, increases the numbers of antibody forming cells, T-cells, B-lymphocytes, and killer cells, and induces the body to produce interferon! This can be used as prevention or in therapy programs.

CLODRONATE is especially useful for preventing and controlling bone metastasis (spread of cancer from original site to the bone) which is commonplace in BREAST and PROSTATIC CANCER. Bone metastasis is very painful and difficult to treat with conventional chemotherapy. Clodronate works by stopping the loss of calcium from the bone so that the cancer can be effectively walled off.

FLUTAMIDE: and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) together are more effective than surgical or chemical castration in cases of PROSTATIC CANCER as well as more aesthetically accepted. Flutamide therapy works well against the original cancer as well as the metastatic bone cancer. Flutamide produces an 81 percent remission against 0 percent remission for two years when compared with “orthodox” approaches.

HOXEY HERBAL FORMULA, a red clover herbal mix, is one of the granddaddies of the modern cancer remedies. It is nonspecific and may be used like Laetrile as a preventive or remedy.

LEVAMISOL is a new product (actually a sheep wormer) that has shown excellent results for cancer by preventing metastisis in general and specifically for colon, breast, brain, throat, esophagus, stomach, liver, and pancreas. LEVAMISOL could be a cancer “magic bullet” for the 1990s!!!

POLYERGA inhibits tumor growth by reduction of glycolysis. Polyerga is effective against tumor forming cancer and can be easily administered at home. It is, therefore, very economical.

There are many adjunctive therapies for cancer programs. Remember it is absurd to use single mode programs. Among adjunct therapies, hydrogen peroxide stands out. “Orthodox” medicine used H202 IV in the 1800s so there is lots of history with no bad side effects as well as lots of positive evidence that increasing oxygen in the blood has beneficial effects in your fight against cancer. Remember cancer doesn’t like elevated oxygen levels. CO QO increases the immune fighting ability of your phagocytes as well as increases the efficiency of tissue detoxification.

DMSO is useful for the treatment of LEUKEMIA in that it causes the maturation of the “premature” WBCs of leukemia.

Thymus extracts are useful to enhance the thymus gland function and thus the immune system.

Autoimmune urine and autoimmune blood therapies enhance the body’s defense systems against foreign substances including cancer proteins in much the same way that allergy shots do against pollen allergies.

Carbamide (urea) is in keeping with the autoimmune urine therapy. Carbamide is particularly effective for LIVER CANCER.

Beta-carotene taken with vitamin E can be taken at as much as 600,000 IU vitamin A equivalent! This will be of significant benefit in cancer therapy programs, especially CARCINOMAS. The vitamin A thus provided will also help the thymus gland produce antibodies and make laetrile more effective.

Selenium is a trace mineral that has been investigated very intensively as a cancer preventative and as therapeutic nutrition. 1,000-3,000 meg/day is considered to be the proper therapy dose. The medical school at the University of Arizona (JAMA December 1996) showed that selenium given at 250 meg per day will reduce your risk of esophageal cancer by 71 percent, prostate cancer by 69 percent, colon and rectal cancer by 64 percent, and lung cancer by 48 percent. The same study showed that if you give 250 meg of selenium to a cancer patient, it can double their expected life span. In an earlier study, the University of California at San Diego showed that 250 meg of selenium every day will reduce the risk of breast cancer by 50 to 80 percent depending on the type of cancer. Plant derived colloidal selenium is 98 percent absorbable.

Shark cartilage and shark liver oil contain substances (angiostatin and endostatin) that stop the formation of capillaries that feed new metastatic growths of cancer. Although shark cartilage has been used by the Chinese for 5,000 years to treat cancer, the orthodox oncologists have pooh poohed this practice as quackery. Harvard Medical School and Yale Medical School have done 25 years of solid research on the effects of shark cartilage on the rate of cancer metastisis and have proved that angiostatin and endostatin do in fact retard the growth of capillaries that are necessary for the support of cancer growth. If you already have metastisis, the shark cartilage will shrink the metastisis and reduce pain. If the metastatic growth is smaller than a grape it may disappear altogether. You don’t need to wait for the genetically engineered angiostatin or endostatin to appear on your doctor’s prescription pad; if you have cancer start using shark cartilage at 70 grams per day. If you think this is expensive, wait til the genetically engineered angiostatin and endostatin hit the market!

Chemotherapy in “micro-doses” in conjunction with alternative therapies or chemotherapy into the arterial blood supply of the cancer infested tissue or organ can substantially reduce the negative side effects of chemotherapy.

Intravenous infusions with total nutrition, especially in the early phases of alternative therapy, are very useful in providing your body with much needed raw material for rebuilding normal tissue as well as replenishing the ravaged immune system. This total nutrition should include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids as well as electrolytes. It is well established that cancer patients have poor digestion and absorption. This poor absorption is probably from the long-term effects of food allergies on the gut producing celiac type changes.

CANDIDIASIS (chronic fatigue syndrome) is an infection caused by Candida albicans, a ubiquitous, normally harmless yeast (saprophyte) of your skin, mouth, vagina, and intestine. Under certain circumstances of reduced immune status this organism becomes a parasite and therefore pathological (disease creating) when its competitors—the normal bacteria of the gut—are killed by long term use of antibiotics, allowing them to proliferate unchecked. Hypochlorhydria, the reduced production of stomach acid (usually the result of salt restriction), allows the Candida albicans to move into the stomach—an unusual location. Stress will cause the reduction of stomach acid after stress reaches the point of decompensation. Food allergies change the lining of the gut in a manner very similar to celiac disease which causes an increased nutrient concentration in the gut—this hyper fertilized environment is very attractive to C. albicans. The overgrowth of the organism eventually spills over into the blood stream and, thus, infests the body proper.

Prevention includes being aware of your intestines and knowing your digestive and absorptive abilities and patterns. Do pulse tests for food allergies, avoid long term use of antibiotics, and as you grow older take betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes before meals to offset the normal decrease in production of stomach acid. Be sure to take these digestive aids if you are under stress; deal aggressively with any disease that lowers your immune capacity!

The diagnosis of candidiasis may be made from symptoms. However, if you want a sure diagnosis, get a blood test for antibodies against Candida albicans or a skin test (very similar to a TB tine test). A positive test is a sure diagnosis. A negative test may or may not be revealing. Anergy is a state in which the immune system is so exhausted that it can’t even react to a diagnostic test!!!

Symptoms of candidiasis include forgetfulness, irritability, fatigue, nausea, flu-like joint and muscle pain, and a high emotional state. Gastrointestinal symptoms may or may not be present (i.e. diarrhea, dyspepsia, gas, etc.). Most of the patients we see have been on oral Nystatin for some length of time with little or no positive effect. No wonder, since Nystatin is not absorbed into the body properly and therefore only controls the C. albicans in the gut.

Treatment for candidiasis includes treating food allergies, hypoglycemia, chemical sensitivities and any concurrent infection (i.e. herpes, EBV, CMV, etc.), and correcting indigestion. Hydrogen peroxide and enriched aloe vera juice may be taken orally at 1 oz. b.i.d. upon arising and retiring (we like H202 that is mixed with aloe vera which makes it palatable and makes it easy to take). Also, there is no danger in this diluted form. Hydrogen peroxide lOcc in a DMSO lOcc and 5 percent dextrose solution; 500cc should be administered IV to kill the systemic infestation. It takes 10-12 infusions to get the desired effect.

Germanium orally and IM is a good adjunctive therapy as it helps get oxygen into the cells. Remember Candida albicans is anaerobic and doesn’t like oxygen.

Replantation of Lactobacillus acidophilus, a friendly resident of the gut and a primary competitor to Candida albicans, is a useful part of any treatment program. Use the retention enemas with 4 oz. of warm water containing 10 billion organisms (empty twenty 500,000 organism capsules into the water). A retention douche of 3 oz. for ten minutes weekly is suggested. The external genital area in both male and female may be washed with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution. Sixteen ounces of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide can safely be added to bath water. Autoimmune urine and blood therapies can be very useful in stimulating specific antibody production.

CANKER SORES (cold sores, fever blisters, aphthous stoma-stomatitis) can be precipitated by stress, consumption of certain foods as in food allergies (do the pulse test), and certain deficiencies. The canker sore is differentiated from herpes in that it only occurs on the movable oral mucosa of the lips and cheeks.

Treatment should include avoidance of allergens, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., lysine at 1,500 mg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, B-complex at 50 mg each t.i.d., and vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene.

CARBUNCLES (multiple boils): see boils

CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA (irregular heartbeat) is a common complaint of persons with food allergies and hypoglycemia, assuming organic heart disease has been ruled out. The classic for this syndrome is the “Chinese restaurant syndrome” which is caused by sensitivity to MSG. Many a patient with sudden irregular heartbeat and palpitations has called the ambulance thinking they had a “heart attack.” By the time the ambulance arrived, they no longer had symptoms. A history of eating out, especially at a Chinese restaurant, is the giveaway.

Deficiencies that cause cardiac arrhythmia include Bl (i.e. beriberi), B3 (i.e. pellagra), B6, chromium, selenium (i.e. Keshan Disease, cystic fibrosis), magnesium, potassium, carnitine, and CO Q10.

Treatment of cardiac arrythmia includes avoidance of known allergens (MSG, sugar, etc.), autoimmune urine and blood therapies, chromium at 50-100 meg t.i.d., B-complex at 50 mg ti.d., selenium at 100-300 meg t.i.d., magnesium at 1,000 mg/day, potassium at 500 mg ti.d., plant derived colloidal minerals, carnitine, and CO Q10 per label.

CARDIOMYOPATHY (Keshan Disease, muscular dystrophy of heart) is recognized by the WHO as a selenium deficiency disease. This is the type of heart disease that makes individuals a candidate for heart transplant in the eyes of the “orthodox” physician. It is typical that $1/month in selenium supplement would prevent this disease and the “need” for a $250,000 procedure that carries a 20 percent mortality rate. This disease is also found in cystic fibrosis patients (one of the telltale signals that genetics has nothing to do with cystic fibrosis). Cardiomyo­pathy is known as “mulberry heart disease” in pigs and “white muscle disease” in cattle, sheep, and horses. It is interesting that veterinarians have eliminated this disease in animals with selenium injections and oral supplementation of diets. Again, this is an example where it just might be better to go to your vet.

The diagnosis of cardiomyopathy is made from an ECG (electro­cardiogram) and a x-ray or CAT scan in an “orthodox” cardiologist’s office. The earliest signs are S-T and T wave changes. At this point, diet correction (avoid margarine and fried foods) and selenium supple­mentation will reverse this if the diagnosis is correct. The neglect of this will result in severe fatigue and sufficient heart muscle changes for the cardiologist to be able to “justify” a heart transplant.

The treatment of early cardiomyopathy includes selenium at 350 meg t.i.d. or 1,000 meg IM, plant derived colloidal selenium, vitamin E at 1,200 IU/day, and essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. I have personally seen individuals who have survived quite well with only selenium supplementation. They still have mild S-T or T wave changes, but they have been working out in the rice fields as a field hand for 25 years after their diagnosis and treatment with selenium.

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (slipped tendon, perosis, angel wing) is caused by compression of the median nerve in between the tendons of the forearm muscles by a shrinking of the circular wrist ligament that holds everything together. This compressed nerve causes radiating pain in the palm of the hand and wrist, especially when the underside of the wrist is forcefully tapped with an index finger or a reflex hammer. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a deficiency of arsenic, manganese, and choline.

Treatment includes B6 at 75 mg t.i.d., zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., plant derived colloidal arsenic, manganese, and choline. All of these nutrients are found in Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula. Compare this with the “orthodox” therapy of wrist surgery!

CARSICKNESS (motion sickness, sea sickness, air sickness, or motion sickness) is common in some individuals when repetitive angular and linear movement occur at the same time. Fixing the gaze on a single geographic point can help in seasickness when the patient is on deck but is a fruidess exercise in other forms of motion sickness. Symptoms include “green at the gills” feeling including vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.

Prevention of motion sickness includes the use of scopolamine transdermal patches (can be worn behind the ear) or Dramamine (both medications can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription). Herbs that are useful for motion sickness include ginger.

CATARACTS are caused by changes in the eye lens, which makes them opaque and unable to transmit light to the retina of the eye. Cataracts are easily diagnosed with the ophthalmoscope in a darkened examining room. Severe mature cataracts are snow white and opaque like mothballs and are easily seen with the unaided eye through the pupil of the eye. Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness in older people and should be dealt with aggressively and without delay.

Treatment of cataracts includes avoiding fried foods and margarine, the base line vitamin/mineral supplement plus vitamin E at 2,000 IU/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, Bl, B2, B3, B5, and B6 at 50 mg b.i.d., inositol at 150 mg/day, selenium at 250 meg/day, zinc at 25 mg t.i.d., bioflavonoids at 300 mg, glycine at 200 mg, 1-glutamine at 200 mg, 1-arginine at 300 mg/day, 1-cysteine at 400 mg/day, and glutathione at 40 mg/day. If diabetes or hypoglycemia is present, chromium and vanadium at 250 meg ti.d. should be added.

CATARRH (croup, whooping cough) is the mucus associated with a wide variety of nasal, throat, tracheal, and bronchial infections and/or irritations.

Treatment includes the use of steam at bedtime to break up the catarrh (mucus) and allow peaceful sleep. If this does not work and sleep is an urgent need, the use of drying agents such as Contac should be considered. Homeopathy can work quite well if a complete case is collected as there are many variables to be considered. Herbs that can be effective include vervain or wild hyssop (Verbena officinalis), cucumber (Cucumis sativa), wild cherry (Prunis serotina) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris).

CELIAC DISEASE (gluten enteropathy, nontropical sprue) is perhaps the most underrated disease in America today. Celiac disease is characterized by a loss of villi (finger-like projections) from the wall of the small intestines and a scaring of the supporting tissue, which effectively reduces the absorptive surface by as much as 85 percent. Classically celiac disease is caused by a wheat gluten sensitivity, thus the need for “gluten free diets.” If this change were limited to wheat only, it would be of small consequence because it is easily recognized. Compli­cating matters is the fact that cow’s milk albumen and soy protein can cause these same physical changes in the gut including loss of villi and scaring of supportive tissue of the small intestine progressing to the point whereby age 45-50 years, 90 percent of the intestine can be damaged resulting in a significant reduction of absorptive surface. The result is poor assimilation of nutrients which are the raw materials for tissue repair, growth, and maintenance of all tissues and the immune system.

Celiac disease is, therefore, the basic cause of many diseases including diabetes (i.e. malabsorption of chromium and vanadium), cancer (i.e. malabsorption of zinc, vitamin A, and selenium), and muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis (i.e. malabsorption of selenium in the pregnant mother resulting in damage to the fetus).

Diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease includes using the pulse test for allergies (i.e. whole wheat is great unless your allergic to it!!!) especially wheat, cow’s milk, and soy products and eliminating and/or rotating the offending allergen. Macrobiotic diets “work” not because there’s brown rice, but because of the elimination of wheat gluten and milk products. It takes 90 days to repair the injured gut which means there is great hope if you take the effort to see if, in fact, you are sensitive to wheat, cow’s milk, or soy.

CEREBRAL PALSY is a congenital birth defect which affects the cerebellum, the fine motor coordinator of the body. The cause is a preconception deficiency of zinc, copper, and B6 (perhaps celiac disease was the base cause of copper/zinc malabsorption in the mother). There is no treatment since the damage occurred to the fetus during the formation of the brain and you can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE (senile dementia) is more common in the United States than anywhere else. The “hardening” of the middle cerebral artery (the main blood supply to the brain) results in poor oxygen supply to the brain, which causes loss of memory and typical “senile” changes. As with arteriosclerosis, the “hardening” of the arteries is caused by smooth muscle scaring, followed by calcification and fatty cholesterol deposits. The risk factors include elevated blood cholesterol which is a building block of vitamin D. Vitamin D is angiotoxic (toxic to blood vessels) causing scaring of arterial smooth muscle and subsequent calcification. Magnesium deficiency also results in “malignant calcification” of cerebral arteries.

Prevention includes comfortable collars and ties so “eddies” are not created in the carotid arteries, which contributes to the deposition of cholesterol. Reduce the amount of vitamin D intake to a maximum of 400 IU/day (this is a real toughie when you consider animal fat, cholesterol, milk, butter, various prepared cereals and snack bars, supplements, and sunshine). Optimal levels of all nutrients including magnesium can also prevent “malignant calcification.”

Treatment of cerebrovascular disease includes EDTA chelation therapy to help remove plaque, hydrogen peroxide IV to increase oxygen, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, avoid alcohol, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, essential fatty acids at 5 mg t.i.d., selenium at 1,000 meg/day, centrophenoxine at 1,000-2,000 mg/day, hydergine at 4.5-9.0 mg/day, vasopressin (DIAPID) at 12-16 units/day, Lucidril at 4.4-8.0 gm/day, piracetam at 1.6 gm t.i.d. and choline at 9 gm/day concurrently, and lecithin at 4 gm b.i.d.

CERVICAL DYSPLASIA is considered a “precancerous” change in the surface cells of the uterine cervix. The “orthodox” approach, cryo­therapy, is primarily a “counter-irritant” procedure. In other words, create enough acute (new) damage so that the influx of WBCs and antibodies also help heal chronic changes as a “side benefit.” It is known that cervical dysplasia is, in fact, a manifestation of a chronic zinc and vitamin A deficiency. Diagnosis is made from a PAP smear and/or biopsy.

Treatment of cervical dysplasia is accomplished by painting the affected surface with Lugol’s Solution (an iodine preparation) and oral supplementation of beta carotene at an equivalent of 300,000 IU of vitamin A per day and oral zinc at 50 mg ti.d. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement here.

CHALAZION is the result of plugged “meibomian” glands in the eyelid. A chalazion is easily confused with a “sty” in the early stages. However, after a few days the swelling and pain disappear leaving a slow growing pea sized “mass” in the lid.

Treatment of chalazions include vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., and warm poultices of 3 percent boric acid on the closed lid, and an herb called eye bright. Boric acid ophthalmic ointment may be obtained from the pharmacy without prescription.

CHEILOSIS (angular stomatitis) is the result of vitamin B2 or riboflavin deficiency. The deficiency shows up as cracks in the corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds, and “geographic” tongue.

Treatment of cheilosis includes identification of food allergies and supplementation with B2 at 75 mg t.i.d.

CHICKEN POX (Varicella, Herpes zoster-shingles) is an acute viral disease in children and a chronic, painful disease in adults (i.e. shingles). Epidemics occur in children in winter and early spring. Day care children are almost guaranteed to contract chicken pox in their first year of day care. For those that are into vaccination, a post exposure vaccine is available for up to 72 hours post exposure. Clear vesicles surrounded by a small red zone characterize chicken pox. These lesions occur primarily on the upper torso.

Treatment of chicken pox in children is primarily symptomatic and includes Caladryl lotion topically, oatmeal baths, colloidal silver, and vitamin E oil applied directly to each vesicle or papule. Regardless of therapy, chicken pox will last from seven to twenty days.

CHIGGERS (mites) are small arthropods (eight-legged critters) that burrow into the skin and cause a severe pruritis (itching). These little creatures can be repelled while walking in the woods or meadows by placing pet “flea collars” around your ankles, waist, and wrists. The use of poultry dusting powder containing pyrethrums can be used in socks or belt line.

Treatment of chiggers once they establish themselves is limited to covering each burrow opening with clear nail polish, which literally smothers them.

CHILLS (fever) are associated with the flu and other viral infections. The patient will be sweating, shaking, trembling, and unable to feel warm, even when bundled up with blankets.

Treatment for chills includes wearing warmups with a hooded sweatshirt to cover the neck and head, massage, homeopathy, acupunc­ture, and herbs to include willow (Salix alba).

CHILBLAINS (hypothermia) are the lowering of body and/or limb temperature to subnormal levels for some length of time resulting in near frostbite. Severe numbness and loss of function may occur. Colds and flu may follow this challenge to the immune system. Prevention includes proper dress for the weather.

Treatment includes rapid warming in warm water and/or warm enemas, and electric blankets if available (underneath as well as on top).

CHOLESTEROL (elevated) is considered a risk factor for cardiovas­cular disease. Elevation of cholesterol above 270 mg per 100 ml of blood is a sign of increasing risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver disease (including gallstones). There are numerous causes of elevated cholesterol including low fiber diets, elevated vitamin D intake, deficiency of EFA and chromium and vanadium, diets high in refined sugar and flour, liver malfunction, and poor exercise habits. CAUTION: Low cholesterol below 200 can be equally or more dangerous than elevated cholesterol!

Treatment for elevated cholesterol includes regular exercise, base line supplement program, one to two heaping tablespoons of oat bran or protein fiber (soy powder) in an eight oz. glass of juice, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., niacin at 450 mg b.i.d. as time release tablets, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, chromium at 250 meg., vanadium 250 meg, selenium at 300 meg., and herbs to include evening primrose (Oenothera biennis). A good liver flush can be very useful.

CHOREA is characterized by uncontrolled jerky or crampy type movements that may be regular in frequency. The onset of chorea is subtle and may be limited to mood changes, faltering or hesitant speech, then progressing to uncontrolled facial movements and grimaces, “prancing” gait, torticollis (marked twist in the neck), and difficulty in swallowing. Chorea is considered to be a genetic disease by the “orthodox” doctors; however, this is highly unlikely as the onset classically occurs between the ages of 30 to 55 years (we have seen chorea in preteens and teenagers). There is organic disease of the brain with degeneration of the frontal cerebral cortex as well as deeper portions of the brain. The “orthodox” treatment for chorea is limited to sedation and tranquilization.

We recommend the base line supplement program, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., B-complex at 100 mg b.i.d. each, vitamin E at 800-12,000 IU/day, selenium at 500 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., and choline at 500 mg/day. Avoid fried foods, margarine, sugar natural and processed, and caffeine. Pulse testing for food allergies and hair analysis to monitor absorption is essential.

CHRONIC FATIGUE (candidiasis, EBV, HBLV, CMV, food allergies and hypoglycemia) by its very name (syndrome rather than a disease) lets you know that this is a complex of symptoms with multiple causal factors. To our knowledge all patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have two or more of the causal factors associated with their “disease.” Symptoms include moodiness, highly emotional state, aches, pains, depression, gastrointestinal symptoms (i.e. “belch, burp, and bloat”), intense fatigue, drowsiness, and muscular weakness. Blood tests for antibodies against Candida albicans, EBV, HBLV, and CMV are available for specific diagnosis; there is also a skin test for candidiasis.

Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome should include IV hydrogen peroxide in a solution of DMSO and 5 percent dextrose, IV nutrition, IM germanium, base line nutritional supplement program, and hydrogen peroxide (20 drops per oz. in aloe juice) 1 oz. b.i.d. Do the pulse test for food allergies and do a six-hour GTT for hypoglycemia. Eliminate caffeine, eliminate refined sugar, and avoid any food allergens. Treat hypoglycemia with chromium at 75 to 200 mg t.i.d. Employ autoimmune urine and blood therapies. Detoxify with liver flushes and colonics (especially for the first two weeks of therapy) to cope with toxins generated by organism die-off. For chronic fatigue related to viral infection, Isoprinosin at 500 mg t.i.d. and Ribavirin at 250-1,200 mg per day are suggested. Reflexology, massage, and naturo­pathic or chiropractic manipulation are great adjunctive therapies.

CLAUDICATION (intermittent) is a cramping of leg muscles following exercise as a result of poor blood supply. The reduced blood supply to the legs is almost always due to arteriosclerosis of the femoral and popliteal arteries. Typically, after a few moments rest, the patient can start walking again.

The diagnosis of intermittent claudication can be made from symptoms alone. The symptomatic findings can be supported by taking the “pedal” pulses (at the instep of the foot). These pulses should be strong and equal—very frequently one or both are weak or absent.

Treatment of intermittent claudication includes the base line nutritional supplements, IV EDTA chelation therapy, IV hydrogen peroxide, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, chromium at 75-200 meg t.i.d., selenium at 100-500 meg t.i.d., B6 at 100 mg b.i.d., hydrotherapy, reflexology, massage and light exercise (i.e. walking, swimming, etc.), and herbs including ginseng (Panax spp.) and cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum).

CLIMACTERIC (menopause) is the cessation of ovarian function and the stopping of the menstrual cycle. Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life and usually occurs between the ages of 45-55 years. Menopause may be artificially induced by ovariectomy or hysterectomy. When the process is normal and thus takes a gradual course, the adrenals and liver increase their output of female hormones (primarily estrogen) and make up the difference from the lost ovarian function. “Hot flashes” and night sweats are common symptoms when insufficient estrogen is being produced by the adrenals or liver. Other symptoms include sweating, nervousness, fatigue, depression, insomnia, tingling, volatile emotions, crying jags, dry vaginal tract, and urinary frequency and incontinence. Osteoporosis is a common result of improperly managed menopause.

Treatment for menopause is probably an improper term as normal events don’t need “treatment” but rather “support” or “management” on occasion to help smooth the transition. Estrogen supplements should not be used as they increase the breast and uterine cancer induction risk. Eat two eggs every day, red meat once each day, and the liver flush at least once per month. Use the base line supplement program, plus calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day and herbs to include Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris), motherwort (Leo nurus cardiaca), and St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals.

CLUSTER HEADACHES (histamine headache) are related to allergic reactions and may occur by themselves or be associated with other diseases and syndromes including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and hypoglycemia. The symptom of one-sided headaches that come on suddenly, cause debilitating pain and that come and go in severity is diagnostic. Pulse testing and rotation elimination diets with the use of a “diet diary” for keeping track of symptoms (in this case, the “cluster headache”) can be helpful. In addition to foods, there are many inhalant allergens including cigarette smoke, perfume, house dust, etc. that can precipitate a “cluster headache.”

Treatment includes the use of the base line supplement program, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids at 150 mg t.i.d., autoimmune urine and blood therapy and avoidance of environmental allergens, and avoidance or rotation of food allergens.

COLDS (nasal catarrh, coryza) are caused by more than 100 different viruses, this is why no vaccine has been made available. Symptoms last for 7-14 days regardless of therapy. The incubation is very short (1-3 days) compared to most viral infections (10-21 days) with a sudden appearance of symptoms which include tingling in the nose and throat, scratchy throat, nasal mucus, coughing, headache, and laryngitis. Elevated temperature or fever is variable depending on the particular virus that is causing the “cold.”

Treatment of the “common cold” should include vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids at 150 mg t.i.d., garlic, gelatin capsules t.i.d., base line supplement program, chicken rice soup (proven by Harvard to be the best cold therapy) for protein (to replace that lost in the mucus— yes, mucus is protein similar to egg white) and electrolytes (especially potassium). Also have bed rest and avoid chills. Homeopathic remedies and herbs to include old man’s beard (Usnea barbata), bigleaf linden (Tilia platyphyllos), dogrose (Rosa canina), European elder (Sambucus nigra), European Holly (Ilex aquifolium), hemp acrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum), purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia), Queen-of-the-meadow (Filipendula ulmaria), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), white willow (Salix alba), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), yellowbark cinchona or Peruvian bark (Cinchona succiruba), feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium), bachelor’s buttons (Pyrethrum parthenium), sweet balm (Melissa officinalis), and cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum) can be helpful.

COLIC (severe belly pain) can be initiated by a variety of causes including food allergies, hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), and gas bubbles from fermentation, to more serious causes such as kidney or gallstones or blocked bowel. In this section, we will limit the discussion to food allergies, hypochlorhydria, and fermentation since they are all three related. Food allergies cause “celiac” like changes in the gut resulting in malabsorption. Bowel organisms’ “ferment” the unabsorbed nutrients causing “bubbles” which cause sufficiently sharp pain from distension to create colic. This is especially true in babies. In adults, stress and/or food allergies and salt restriction can cause hypochlorhydria allowing organisms to move into the normally sterile stomach and ferment food crating the “belch, burp, and bloat” syndrome or “colic.”

The treatment for colic in adults includes the base line supplement program, betaine hydrochloride and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg each t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals, and pulse testing to determine presence of food allergies. In babies, pulse testing and diet diaries to determine offending foods, pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals (enzymes may be constipating), one to two drops of flaxseed oil after each meal, and B6 at 10 mg b.i.d. In older children and adults, herbs including dill (Peucedanum graveolens) and peppermint tea may be of value.

COLITIS is an inflammation of the colon, which can be caused by stress, food allergies, bacterial or viral infections, or low fiber diets, etc. Symptoms vary from cramping and diarrhea to constipation alternating with diarrhea, bloody mucus, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis.

Treatment includes cathartics or antidiarrheals as necessary, high fiber meals (i.e. potato, well-cooked oat bran, multi-grain breads), and avoidance of raw carrots, peanuts, and corn for the first week of therapy. Use pulse test to determine if food allergies are involved. If food allergies are present, use a rotation diet and autoimmune urine and blood therapy. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water each day and eat four to six cups full of green leafy vegetables (i.e. spinach, cabbage, etc.) preferably steamed or cooked. Take oral hydrogen peroxide 25 drops of 35 percent in 1 oz aloe vera juice b.i.d. and aloe powder (Aloe vera) at 65-300 mg per day. Avoid fried food, margarine, and caffeine.

CONGESTED LUNGS (with bronchitis) can be treated with homeo­pathy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy to include a steam sauna, massage, and herbs including penny royal (Mentha pulegium) as concentrated tea. Treat with magnesium, manganese, and the essential fatty acids at 9 grams per day. Remember the baseline nutritional program. Avoid dairy products, fried foods, margarine, and sugar natural and processed.

CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE can be caused by lung disease, anemia, low blood protein, high blood pressure, nutritional deficiencies including Bl, iron, copper, and selenium. There is usually a rapid irregular heartbeat and edema (swelling from tissue water) in the legs and/or belly cavity (“dropsy”). Two natural medications stand out in their efficacy (these herbs are even used by the “orthodox” doctors): 1) Lily of the valley (Convallaria megalis), and 2) foxglove (Digitalis purpura). These two herbs can be taken as whole leaf preparations or fluid extracts. Note: Foxglove is potentially dangerous so you should get commercially prepared sources and advice on doses!

English Hawthorne (Crataegus oxyacantha) is a useful herb for regulating heart rhythm and treating dropsy of congestive heart failure. This herb may not be strong enough in severe or advanced cases. The precipitating cause of the congestive heart failure should be identified and dealt with aggressively.

CONJUNCTIVITIS is an inflammation of the membrane that forms in the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the white of the eye. Dust, allergens (i.e. pollens), and foreign bodies including eyelashes and microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) can all initiate conjunctivitis.

Treatment of conjunctivitis includes using artificial tears, commer­cial eye washes (hydrogen peroxide eye drops) and/or boric acid ophthalmic ointment as appropriate. Pulling the upper lid over the lower lid by grasping the eyelash, lifting out, then down induces tear flow to wash eye and flush foreign bodies.

CONSTIPATION is not only uncomfortable but is also a significant risk factor for cancer. If you are not having two to three bowel movements per day, you are constipated! Very frequently exercise such as walking and eight glasses of water per day will solve simple constipation. Very frequently food allergies will initiate constipation; do the pulse test to determine if this might be a factor. Milk products, including cheese, have a constipating effect on certain individuals.

Treatment of constipation includes eight to ten glasses of water per day, fiber/protein at 1 tbsp. in 8 oz. of juice b.i.d., rotation/elimination diet, autoimmune urine therapy for allergies, four to six cups of vegetables per day, exercise for 30 minutes per day, homeopathy and herbs including castor oil (Rincinus communis), olive oil (Olea europaea), blackroot (Leptondra virginica), American mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum), alder buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula), cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), flaxseed or oil (Linum usitatissimum), senna (Cassia angustifolia), and psyllium (Plantago psyllium).

CONTRACEPTION is historically a touchy subject. For knowledge of contraception and abortion herbs midwives were deemed to be “witches” and burned at the stake! Today, because of population problems, AIDS, and teen pregnancies, contraception cannot be ignored if we are to survive. Some governments—like that in China—have imposed “one child” limits on their citizens, give free contraceptives to anyone who asks for them, and most are offering a form of “sex education.” Sex outside of marriage is “Russian roulette,” anal sex is putting a loaded gun to your mouth and pulling the trigger!

Contraception is divided into abstinence, barriers, hormones (this is the least desirable from the standpoint of side effects), IUDs (intrauterine devices—be careful here—remember the Dalcon Shield!!!), and surgery (vasectomy or tying the fallopian tubes). The “rhythm” method cannot be considered a safe form of contraception outside of marriage because of the AIDS risk. Few couples have the consistent self-control necessary to prevent pregnancies.

CONVULSIONS (seizures, fits) are uncontrolled body movements set off by an electrical malfunction of the brain. High “fevers” of 104.0-105.0 F are often a cause of convulsions in children. Epilepsy is a form of convulsion that is easily diagnosed by abnormal brain waves seen on an EEG (electroencephalogram). Unfortunately, the “orthodox” neurologist doesn’t think “allergy” or fat/cholesterol deficiency when a hysterical mother brings a child to his office with a history of one or more convulsions. The “orthodox” approach to treating convulsions is Dilantin and/or phenobarbital.

Treatment of non-temperature induced convulsions should include a pulse test to determine if allergies are a factor. If it is determined that allergies are associated with the convulsions, the patient may avoid the foods or chemicals or rotate foods on a five-day “rotation” diet. A high fat, high cholesterol diet is indicated. Supplements of value include calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg respectively, B6 at 100 mg b.i.d., chromium at 75-100 meg t.i.d., and herbs to include peony (Paeonia officinalia), catnip (Nepeta cataria), and skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). Chiropractic care and acupuncture can be of great value here.

COR PULMONALE is classically thought of as an enlargement of the right ventricle of the heart as a result of severe and chronic lung disease (i.e. asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis). There is usually a rapid pulse, palpitations and edema of head, neck, and lungs (the latter can be fatal). Sometimes there is angina. “Clubbing” of the finger and toenails and cyanotic (blue from lack of oxygen) nail beds are frequently seen when the lung disease is chronic. X-ray will easily diagnose this problem.

Treatment of core pulmonale includes resolving the precipitating lung disease and oxygen, IV hydrogen peroxide, and selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day for adults. Remember the baseline supplement program.

COUGHS (catarrh, asthma, chest complaints) are very bothersome and distracting to everyone around the patient. Coughs can be caused by minor irritations of the throat including allergies (i.e. milk), viral infections, and chemical irritations. If a fever is present, don’t rule out milk allergies as milk allergies will cause a rise in temperature—use the pulse test.

Treatment should include avoidance of any allergen or irritant, autoimmune urine therapy (if allergic), steam vaporizers at night for sleep, and herbs to include anise (Pimpinella anismum), English plantain (Plantago lanceolata), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), mullein (Verbascum densilorum), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), onion (Allium cepa), sweet chestnut (Castanea vesca), and comfrey (Symphytum officinale).

“CRABS” (pubic lice) are transmitted primarily by sexual contact. The “crab” (Phthirus pubis) causes a great deal of pubic and anal itching. They are relatively large yet difficult to see. Very close inspection with good lighting is required to find these insects. Very frequently dark “specks” of droppings of the lice can be found in white underwear.

Treatment should include specially formulated shampoos containing 1 percent gamma benzene hexachloride and direct removal of any visually noted “crabs.”

“CRADLE CAP” (seborrheic dermatitis of infants) can occur as early as one month of age in babies. Cradle cap appears as a greasy thick crust on the scalp and behind the ears and face.

Treatment of cradle cap includes shampooing regularly to loosen the greasy scale, B6 at 10-25 mg per day, and zinc at 15-25 mg per day. Food allergies can contribute to this problem—do a pulse test.

CROHN’S DISEASE (regional enteritis) is a chronic infiltration or invasion of defensive WBCs and “macropohages” (special scavenger cells) into the terminal ileum (last portion of small intestine that joins with the colon). Several theories are currently in vogue as to the cause of Crohn’s Disease including infection with T.B-like organisms (similar to Johne’s Disease in camels!!!). Of interest here is the high incidence of Crohn’s Disease in Minnesota compared with all other areas of the United States. A second and perhaps more realistic cause is a food allergy (i.e. wheat, milk), do a pulse test, and practice rigorous avoidance program of any identified allergens—this will prevent acute (sudden) attacks and actually result in reversal of the Crohn’s changes to normal. Compare this with cortisone and surgery that the “orthodox” medics would have you choose!!!

Treatment of Crohn’s Disease includes a high fiber diet. Use the pulse test to make sure you’re not allergic to the type of fiber you use to supplement your diet. Take folic acid at 5-10 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, B12 at 1,000 meg/day (best by injection in this disease), and vitamin C to bowel tolerance if it can be tolerated.

Calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg per day, selenium at 300 meg t.i.d., chromium at 75 meg t.i.d., and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. as well as the basic supplemental plan.

CUTS (lacerations) are caused by paper, glass, metal, knives, and tools. Most cuts, except deep facial wounds, can be dealt with at home without stitches (sutures). Superficial cuts from kitchen knives, glass, and metal can be cleaned with soap and water. The edges of the wound are then brought together with butterfly bandages or wound steri-strips. Actually, there will be less scar formation with this method than with sutures.

Cuts contaminated with dirt (resulting from falls on gravel, concrete, wood, or soil) need to be washed with soap and water to remove gross dirt and debris. The second step for contaminated wounds is to flush well with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to “bubble” out the microscopic dirt that harbor microorganisms. The wound edges can then be brought together with butterfly bandages or wound strips. A drainage site should be provided to allow free exit to any possible infection. Bleeding from cuts can usually be stopped with pressure bandages unless an artery is cut. A cut artery will “spurt” blood each time the heart contracts. Small arteries can usually be controlled by pressure with a sterile sponge (gauze square). Bleeding from a large artery in the arm or leg may require a tourniquet to control until you get professional help.

CYSTIC FIBROSIS (mucoviscidosis) is the “crime” of the century second only to diabetes. And it’s second only because diabetes affects millions and CF “only affects thousands each year.” In that CF is 100 percent preventable and 100 percent curable in the early stages in laboratory animals and can be far better managed in chronic cases than it is currendy managed by “orthodox” medicine, it’s the leading crime. Cystic fibrosis is an important fatal disease of humans. CF was originally thought to be limited to white populations of central European origin. Today, CF has been diagnosed in all peoples of the earth.

CF is thought to be genetically transmitted by the “orthodox” pediatricians, yet “they” have failed to prove their theory despite multi-millions of dollars spent in research. Classically, the diagnosis is made when any two of four criteria are present, yet most “orthodox” pediatri­cians will not diagnose CF without a positive “sweat test” (elevated level of sodium, chloride, and potassium in the sweat—greater than 65 mEq/L).

The “sweat test” has been elevated by dogma to “the diagnostic test” for CF, yet there are at least 17 known diseases and syndromes other than CF that can give a positive sweat test, leading at least one group of investigators to refer to CF as a syndrome rather than a disease.

Initially described in 1933, CF was first thought to be the result of a vitamin A deficiency in children dying with celiac disease. In 1938, the term “cystic fibrosis” was coined because the pathologist mistakenly thought the changes in the pancreas were true cysts (fluid filled spaces lined with normal tissue). It is well known today that the “cysts” of CF are, in fact, a dilation of the pancreatic functional unit (acini) with atrophy (shrinking) of the lining tissue.

In 1952, the fact that congenital CF occurred in a significant number of CF patients was established. The foundation of the genetic theory of CF transmission is based on the frequent congenital appearance and two very poor papers, one published in 1913 which claimed that two children with diarrhea had an “inborn error in fat metabolism” and one in 1965 that did an epidemiological study of a group of 232 Australian families with CF. Despite six sets of twins, the study failed to shed clear light on the proposed genetic theory. These papers were so poor they would not get past the letter opener at any “orthodox” medical journal today. I have spent an inordinate amount of time on CF in DDDL because this syndrome again demonstrates very clearly that if any medical specialty will be eliminated by a discovery, that discovery will never be given to the public by the “orthodox” doctors!!!

In 1978, I made the first universally accepted diagnosis of CF in a laboratory animal (rhesus monkeys). The diagnosis was based on characteristic CF changes in the pancreas and liver in baby monkeys. These were confirmed by CF experts from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Emory University, and the University of Chicago! Experts from NIH and the CF Foundation were overjoyed—that is until they learned that I could reproduce the CF changes with a congenital selenium deficiency in almost any animal species. With this revelation, I was fired with 24 hours’ notice and “blackballed” from research. Just to show you how ruthless medical doctors are, I was fired ten days after my first wife died of cancer.

It has been learned recently that the positive “sweat test” is the result of an essential fatty acid deficiency that causes a secondary deficiency of “prostaglandin” (very short lived hormones) that control the sodium, chlorides, and potassium levels of the sweat!!! Remember the talk by the distinguished anthropologist, Dr. Jonathon Leaky, Sr. who said, “the more facts you have, the better the truth you have.”

The prevention of CF has been accomplished in pet, farm, and laboratory animals by the veterinary profession by assuring adequate levels of selenium and essential fatty acid nutriture to the preconcep­tion, pregnant, and nursing mother. This is not as easy as it sounds because of malabsorption problems (i.e. celiac diseases and Crohn’s Disease) in a percentage of women! All things being normal, a complete baseline supplement program that provided 250 meg selenium per day and 9 gm of EFA per day prior to and during pregnancy would be adequate to prevent CF.

Treatment of CF is very basic. Treat the infant as early as possible with selenium IM at 10-25 meg per day. Plant derived colloidal minerals may be used orally thereafter. Provide EFA at three percent of the total daily calories. Most importantly YOU MUST DETERMINE IF THE INFANT IS ALLERGIC TO WHEAT, COW’S MILK, OR SOY! If you do not correct the malabsorption problem, treatment will only be minimally effective. In the case of older CF patients, IV essential fatty acids and IM selenium provide excellent management, possibly leading to a normal life expectancy of 75 years. Compare this approach to the heart and lung transplant offered by the “orthodox” pediatricians! If the proper treat­ment is carried out early, the “typical CF lung disease” may not develop. The lungs of CF patients are normal at birth and only develop bronchiectasis after chronic essential fatty acid and copper deficiencies have taken their toll. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplemen­tation here!

Ma Lan and I went to China in 1988 to study Keshan Disease, a known selenium deficiency disease of Chinese children. We studied 1,700 autopsies and found 595 cases or 35 percent had pancreatic CF. An amazing discovery to be sure when “orthodox” medicine says CF is supposed to be “genetic disease of children of middle European extract”! I’m sure some creative proponents of the genetic theory will no doubt claim that a very virile English missionary impregnated 125,000 Chinese girls and, unfortunately, he was “carrying the gene for CF.” Believe me, they’d rather postulate that outrageous theory than give up all that money for “genetic” research.

CYSTITIS (bladder infection) is a common urinary bladder infection in women. Low immune status, improper hygiene habits following bowel movements, pantyhose that are too tight, and frequent sexual activity (the reason for the term “honeymoon disease”) are common causes. The symptoms include frequency, urgency, and burning on urination. The diagnosis can frequently be made from symptoms alone, however, a urine “dipstick” test will show a positive nitrate test indicating bacterial infection. The test will be positive for a large number of WBCs in the specimen. Blood may be present in severe infections. Note: blood may also be present during the menstrual period so if the nitrate is negative and no WBCs are present, disregard. In older individuals, cystic calculi (bladder stones) may be considered as part of the cause of cystitis, especially in males.

Treatment of cystitis consists of acidifying the urine by consuming one to two quarts of unsweetened cranberry juice per day for the first day then reducing the intake to one quart per day as needed. Herbs are very useful and include bearberry (Arctostaphylos uvaursi), birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens), juniper (Juniperus communis), lovage (Levisticum officinale), prickly restharrow (Ononis spinosa), and rupture wort (Herniaria glabra).

DANDRUFF is caused by a change in the surface cells of the scalp which results in a “scaling” or “flaking.” This change is caused by one or more nutritional deficiencies. Dandruff may or may not be accompanied by itching.

Treatment of dandruff includes washing the hair in vinegar to remove all of the loose scales. Oral supplementation with EFA at 5 gm t.i.d., PABA at 100 mg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, B6 at 50 mg t.i.d., 300,000 IU vitamin A as beta carotene and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., and plant derived colloidal minerals are recommended.

DEMENTIA (memory loss, as in senile) is a common symptom yet not a true result of aging. Nutritional deficiencies (magnesium, vitamin Bl, cholesterol), arteriosclerosis, and alcoholism are the common causes of dementia. Symptoms include loss of recent memory, inability to do simple thinking tasks such as math or spelling, losing things, forgetting names, etc. The use of memory enhancing drugs such as hydergine and piracetam will provide excellent prevention of dementia when used to augment good nutrition and supplement program. Don’t forget the base line supplement program and plant derived colloidal minerals. Check patient for food allergies and hypoglycemia and take appropriate action if either are positive.

Treatment of dementia includes IV chelation with EDTA, Bl at 100 mg t.i.d., B6 at 50 mg t.i.d., B3 at 450 mg q.i.d. (time release), folic acid at 3-5 mg/day, choline at 500-1,000 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg b.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, copper at 2-3 mg/day, magnesium at 1,000 mg/day, zinc at 50 mg ti.d., hydergine at 9 mg/day, vasopressin (Diapid) at 12-16 units/day, centrophenoxine (Lucidril) at 4.4-8.0 gm/day, Piracetam at 2.4-4.8 mg/day, and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals. Useful herbs include ginko (Ginko biloba).

DEPRESSION (manic depression) is a common problem in the human population throughout the world—so common that some pharmaceutical companies specialize solely in antidepressant drugs. It should be no surprise, however, that very few of the supposedly “expert” psychiatrists ever consider hypoglycemia and food allergies when they do an intake history on a patient who complains of depression. Before you run off and spend $75-$150 per session with a “shrink,” do a “pulse test” and a six-hour GTT on yourself. If you’re really depressed, you will have to get a family member to help you run these tests to completion. Look for “allergic shiners” at the peak of depression. Spontaneous crying, thoughts of suicide, and hopelessness are common. Depression may be cyclic as in PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Food allergies, hypo­glycemia, and PMS account for 90 percent of the diagnosed “depression” today.

Treatment of depression should include dealing with the food allergies (i.e. avoidance, rotation diets) and hypoglycemia (i.e. hypo­glycemia diet). In addition to the base line supplement program, also use chromium/vanadium supplementation at 50-200 meg t.i.d, iron at 15 mg/day, B6, B2, Bl at 50 mg t.i.d., B12 at 1,000 meg/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg/day, potassium at 250 mg q.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., and dl-phenylalanine, 1-trypto-phane, and 1-tyrosine at 2 gm t.i.d. each. Plant derived colloidal minerals with lithium can be useful. Avoid all sugar, natural and processed (read labels—it’s in everything that comes out of a package, bottle, or box); avoid caffiene and fried foods.

DERMATITIS (atopic, eczema, herpetiformis) is a common form of skin disease but, unfortunately is treated incorrecdy by the “orthodox” dermatologists who typically use cortisone or prednisone creams. Ninety-seven percent of these patients have food allergies to wheat gluten; an almost equal number are sensitive to cow’s milk. The scary thing is that the symptoms you see on the skin are also happening in the lining of your small intestine. The lesions on your skin are a cosmetic problem; the lesions on your intestine area a serious life-threatening absorption problem which, in the end, will deplete your immune system of essential nutrients and result in a variety of serious illnesses including diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and birth defects.

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by patchy areas of crusty, weeping lesions frequently located on the lips, ears, neck, hands, and joints.

Atopic dermatitis is very frequently associated with asthma. Both together in the same patient is referred to as “atopy” or an “atopic patient.”

Eczema is essentially the same lesion as atopic dermatitis but less localized.

Herpetiformis type dermatitis is characterized by clusters of itchy blisters that look like a Herpes eruption. Hair loss, or alopecia, is a commonly associated problem with any of the above dermatitis and a concurrent essential fatty acid deficiency.

Treatment of all three of the above manifestations of dermatitis should include a gluten free and cow’s milk free diet. It is also prudent to do a pulse test on frequently consumed foods to determine if they are also affecting you. The supplementation of EFA at 5 gm q.i.d., PABA at 200 mg q.i.d., and betaine HQ and digestive enzymes at 75-200 mg each t.i.d. before meals should be added on top of the base line supplement program. Have patience; it will take 60-90 days to heal the intestinal lesions to the point where you can absorb nutrients efficiently. Vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. and colloidal minerals are also recommended.

DIABETES is the number one shame of the “orthodox” doctors in the 20th century. Diabetes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat (in laboratory animals and probably in humans) so you can avoid all of the terrible side effects (i.e. blindness, hypertension, amputations, early death, etc.). Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycemia. Just ask any health food storeowner or N.D.! Walter Mertz (the director of the U.S.D.A. field services) published the facts associated with chromium and diabetes in the Federation Proceeding. Here is the ultimate case of a whole specialty of medicine which could be wiped out by universal chromium supplementation. Nevertheless, these facts are kept secret and away from the public for purely economic reasons. Additionally, in 1985, the medical school at the University of Vancouver, BC, Canada stated that “vanadium will replace insulin for adult onset diabetics.”

Chromium/vanadium and the diabetes story should be on the front page of the newspaper in the same bold print as VE DAY instead of announcing things like artificial heart pumps that will temporarily save one life for $250,000!

The diagnosis of diabetes is very easy to make, and it should be considered in any disease where there is a chronic weight loss or weight gain. Frequent urination and chronic thirst are warning signs that should be explored. A six-hour GTT will show a steep rise of blood glucose at 30-60 minutes to over 275 mg % and may keep rising to over 350 and stay elevated after 4-6 hours. The urine should be tested for sugar with the “dipstick” test every time the blood is tested for sugar. A positive diabetic will always include a positive urine sugar during the six-hour GTT. A morning fasting urine sugar test is useless for the initial diagnosis of diabetes. Blood of the diabetic is also typical in that the lipids and cholesterol are elevated as well as the sugar.

Treatment of diabetes should include chromium and vanadium at 250 meg/day in the initial stages to prevent “insulin shock” (sudden dropping of blood sugar because of a relative insulin overdose). Keep checking urine blood sugar before and after meals, and as the blood sugar level drops you can adjust your insulin or pill medication just like you have been taught. You will also need to deal with food allergies that cause celiac-type intestinal lesions (i.e. wheat gluten, cow’s milk, soy, etc.) and supplement with betaine HC1 and digestive enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals. Have patience; the intestinal lesions take 60-90 days to heal.

Treatment of diabetes should also include zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d. (be sure to include niacin which is part of the GTF “glucose tolerance factor”), essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., B12 at 1,000 meg/day, bioflavonoids including quercetin at 150 mg/day, copper at 2-3 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., and glutathione at 100 mg/day.

High fiber, high complex carbohydrate diets are recommended. No natural or processed sugar and carbohydrates should be consumed. Eat meat, eggs, and poultry three to six times per day to stabilize blood sugar in the beginning stages of the therapy. Every time you eat processed carbohydrate (i.e. sugar, honey, alcohol, mashed potatoes, etc.), you will lose 300 percent more chromium in your urine than when you consume complex carbohydrates! Herbs are useful in treating diabetes and may include licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), jaborandi (Pilocarpus jaborandi), yarrow (Achillea Millefolium), Canadian fleabane (Erigeron canadense), and Jerusalem artichoke. Plant derived colloidal minerals are fantastic for diabetics!

DIAPER RASH is all too frequent in babies and toddlers, not only because of infrequent changes but also because of food allergies (i.e. wheat, cow’s milk, soy, corn, etc.). Do a pulse test on babies as you introduce them to new foods (be sure to test the old ones, too). Use avoidance or rotation diet systems, B6 at 5-25 mg t.i.d., zinc at 5-15 mg b.i.d., and vitamin E oil and/or aloe vera topically.

DIARRHEA (dysentery) can be caused by simply eating too much of a good thing (i.e. fruit, juices, etc.), food allergies (i.e. celiac disease, strawberries, fish, etc.), soap ingestion from improperly rinsed dishes, or can indicate a more serious problem such as parasites, food poisoning, or even cancer. Knowledge of your own body and how it reacts is impor­tant here, as you will have to sort things out. Did you go to an apple farm yesterday and eat a peck of apples? Have you had diarrhea since your trip to Mexico? What medications are you on? Have you been losing weight and have diarrhea off and on for six months? If the latter, you may consider “irritable bowel syndrome” or the more serious, cancer. At any rate you should consider a “lower GI” or a colonoscopic exam.

Treatment for simple diarrhea can include commercial products such as Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate, charcoal capsules, fiber, and herbs including American blackberry (Rubus villosus), barley (Hordeum distichon), clove root (Geumur-banum), whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), black currant (Ribes nigrum), hounds tongue (Cynoglossum officinale), Lady’s mantie (Alchemilla vulgaris), and tormentil blood root (Potentilla erecta). Be sure to consume lots of fluids (i.e. soup, herbal tea, hot water with lemon, etc.) and all 90 essential nutrients to replace nutrients lost through diarrhea.

DIETING (weight loss) is a common practice in the western world because “thin is in.” There are some basic habits that will help the weight loss effort and help keep the weight off:

  1. First, avoid caffeine as it causes a drop in blood sugar 30-90 minutes after consumption and thus creates “hunger pangs,” cravings, the “munchies,” and binge eating behavior.
  2. Drink eight to 10 glasses of water each day. As many trips to the icebox are caused by thirst rather than hunger, and a restricted diet doesn’t decrease your need for water. Restricted diets do reduce your water intake from food as much as 40 percent, though.
  3. Diagnose any health problems you may have such as addictive food allergies (pulse test), hypoglycemia (six-hour GTT), pica and cribbing (mineral deficiencies), or hypothyroidism (basal body temperature) that might contribute to a weight problem.
  4. Don’t skip meals. Eat a breakfast like a queen (or king), lunch like a princess (or prince), and dinner like a pauper. Stay on a meal schedule. If you are going out to eat, don’t skip a meal but rather have one of those high fiber/low cal drinks or food bars for lunch to assure a limited calorie intake—then enjoy your dinner date!!! Remember, in the long run it’s the basic habits that will help you lose weight and keep it off. Don’t forget the 90 essential nutrients. Supplementing with minerals eliminates cravings (pica and cribbing behavior).
  5. Dr. Wallach’s “Salad Fork Trick” is useful for people who “eat only salads, but still gain weight.” DO NOT PUT SALAD DRESSING ONTO YOUR SALAD. Put the salad dressing in a small dish or shot glass. Dip your salad fork vertically (no scooping) into the salad dressing. This technique will reduce your calories from salad dressing from 1,000 calories per salad to 50 calories per salad yet give you the salad dressing taste.
  6. Exercise, if done in moderation and on a schedule, will help you lose weight and not make you overly hungry for a snack. Eat a piece of fruit or have some nuts after exercise. Don’t wait three hours until your next meal to eat or drink. The plant derived colloidal minerals are excellent after-event refreshers.
  7. Before meal fibers (i.e. carrots) taken with eight ounces of water 30 minutes before meals will help curb appetite.
  8. Don’t forget the base line supplements. Remember restricted diets restrict nutrients and result in pica and cribbing. Plant derived colloidal minerals are fantastic here!
  9. Essential fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil at 5 gm t.i.d. will help regulate and normalize fat metabolism.
  10. Thyroid (US Armour) will help if your basal body temperature is low (below 97.6 F). Too much thyroid will cause increase in basal pulse rate and make you speedy and unable to sleep. Start out with 1/2 grain per day and cut back or add to as needed.
  11. Use a good weight loss support product that contains pyruvate (fuel for the Krebs Cycle, the body’s most basic metabolic process), chromium picolinate (allows carbohydrate and fats to be burned), and chitosan (a saturated fat binder) before each meal.
  12. DO NOT EAT AFTER 7 P.M. Frequently, more than half of your daily calorie intake will occur after 7 P.M. Drink water if you get hungry.
  13. If you do all of the above, you will be slim, slim, slim!

DIURETIC: use broomcorn (Sorghum vulgare), horse tail, coffee, tea, unsweetened cranberry juice.

DIURETIC & LAXATIVE: use asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), cascara sagrada, and dandilion root.

DIURETIC & CATHARTIC: use broom (Cystisus scoparius).

DIVERTICULITIS is an inflammation of the small pea sized sacs in the outerwall of the colon. This inflammation is the result of a low fiber diet over a long period of time which allows tiny concretions to build up to a size that does not allow them to exit into the colon. These concretions irritate the colon wall to the point of causing painful spasm. Prevention includes high fiber diet (i.e. oat bran, 4-6 cups of vegetables per day, etc.). Certain foods, including corn, peanuts, and raw carrots can result in severe spasms. Rarely is blood detected in the stool with uncompli­cated diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is easily diagnosed with a lower GI series.

Treatment of diverticulitis includes colonics two to three times per week, high fiber diet, eight glasses of water per day, and regular exercise. Avoid fried foods, margarine, and caffiene. Don’t forget the 90 essential nutrients.

DOUCHE: This is a useful feminine hygiene practice, especially if one has a history of discharges or infection. Retention douches are particularly effective. This is accomplished best in a bathtub with the feet up on the sides to aid in retaining the fluid for 10-15 minutes. Use 4-8 oz. of diluted vinegar (4 oz/pint of warm distilled water, 11/2 percent hydrogen peroxide (4-8 oz.), bayberry myrtie (Myrica cerifera— one oz. powdered bark to one-pint water—warm to body temperature), and numerous commercial products. Plain unsweetened yogurt or Lactobicillus acidophilus capsules emptied into warm water (10-20 per 4 oz.) may be used to replant L. acidophilus to normalize vaginal flora after vaginitis and/or antibiotic therapy.

DROPSY (water belly, abdominal edema) is a common occurrence in chronic kidney, liver, or heart disease and cancer. Low protein diets will also result in “dropsy.” “Dropsy” is fluid accumulating in the belly cavity because the protein content of the blood is so low that fluid can’t be held in the blood vessels (an osmotic gradient); poor circulation because of liver or heart disease is also a common cause.

Treatment of dropsy should include an improvement of the protein level of the blood, IV amino acids and the basic health of the liver, kidneys and heart and diuresis. Herbs are particularly useful and may include foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)—BE CAREFUL HERE, THIS PLANT IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS—lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria magalis), English Hawthorne (Crataegus oxycanthus), Canadian fleabane (Erigeron canadense), kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), Scotch broom (Cystisus scoparius), parsley (Petroselinum crispum), prickly restharrow (Ononis Spinosa), and nettie (Urtica urens).

DRY SKIN (cracked cuticles, hang nails, cracked index finger and thumb) is a common malady in the western world. In itself, it is a cosmetic problem. It is a signal of a potentially more serious problem— essential fatty acid deficiency that can result in cardiovascular disease (i.e.—thrombosis, stroke, heart attack, etc.). Superficial creams will temporarily deal with the superficial problem, but the more ominous results of the body’s deficiency of essential fatty acids can be sudden and deadly!!! DSM/EFA or “dry skin means essential fatty acids”!!! If you are supplementing with more than 50,000-100,000 units of vitamin A over a long period of time, dry skin may signal the early stages of vitamin A overdose.

Treatment of dry skin includes flaxseed oil orally at 5 gm ti.d., B6 at 50 mg ti.d., zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day. If you are not already supplementing vitamin A in excess, use vitamin A at 300,000 units/day as beta-carotene for 30 days then reduce to 20,000 units per day.

DUMPING SYNDROME is the sudden “dumping” of stomach contents into the small intestine all at once, thus overloading the natural intestinal buffer system. The resulting acid condition in the intestine prevents proper functioning of pancreatic enzymes, which require an alkaline environment. Dumping syndrome is a common side effect of stomach surgery. Anemia and osteoporosis are common secondary diseases of the dumping syndrome.

Treatment of the dumping syndrome should include any of the classic “bitters” (i.e. gentian, Gentiana lutea), folic acid at 3-5 mg/day, pectin at 1/2 oz. in water before meals, and high animal protein diets. Eat six to eight small meals per day and you should lay down for a half hour after meals. Don’t forget the base line supplements here!

DYSENTERY (diarrhea) is characterized by a watery projectile diarrhea that creates cramping, urgency, and exhaustion from loss of electrolytes. Causes of dysentery range widely from “too rich” a diet (usually too much party food—such as wine, lobster, creamy desserts, etc.), improperly stored food that results in bacterial overgrowth, food poisoning (i.e. E. coli, Staphlococcus, Salmonella, food allergies, celiac disease), etc. Prevention of dysentery requires attention to details of food storage, hygiene, self-discipline, and preparation.

If you have a busy schedule that can’t be altered, you will have to resort to commercial products such as Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate. Fortunately, they have tablets that you can quietly carry with you on your errands. Weak black tea, rice water, lime (calcium carbonate) water, chicken broth, or bouillon to replace electrolytes are indicated. Another good source for fluids and electrolytes are the athletic “thirst quenchers.” Herbs such as Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) and common ivy (Hedera helix) are of great benefit in quieting the runaway colon.

DYSLEXIA (learning disorder, hyperactivity) is a complex syndrome rather than a specific disease. To be sure, there are some dyslexic children who have true organic or biochemical brain injury (I.e.—fetal alcohol syndrome) who will require intense “special” education and training programs. It is a sad testimony to American “orthodox” medicine that as many as 80 percent of these “dyslexic” kids are really suffering from food allergies and/or sugar sensitivity. For them sugar acts as a drug and produces a “pharmacological effect” just like “speed.” These food sensitivities create learning disabilities that “mimic” organic and chemical disease and too many salvageable kids are put on drugs (i.e. Ritalin), shunted off into “special” education programs or worse yet, given up on as “lost” by frightened, frustrated families. Food allergies and sensitivities should be seriously investigated and dealt with (i.e. pulse test, elimination diets, and diet diaries) if these children are to have a fair shot at a normal life.

I speak with a great deal of experience with this problem as my youngest son was deemed to be a “learning disabled” child. “Zero brain waves” would be a better description; at age six he couldn’t print his first name or count to ten. To make a long story short, he was cured in two weeks by eliminating sugar, milk, wheat, and corn from his diet. His teachers were convinced that I had exchanged him with his “normal” twin. They couldn’t believe such a turn around with just a dietary program! To condemn a “dyslexic” child without investigating food allergies and sensitivities is equal to finding an innocent man “guilty” of murder and sentenced to life in prison—what a waste and what a tragedy.

Treatment and prevention are closely intertwined. Digestive enzymes and betaine HC1 are essential to prevent progression of the problem as well as aid in onset of symptoms. The “Feingold Diet” is a good place to start, however, it, in itself, is not a “shield” to be totally relied upon. There are many foods and food additives not excluded by the Feingold program that will set off some kids like skyrockets. We had one dyslexic child patient that did everything the Feingold Diet required except eliminate honey. We found him on top of a 40-foot dome! Rotation diets, allergy elimination diets, and autoimmune urine therapy should be aggressively pursued. The rewards are beyond your wildest expectations. The entire family needs to eat the same way as the dyslexic child if you want this to work. You can’t be guzzling Pepsi and expect them to drink distilled water.

DYSMENORRHEA (menstrual pain) is a common event in western women, so common that it is frequently considered part of PMS. Sometimes the discomfort of dysmenorrhea is intense enough to be debilitating. There are a number of excellent commercial products that will dampen the pain but not deal with the basic problem—an abnormal prostaglandin metabolism.

Treatment includes B3 and B6 at 50-100 mg t.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, and essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplements and avoid caffeine. Herbs such as blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) and black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) are the ideal natural approach to pain of dysmenorrhea.

DYSPEPSIA (poor digestion, indigestion) is characterized by “belching, burping, and bloating” and “acid stomach.” The reason for “burp, belch, and bloat” is that your stomach’s “acid” is not acid enough and is burped up with bacterially generated gas. Dyspepsia is probably the most common “disease” in the western world and is certainly the most costly from the amount of money spent on “relief.” Even more costly is the secondary results of chronic dyspepsia: food allergies, osteoporosis, anemia, debilitated immune system, degenerative disease. Prevention includes reduced stress levels, exercise, healthful diet habits, and reasonable food volumes. An unforgiving event as we age is a decrease in stomach acid production, the main cause of dyspepsia in seniors. Prevention in this case includes the regular use of digestive aids.

Treatment of dyspepsia includes supplementation of 75-200 mg betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes t.i.d. 15-30 minutes before each meal. “Antacids” are a good “temporary fix” in an emergency, but regular use will eventually damage you by reducing the nutrients you absorb. Herbal preventions and remedies include papaya (Carica papaya), common barberry (Berberis vulgaris), and bitters such as gentian (Gentiana lutea). In some cases, a glass of wine or several oz. of vinegar before meals will be helpful.

EARACHE (ear infections) like tonsillitis, sinusitis, and bronchitis are related in cause, prevention and cure. Allergies to cow’s milk is the most frequent common denominator. So well does it mimic strep throat (including pain and fever) that most “orthodox” doctors will prescribe penicillin syrup for affected children over the phone!!! The “orthodox” EENT will want to surgically place “tubes” in the ears of infants and toddlers to treat “chronic earaches.” Simple avoidance of cow’s milk and cow’s milk products will prevent chronic “earaches” and tonsillitis.

Treatment of milk allergy “earaches” and tonsillitis includes avoidance of milk and milk products and avoidance of sugar. Fever and discomfort are treated with demulcents and antipyretics (i.e. willow, Salix alba), and hydrogen peroxide eardrops and/or mullein oil drops (Verbascum thapsus). Treat as with any allergy including autoimmune urine therapy. True “strep throat” requires the use of penicillin.

ECCHYMOSIS (easy bruising) is very common, especially in women and children on low fiber, low fruit, and low vegetable diets (i.e. fast foods, lots of coffee, tea, and soft drinks).

Treatment includes alfalfa tablets at 4-6 b.i.d., vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin K at 15 mg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, and 4-6 cups of green vegetables each day. Avoid fried foods, margarine, sugar, and caffiene.

ECZEMA (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis) is a dry patchy scale on localized skin areas (i.e. ears, nose, joints, breasts, etc.). Eczema is usually the result of food allergies, especially cow’s milk, wheat, and soy. Do pulse tests and elimination diets to determine the culprits. This is not only a cosmetic problem as the same damage is occurring in the intestinal lining which can lead to malabsorption, lowered immune status, and chronic degenerative diseases.

Treatment includes avoidance of offending foods, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, folic acid at 3-5 mg/day, essential fatty acids at 5 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin C at bowel tolerance, and vitamin E at 800-1200 IU/day; topical herbs include aloe vera (Aloe spp.), wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca), araroba (andira araroba) and Labrador tea (Ledum latifolium), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), English walnut (Juglans regia), European snakeroot (Aristolochia clematitis), flaxseed or linseed oil (Linum usitatisimum), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), great burdock (Arctium lappa), high mallow (Malvia sylvestris), hounds tongue (Cynoglossum officinale), marigold (Calendula officinalis), oak (Quercus robur), and pansy (Viola tricolor).

EJACULATION (premature) is a common problem in today’s busy world. Premature ejaculation is usually equated as “poor performance” on the part of the male. Premature ejaculation can easily be prevented and cured if both the “guy” and “doll” understand the basic cause. Again “orthodox” sexologists would have you believe that there is a “mental block” or some “deep seated guilt trip” that you have to deal with— anything to keep you coming again (pardon the pun). The true basics of premature ejaculation, which happens to all men given the classic circumstances, include a mental state of high expectation, infrequency of sex, and too much friction. The “orthodox” approach to therapy is to “think of draining your car’s oil” so you’re not thinking of sex! How absurd! How can you participate in the sex act and not be aware of sex? Who would want to?

Treatment and prevention of premature ejaculation are interrelated. The most important part of the treatment is to be very open about you and your “doll’s” bodies. Spend a lot of time together naked, take showers together, read in bed together naked on top of the covers, have sex in any room (obviously you have to make sure the kids are somewhere else), give each other massages (both naked) until the sight of each other’s naked body is no big deal.

Step number two is to have frequent sex. This definitely requires effort by both the “guy” and the “doll.” Frequent sex means two to three times per night three to four nights per week. This is easier than it sounds when both are cooperating. The “doll” can’t expect the “guy” to give a marathon performance once each week when she’s in a high demand state but has been fending the “guy” off all week because she is into shopping with the girls or taking the kids to ballet, aerobics, movies, and grandma’s. For the “guy’s” part, he can’t expect the “doll” to be receptive regularly if he isn’t “romantic” (i.e. kindness, flowers, dancing, gifts, compliments, wine, perfume, shower, shave, after-shave—you know, just like when you were courting). The “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am” approach just isn’t attractive to the “dolls.”

The third aspect of preventing and curing premature ejaculation is lubrication. The “guy” must make sure that the “doll” is properly lubricated. This can be accomplished in many ways, including the “doll’s” natural lubrication that results from emotional and sexual excitement and sexual stimulation. If the “doll” is a slow responder, the “guy” can liberally cover his penis with a water-soluble gel (i.e. K-Y Jelly) as well as apply some to the vaginal opening. Slowly insert the penis into the vagina and just “let it soak.” After a while, the “doll” relaxes, and the “guy” can move around a little without premature ejaculation. This is one process that there are no short cuts for. (Who would want any?!?)

Herbs, ginseng (Panax spp.), Dr. Wallach’s Stud Horse Formula, and herb combinations (Zumba) are excellent tonifying agents for increasing the “guy’s” potency. A prescription drug, Viagra, is available to help maintain an erection. It is expensive, however, and does have side effects.

ELECTRIC SHOCK can be fatal, even with the 110 electric outlets in the home. Toddlers sticking bobby pins or keys into the outlet can have a fatal shock; radios or appliances falling into the bathtub can be fatal to adults as can electrical repairs without turning off the breakers. Electricity kills by disrupting the electrical signals of the heart’s regulating mechanism which causes the heart to “fibrillate” (quiver rather than beat normally) and the breathing muscles to become paralyzed.

Treatment of electric shock includes shutting off the source of electricity or breaking the electrical contact with the patient and reestablishing the basic functions of life with CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and oxygen. HAVE SOMEONE CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY HELP!

EMESIS (vomiting) is a distressing event that may indicate overeating, cancer, excessive alcohol consumption, poisoning, food poisoning, food allergies, and infection (i.e. flu, EBV, Candida, etc.). In infants, vomiting with lethargy (unresponsive) and fever can be an ominous signal indicating meningitis. You may wish to cause vomiting when a child (or adult, for that matter) consumes a noncorrosive poison (i.e. rat poisons, toxic plants, household chemicals, etc.). “Coffee grounds” vomiting indicates large amounts of blood from a bleeding ulcer and/or stomach cancer and is a critical sign as death from uncontrolled bleeding can occur. Seek emergency help here. Early pregnancy often times will be heralded by nausea and vomiting (“morning sickness”).

Treatment of vomiting can be simply to not eat for several hours, suck ice, drink small amounts of peppermint tea, and drink small amounts of chicken or beef bouillon. Drinking small volumes of athletic fluid/ electrolyte replacers is of value because significant amounts of potassium are lost through vomiting. If stomach irritation is severe don’t be bashful about taking Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate—preferably the liquid to coat the stomach.

To cause vomiting in case of noncorrosive poisoning including drug ingestion, you can use the syrup of ipecac from your home “pharmacy” at 1 tsp. for children and 2 tbsp. for adults. Have the patient take in a large amount of water (one quart for an adult and as much as one pint for a child) and repeat the dose in 15 minutes if necessary.

ENDOMETRIOSIS is the abnormal implantation of the nonmalig-nant uterine lining cells in the body cavity. The endometrial cells are still sensitive to estrogen and therefore swell during high estrogen parts of the female cycle. Normally the uterine lining detaches from the uterus each month resulting in a mix of blood and tissue tags known as a “period.” Normally the endometrial cells and blood flow out of the uterus through the vaginal tract out of the body. Any obstruction or damming of the normal vaginal flow pattern of the endometrial tissue and blood results in a retro-flow into the abdominal cavity, where the endometrial cells find nourishment from the serosal surface of the bladder, colon, uterus, ovaries, etc. Tampons and sex during the “period” are the most common causes of endometriosis.

Treatment should include refraining from using tampons and refraining from having sex during the period. All 90 essential nutrients, including the use of wild Mexican yam (natural progesterone source) and herbs such as blue cohosh, black cohosh, and donqui will minimize the clinical discomfort. The use of Luperon (prescription posterior pituitary hormone) can shrink the maverick endometrial tissue to the size of a pea so it can be easily removed with endoscopic surgery. Luperon produces temporary menopausal symptoms that reverse after withdrawal.

ENURESIS (bedwetting) in children is another one of those outrageous syndromes botched by the “orthodox” pediatrician or, worse yet, the psychiatrist!! The “orthodox” view of enuresis is that it is “genetic,” associated with “passive-aggressive” behavior, “dependency,” “sleepwalking,” “anti-social behavior,” and “speech disorders.”

Enuresis is, in fact, the result of food allergies (i.e. sugar, milk, etc.) and/or severe reactive hypoglycemia (chromium/vanadium deficiency). Calcium/magnesium deficiencies complicate the food allergies and hypoglycemia. All the behavioral symptoms associated with enuresis are pretty typical of “hyperactivity” which again is caused by the food allergies and/or the hypoglycemia, combined with unnatural interest in fire and cruel behavior. Bedwetting is a potentially serious sign of future violent behavior, especially if the child likes to play with fire and is cruel to little animals and little children—the “bad seed” syndrome. Employ the pulse test and a six-hour GTT to get a complete picture of the cause.

Treatment of enuresis includes eliminating the offending foods for food allergies, and eliminating sugar natural and processed including sweet juices, i.e. grape and apple from bedtime treats. Use digestive aids (i.e. betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes) at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg, and don’t forget the base line supplement program for the 90 essential nutrients and the plant derived colloidal minerals.

EPILEPSY (fits, convulsions) is classically categorized by severity. 1) “petite mal,” or small seizure, is often times a blank stare or dizziness that comes over the patient for but a brief moment, and 2) “grand mal,” or large seizures, are spectacular convulsive attacks where the patient becomes stiff, falls over and begins to gnash his teeth and “flop” or “jerk” around the floor. The “grand mal” seizure can be fatal if the patient vomits and inhales the vomitus or hits his head; tongue biting com­monly occurs.

Treatment of epilepsy by the “orthodox” doctor will include the use of phenytoin at 5-10 mg/kg in children and 300-500 mg in adults, phenobarbital at 5-10 mg/kg in children and 2-5 mg/kg in adults, and premidone at 10-20 mg/kg in children and 0.75-1.5 gm in adults (may need to increase slowly). These allopathic drugs will stop symptomatic convulsions. They do have dramatic and potentially dangerous side effects such as uncontrolled eye movements, weakness and stumbling, arthritis and osteoporosis, skin rashes and/or dermatitis, anemia, learning disabilities and hyperactivity. Vitamin B6 alone will frequently “cure” epilepsy at 50-100 mg ti.d.. Long-term administration can cause some numbness and tingling in the face or hands. Adding Calcium magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/day, folic acid at 15-25 mg/day and B12 at 1,000 meg/day IM can also be curative. Manganese at 50 mg/day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., choline at 4 gm/day, taurine at 500 mg t.i.d., and dimethyl glycine at 100 mg b.i.d. are also indicated. High fat, high cholesterol diets are often helpful in resolving acquired seizure disorders not related to trauma.

EXOPHTHALMOS (bug eyes) is a prominent protrusion of the eyes from any of several causes including hyperthyroidism, tumor (especially if only one eye is affected), or glaucoma.

Treatment is specifically related to the cause. Blood test or axillary test for thyroid function, a glaucoma pressure exam and consideration of brain tumor (orbital or eye) is indicated.

EYE REDNESS (sties, pink eye) can be caused by dust, pollen allergies, bright sunshine, overwork, irritants (i.e. cigarette smoke), staying up late, infection, foreign body, etc.

Treatment of the eyes should be taken seriously. Infection can be treated with ophthalmic ointments with either boric acid or neomycin from your home “pharmacy.” Commercial eye drops such as Visine work very well for simple irritation. Pulling the upper eyelid outward and over the lower lid will cause enough tear flow to wash out small foreign bodies such as eyelashes and dust. Herbs can be used for eye washes including eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), oak (Quercus robur), pasque flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris), and cornflower (Centaurea cyanus).

FAILURE TO THRIVE is a term used to describe an infant that falls below expected growth rates. Celiac disease and /or other food allergies and cystic fibrosis should be considered as the most common cause. Plant derived colloidal minerals are of great value here as most of these children are severely depleted in trace minerals and rare earths.

FARTING (bowel gas) is usually caused by digested but poorly absorbed food reaching the colon and being fermented by bowel organisms. Some foods such as beans, garlic, and onions are legendary for their production of bowel gas. Food sensitivities to wheat, wheat gluten, and dairy can cause celiac disease type changes in the small intestine, which results in malabsorption. The unabsorbed proteins reach the colon and are the source of sulfur that smells like rotten eggs.

Treatment for pathological amounts of unpleasant bowel gas includes the avoidance of offending foods and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals where food allergies have caused celiac disease type changes in the small intestine.

FATIGUE (chronic fatigue syndrome, Candidiasis, Epstein-Barr Virus, cytomegalovirus, human herpes 6 virus, human B lymphotrophic virus, food allergies, hypoglycemia, diabetes, anemia, malnutrition) is the disease of the 80s. See specific disease description.

Treatment should be specific as described in appropriate section, and in addition, herbs may be of value including American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), lavender (Lavandula augustifolia), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sweet flag (Acorus calamus), and pasque flower (Anemone Pulsatilla). Avoid all sugar natural and processed, avoid soft drinks, and avoid fried foods, margarines, and caffeine. Take all 90 essential nutrients as a daily supplement to ensure that there are no nutritional deficiencies.

FERTILITY (problems) that are not related to physical blockage of egg or sperm transport systems are usually the result of some form of malnutrition, either overt (i.e. diet fads) or secondary to food allergies and/or malabsorption. One also must be sure that the woman is cycling and ovulating properly (i.e. slim women with less than 20 percent body fat do not ovulate regularly). Infertility usually means that the condition can be reversed whereas sterility usually means permanent nonreversible conditions. Do hair analysis and pulse test.

My oldest daughter and her husband had desperately been trying to have a child for 12 years and tried all the in vitro techniques with no results. She was brought to tears when she was told that she was “hopelessly sterile.” I finally was able to get her to supplement with all 90 nutrients while she waited for adoption paperwork to be processed. In just three months she was pregnant! It is amazing what a little nutrition will do.

Treatment of this form of infertility includes the base line nutritional supplement. Pay special attention to selenium deficiency in male infertility, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, correction of quality animal protein intake to a minimum of 100 gm/day (the RDA is only 40 gm/day), and essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d.

FEVER or elevated temperature (normal is 98.6°F) is part of the body’s defense mechanism. Many enzymes, antibodies, and cell (WBCs) responses are more efficient in slightly elevated temperatures. Elevated temperature during the day is not bad per se but should be reduced at night to allow comfortable sleep. Infants with high fevers of 104°F or above may have convulsions, which must be prevented or reduced quickly by immersion in tepid water.

Treatment of fever can include a number of commercial products including aspirin, Tylenol, Nuprin, etc. Ice packs on the forehead, running cool water over the wrists, cool baths, and herbs to include feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium), meadow-sweet (Filipendula ulmaria), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), European holly (Ilex aquifolium), white willow (Salix alba), mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), and cinchona bark (Cinchona succirubra) can be used. Obviously, all of the above are symptomatic treatments. The basic disease process (i.e. cold, flu, pneumonia, cancer, etc.) must also be dealt with forthrightly with fluids (chicken soup), herbal tea, and tomato juice.

FIBROIDS are a runaway production of fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle cells of the wall of the uterus. There are no agreed upon nutritional preventions or nutritional deficiencies that cause uterine fibroids. Looking at the tissue, however, there are certain similarities between fibroid tissue and the early changes of arteriosclerosis in the walls of muscular arteries and fibrocystic breast disease, giving some clues as to best approach uterine fibroids naturally. We know that magnesium deficiency is the cause of “malignant calcification” (arteriosclerosis) in the walls of muscular and elastic arteries. We know that eliminating caffeine and the supplementation of vitamin E and selenium enhance the healing process of fibrocystic breast disease.

Treatment of uterine fibroids should include avoidance of fried foods, margarine, and caffeine, as well as supplementation with all 90 essential nutrients. Crank up the magnesium level to 1,000 mg per day, vitamin E level to 2,000 i.u., and the selenium level to 500 meg per day. If satisfactory results are not achieved in four to six months, one can consider the use of Luperon (posterior pituitary hormone sold originally to dry up milk supply). The fibroids will shrink sufficiently to remove them with endoscopic surgery without the need for a hysterectomy. The side effects of Luperon treatment include temporary induced menopause that reverses after withdrawal of the drug.

FIBROCYSTIC BREAST DISEASE is cosmetically unpleasant and often painful during peak estrogen production. Cysts may vary in size from pea size to grapes and occasionally larger. Prevention and treatment are the same course of action.

Treatment of fibrocystic breast disease includes avoiding methyl xanthines (i.e. caffeine, coffee, black tea, ice tea, carbonated soft drinks with caffeine, chocolate, sugar, etc.), avoiding margarines and fried foods (avoid trans fatty acids and free radicles), vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., iodine at 200 meg/day, and selenium at 500 meg/day.

FIBROMYALGIA (stiff lamb disease, white muscle disease, adult-onset muscular dystrophy) is a disease that was eliminated from lambs, calves, and pigs in 1957. It is a multiple deficiency disease caused by a high intake of fried foods and vegetable oils (margarine, cooking oils, and salad dressing) and deficiencies of selenium, vitamin E, and sulfur amino acids (methionine, mysteine, cystene).

Treatment includes eliminating all vegetable oils and fried foods (be sure to supplement EFA at 9 grams per day since you are cutting back on oils) and supplementation with selenium at 300 meg/day, vitamin E 1200 i.u./day, and an amino acid program that includes methionine, cysteine, and cystine. Use Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula.

FINGERNAILS (white spots, ridges, brittle) are good barometers of absorption and nutritional status. Bluish fingernails indicate chronic lung conditions (i.e. not enough oxygen); white spots indicate zinc deficiency; ridges can indicate iron and/or calcium deficiency; brittle nails indicate sulfur amino acid and protein deficiencies. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplements with all 90 essential nutrients.

Treatment of fingernail problems should include collagen (Willamette Valley which is 100 percent Kosher beef, diabetic Jello, or Knox gelatin— this is especially important for those who have been vegetarians for any length of time), essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals.

FITS (see epilepsy) can be caused by a variety of problems including epilepsy, high fever in children, low fat low cholesterol diets and certain poisons. See epilepsy. You may wish to call your local poison center “hotline” for poisoning. Keep the telephone number taped on your telephone, especially if you have small children. In addition to the medications indicated for epilepsy, you may consider mullein tea (Verbascum thapsus).

FLATULENCE (bowel gas, colic, farting) is a signal that unabsorbed foods, especially proteins, are reaching the colon where they are fermented by colon organisms. Do the pulse test to see if any allergies are present that might cause celiac changes in the small intestine.

Treatment of flatulence includes digestive enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals, betaine HC1 at 75—200 mg before each meal, avoidance and/or rotation of offending food allergens, and herbs including angelica (Angelica archangelica), anise (Pimpinella anisum), caraway (Carum carvi), dill (Anethum graveolens), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and black pepper (Piper nigrum).

FLU (influenza, grip) is a potentially fatal viral disease. Infants and elder citizens are susceptible to the most serious complications if they are poorly nourished, immune compromised, or have a serious respiratory ailment (i.e. emphysema, asthma, pneumonia, CF, etc.). Flu is charac­terized by prostration, fever, diarrhea, bronchitis, coughing, headache, pneumonia, muscle aches, joint aches, and chills (feel cold and shaky but sweating). Flu typically occurs as a winter epidemic. Vaccination is very questionable for several reasons: 1) there are numerous strains and serotypes of flu virus (perhaps thousands!) so a vaccine for one strain or serotype is a “crap shoot” at best; usually you will come up “snake eyes” and get vaccinated for the wrong strain, 2) carte blanche vaccination has been identified as the probable vehicle for a variety of human epidemics including the first wave of HIV, and 3) permanent damage to the brain and nervous system is possible as a result of autoimmune reactions to the vaccine itself. Treatment for the flu includes antiviral agents such as Ribavirin at 1-2 tablets q.i.d. and/or Isoprinosin at 1 capsule b.i.d.; Fluviatol is another good choice at 2 tablets q.i.d. (pregnant women should avoid these DNA and RNA inhibitors because they potentially can cause birth defects). You will also want to include some protection against secondary bacterial pneumonia (i.e. Staphylococcus or Pneumococcus) such as echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) or golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis). Individuals with low immune status or severe respiratory disease may choose to take antibiotics rather than a pneumococcus vaccine which is usually used on seniors at risk for pneumonia. Fluids (i.e. juices, chicken/rice soup, vegetable soup, etc.) are essential to prevent dehydration and replace electrolytes lost through diarrhea or vomiting. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance (if you already have diarrhea, take 1,000 mg time release tablets hourly during your waking day), vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, bioflavonoids at 150-300 mg/day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., ACE (adrenal cortical extract sublingual or IV), herbs including wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), cinchona bark (Cinchona succirubra), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), hemp acrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum), meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), European holly (Ilex aquifolium), dog rose (Rosa canina), white willow (Salix alba), European elder (Sambucus nigra), broad-leafed lime (Tilia platyphllos), and bearded usnea (Usnea barbata).

FOOD ALLERGIES (sensitivities) are a concern for everyone. The reason is that the celiac disease type changes they cause in your intestines will prevent the absorption of essential nutrients that are required to keep your immune system, as well as your various organs, maintained, repaired, and in tip top working order. Many of the maladies caused by food allergies are not a direct cause but rather an indirect cause by cutting off the flow of essential raw materials necessary for your body to repair itself. A list of symptoms of food allergies would perhaps fill ten pages of this book. Suffice it to be said that if you have any chronic disease (i.e. cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, etc.) and/or emotional problems (i.e. hypoglycemia, depression, neurosis, schizophrenia, hyperactivity, paranoia, etc.) you have food allergies and hypoglycemia! Allergic “shiners” and “geographic” tongue are red flags. Incompletely digested proteins (polypeptides) getting into your blood stream cause food allergies. This happens to the fetus through the placenta (i.e. cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, etc.), to the nursing baby through the breast milk, and to the rest of us when our digestive system is not working perfectly (i.e. stress, aging, salt restricted diets, etc.).

The diagnosis and identification of specific food allergens takes quite a bit of work on your part to identify, but it is worth the effort as it will add 10-20 years to your life and make an enormous improvement in your quality of life. The easiest way to identify food allergies in yourself is the Coca Pulse Test. To perform this test, you learn your base pulse rate, then eat a single food (i.e. milk only, wheat only, etc.) and check your pulse 15, 30, and 60 minutes after you eat the single food item. An elevation in pulse rate of more than ten beats over the baseline pulse is an indicator that you are allergic to that food. You must be serious and aggressive at this project because it takes time and effort. After you get cancer, it is a little late to realize that you spent more time working on your lawn’s health than you did on your own!!! A second method of allergy diagnosis can be used in conjunction with the pulse test is the diet diary. This diary is especially useful when emotional symptoms and headache are associated with food allergies. First, you eat a single food (as you do with the pulse test) noting the time on a pad of paper. Then record emotional symptoms and/or headache with the time. The symptom will appear within minutes to a few hours of ingesting the offending food (this includes hyperactivity and dyslexia). Do a six-hour GTT as almost everyone with food allergies has hypoglycemia because the celiac changes in the intestine prevent the efficient absorption of chromium and vanadium.

Treatment of food allergies includes religious use of the base line nutritional supplements (be sure to use hypoallergenic supplements— no corn, wheat, soy, egg, or milk). Avoid vaccinations that have egg, blood, or beef origins. Use vitamin C to bowel tolerance levels, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, bioflavonoids at 150-300 mg/day, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., selenium at 300 meg b.i.d., chromium and vanadium at 200 meg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-500 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals, ACE sublingual or IV, five day rotation diets, avoid offending foods, and have patience! It takes up to 90 days to repair the intestinal injury. The good news is that repair will take place even if you’re 100 years old. IV hydrogen peroxide speeds up the healing process.

FRACTURES (broken bones) can result from malnutrition (i.e. calcium/magnesium deficiency, improper calcium/phosphorus ratio, osteoporosis) and severe trauma (i.e. a blow during a fight, auto accident, fall, etc.). Good mineral status in your bones will prevent most types of “spontaneous” fractures, compression fractures, and fractures from simple falls. Diagnosis of a fracture can be made by seeing a digit or limb at an abnormal angle, noticing severe pain at a specific place on the bone, and use a vibrating tuning fork to touch the suspected fracture site because the vibrations will be painful if there is a fracture present. X-rays in an emergency room may be warranted to differentiate between a fracture and a sprain or strain.

The use of the base line nutritional supplements (Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula) including calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, plant derived colloidal minerals and digestive aids (i.e. betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals) is an almost sure guarantee against nontrauma fractures especially in post-menopause women. The use of comfrey (Symphytum officinale) orally and over the injury site will speed healing of fractures as well as reduce pain and swelling.

FRECKLES (liver spots, age spots, sunspots) are caused by melanin pigment in response to sunlight in fair skinned people. “Liver spots” or “age spots” in middle aged and older people are sometimes difficult to distinguish from freckles. Liver spots and age spots are caused by “ceroid lipofuchsin” pigment build up in the skin from peroxidation of fats in your body (i.e. trans fatty acids and free radical damage) and are a more ominous sign than freckles. Freckles may be prevented or reduced by the religious use of sunscreens by fair skinned people.

Treatment of freckles and “liver spots” includes avoiding fried foods and margarine, the use of vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, selenium at 200-500 meg t.i.d., vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., and the herb English mandrake (Tamus communis) topically on the spots b.i.d.

GALLBLADDER DISEASE (gall stones) is generally caused by liver problems, especially with fat and cholesterol metabolism. Gallbladder “attacks” are caused by a cramping of the muscles in the gallbladder after a fatty meal or a temporary blockage of the bile duct by a gallstone. Gallstones are composed of almost 100 percent cholesterol and fat when they first form. On rare occaisions they become calcified after the passage of time. Prevention of gallbladder problems includes the faithful use of all 90 essential nutrients to assure optimal liver nutrition, glycyrrhizin (an extract of the licorice plant, Glycyrrhyza glabra), and the base line nutritional supplement including 5 gm of EFA t.i.d. Fried eggs are known to precipitate 93 percent of all gallbladder attacks, followed closely by fried onions, fried potatoes, and pork.

Treatment of gallbladder disease and gallstones includes the use of high fiber diets (i.e. make sure you are having 2-3 bowel movements per day), lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., EFA at 5 gm t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, selenium at 200 meg t.i.d., and taurine at 500 mg t.i.d. A liver “flush” is a time-tested home remedy. Herbs to use include acrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), vumitory (Fumaria officinalis), horehound (Marrubium vulgare), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), peppermint (Mentha piperita), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), artichoke (Cynara scolymus), sweet coltsfoot (Petasites hybridus), celandine (Chelidonium majus), chicory (Cichorium intybus), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).

GEOGRAPHIC TONGUE (benign migratory glossitis) like allergic “shiners” is a red flag that you are not absorbing B3, B2, B6, B5, B12, folic acid, or zinc (the cause is usually malabsorption from celiac disease-like changes in the small intestine). Geographic tongue is recognized by irregular denuded areas on the top surface and sides of the tongue. Do a series of pulse tests to determine what foods you may be allergic to. Geographic tongue is not painful, and taste may or may not be affected.

Treatment of geographic tongue includes avoidance of any offending food allergens, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, B-complex IM in the early stages of therapy and be sure to get on the base line supplement program.

GINGIVITIS (periodontal disease, receding gums, loose teeth, facial and jaw osteoporosis) is the shame of the dental profession, second only to mercury amalgam fillings. Gingivitis is totally preventable with proper nutrition and can very frequently be reversed with nutrition. It is the contention of the “orthodox” dental profession that food caught between the teeth and between the gums and tooth is the root cause of gingivitis and they have duly raised the stock worth of the dental floss companies. In reality, the reason the gums recede and food gets packed into the gingival space between the gums and tooth is that the “alveolar” bone supporting the tooth root has dissolved from a calcium deficiency and/or a phosphorus excess (i.e. too much meat, too much phosphate-containing soft drinks, etc.). The alveolar bone is very thin and fragile so minute losses in bone density are reflected more severely in the face and jaw than, in say, the femur (thigh bone). The truth would get rid of an entire specialty of dentist (periodontists), so it is kept in the dental research literature. Think about it, dogs and cats don’t floss, and they don’t get periodontal disease or receding gums unless we feed them table scraps. Complete dog and cat rations have been formulated to prevent this malady. Again, the veterinary profession is treating their patients better than their human counterparts!

Treatment of gingivitis includes the correction of the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the diet (consider gingivitis and periodontitis as an osteoporosis of the face and jaw). The correct calcium/phosphorus ratio is 2 calcium/1 phosphorus (most American diets are 15-20 phosphorus/ 1 calcium) and it is impossible to achieve without supplementation of calcium and consciously reducing the phosphorus intake (i.e. give up soft drinks, reduce meat intake, etc.). Take calcium at 2,000 mg and magnesium at 1,000 mg t.i.d. with meals until teeth tighten up and gums calm down and are not so inflamed. Plant derived colloidal minerals make this aspect of prevention and treatment easy. This heavy supplementation of calcium will not cause kidney stones (kidney stones are the result of raging osteoporosis). Rinse the mouth with hydrogen peroxide tooth gel and mouth wash, take vitamin C to bowel tolerance, and colloidal silver and herbs may be used for mouthwash to relieve inflammation and pain. Herbs to use include arnica (Arnica Montana), bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus), German chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla), high mallow (Malva Sylvestris), and tormentil bloodroot (Potentilla Erecta).

GLAUCOMA is caused by an increased pressure in the eye itself which causes a change in shape, obstructing the normal flow of fluid from the eye. Food allergies are among the most common causes of increases in eye pressure. Do the pulse test to determine if you are allergic to any foods. Another common cause of increased eye pressure is muscular dystrophy or fibromyalgia of the eye muscles.

Treatment of glaucoma by the “orthodox” doctor is limited to a prescription of pilocarpine 4 percent every 15 minutes, surgery, or cortisone. You must do pulse testing and eliminate foods you are sensitive to, betaine HC1 at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, rutin at 20-50 mg t.i.d., and the base line nutritional supplement. DO NOT REDUCE MEDICATION WITHOUT A TEST THAT SHOWS A REDUCTION IN EYE PRESSURE.

GLUTEN ENTEROPATHY: see celiac disease

GOITER (colloid goiter, hypothyroid) is caused by a simple deficiency of nutrients (i.e. iodine, copper, molybdenum, the amino acid tyrosine, etc.). Nitrates are goiterogenic (stimulate goiter formation); they are found in luncheon meats, hot dogs, sausages, and a variety of prepared meat products. Another source of goiterogens is the nitrates in fertilizers, which gets into well water. If you get your water from a farm well, have it tested for nitrates because they are carcinogenic as well as goiterogenic. Cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are also goiterogenic. Goiter is easy to diagnosis because the nutrient deficient thyroid gland enlarges 50-100 times its normal size; it is located just below the larynx in the front of the neck.

Treatment of goiter includes the removal of all goitrogens from the diet (read labels to exclude nitrates), supplement iodine at 250 meg/day, and thyroid USP at 2-5 grains each morning. Kelp is a good natural source of iodine. Don’t forget the 90 essential nutrients.

GOUT (gouty arthritis) is caused by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints and surrounding tissues. These joints, classically the great toe of each foot, are very tender and may become deformed in chronic or long-standing cases. Kidney disease and uric acid kidney stones may develop in chronic untreated cases. Elevated uric acid in the blood (above 7 mg/100 ml of serum) along with sudden onset of tender “gouty” joints is a red flag for gout.

Treatment for gout should include an avoidance of alcohol, organ meats, seafood, lentils, beans, peas, and fructose sources. Use folic acid at 20-50 mg/day, cherries, and unsweetened cherry juice, and herbs including gout weed (Aegopodium podagraria) and meadow saffron (Colchicium autumnale). The “orthodox” doctors use colchicine almost exclusively as the treatment of choice but add prednisone for inflammation.

GROWING PAINS (Osgood-Slaughter disease) are common in American children today. All you have to do is go to the zoo and watch parents carrying around six and seven-year-old children on their hip or pushing them around in an “18-wheeler” stroller! Growing pains are totally unnecessary and are red flags for one or more nutritional deficiencies. Prevention of growing pains includes the base line nutritional supplement rich in calcium, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C including Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula at 1 tsp/ 20 pounds body weight for kids.

Treatment of growing pains includes calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, selenium at 50-200 meg b.i.d., and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, and Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula at one tsp per 20 pounds body weight.

GUMS (bleeding, sore, pyorrhea) see gingivitis. You may also wish to rinse mouth with colloidal silver or a tea from the root of the white pond lily (Nymphae odorata).

HAIR LOSS: see alopecia

HANGNAILS are caused by an essential fatty acid deficiency. Treatment of hangnails includes flaxseed oil at 5 gm t.i.d. and 100 percent Kosher beef gelatin at one half ounce powder or 6 to 12 capsules daily. You may also wish to put vitamin E oil or aloe vera directly on the hangnail to soften it and reduce the probability of further tearing or infection. Small scissors or fingernail clippers can be used to “surgically” remove the skin flap.

HAY FEVER (pollen allergies) is caused by plant pollen allergies and tends to be seasonal and coincides with plant cycles. Symptoms include headache, red itchy eyes, nasal congestion, and asthma.

Treatment of hay fever includes autoimmune urine therapy after the first attack each year, commercial antihistamine products (i.e. Allerest, Contac, etc.), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids at 150 mg q.i.d., and rutin 50 mg t.i.d. or as needed. The faithful supplementation of all 90 essential nutrients (including plant derived colloidal minerals) often times will reduce or even eliminate clinical symptoms.

HEADACHES are caused by a wide variety of problems. Food allergies (the primary cause of migraines) and hypoglycemia are major causes of headaches. Sinus headaches are often caused by allergies to pollens and milk products. Headaches can also be cyclic in PMS. Do a complete series of pulse tests and a six-hour GTT.

Treatment for headaches comes in the form of a wide variety of commercial products (i.e. aspirin, Tylenol, Nuprin, Bufferin), chromium at 50-200 meg t.i.d., and betaine HC1 at 75-200 mg t.i.d.

Avoid offending foods including all sources of caffeine. Use autoimmune urine therapy, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, B3 at 450 mg time release q.i.d., B6 at 100 mg t.i.d. or as needed, choline at 150 mg/day, and flaxseed oil at 5 gm q.i.d. Avoid simple carbohydrates, use proteins and amino acids for snacks. Herbs including feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), fleabane (Erigeron canadense), balm (Melissa officinalis), cowslip (Primula veris), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), queen-of-the-meadow (Filipendula ulmaria), valarian (Valeriana officinalis), and white willow (Salix alba) can be helpful.

HEARING LOSS (deafness) may require a “hearing aid” to amplify or correct the problem. On the other hand, sometimes cleaning the wax out of one’s ear with hydrogen peroxide eardrops or a commercial earwax solvent will do the trick. I used to have an office down the hall from a hearing aid retailer—this fellow was so honest, he would always send his clients down the hall so I could clean their ears before he would examine them for hearing loss and fit them for hearing aids; we saw many a miracle of hearing return!!!. In children, manganese and/or tin deficiency can cause reversible hearing loss. Do a pulse test for milk allergies (another common cause of deafness in kids).

HEART DISEASE (heart attack, cardiovascular disease): see cardiovascular disease, see arteriosclerosis. Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to heart disease. Good nutrition means moderation in all things with no fried foods. The base line nutritional supplements are a must. Pay special attention to EFA, avoid as much of the polyunsaturated fatty acids as you can (other than the essentials— i.e. flaxseed oil and/or salmon oil), and pay special attention to selenium (500 meg/day) and vitamin E (800-1,200 IU/day). Exercise in moderation (i.e. a 30-minute walk each evening is enough) and avoid vitamin D as an adult. More than 400 IU/day results in calcification of coronary arteries—the target tissue for vitamin D poisoning! Keep a 30-minute oxygen tank in your house (a two-hour supply if you live in a rural area), learn CPR, have nitroglycerin capsules or transdermal nitroglycerin patches on hand, obtain an IV infusion set and severed 500 ml bottles of lactated ringers to set up an IV should a heart attack occur. Don’t relegate your survival to an EMT who might or might now get there on time. Learn as much about emergency heart care as you know about your home’s electrical system. Remember: UNPREPAREDNESS KILLS!

Treatment once you have had a heart attack includes EDTA chelation (with H202 added). You may need as many as two chelation’s per day for 80 or more days to ensure full recovery for your heart. Be aggressive. Your “orthodox” cardiologist will not agree to this so you will have to arrange it yourself. Increase your selenium intake to 1,000 meg/day and your vitamin E to 1,200 to 2,000 IU/day and take 5-10 alfalfa tablets with each meal in addition to the base line nutrition program. Take two ounces of an oxygen supplement in the morning when you awake and two ounces before retiring. Take betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals. REFER TO YOUR PHYSICIAN’S DESK REFERENCE BEFORE TAKING ANY MEDICATION YOUR “ORTHODOX” CARDIOLOGIST WANTS TO PRESCRIBE FOR YOU! Don’t take any medication you do not fully understand! Remember 40 percent of all patients are in the hospital because of iatrogenic disease (doctor mistakes in medication or surgery). Get back into your walking and/or swimming program as soon as you can.

HEARTBURN (dyspepsia, reflux) is one of the more common diseases in the USA today. Stress, salt restricted diets, and aging cause a decrease in stomach acid production which allows bacteria to grow in the stomach. These opportunistic bacteria generate gas and acid that results in the “belch, burp, and bloat” syndrome. Prevention includes eating small meals, no fried foods, and drinking eight glasses of water each day to prevent constipation.

Treatment should include betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before each meal. For acute attacks of “heartburn,” any of the commercial products advertised on TV (i.e. Rolaids) may be helpful. Herbs to try including peppermint (Mentha piperita) and angelica (Angelica archangelica).

HEMORRHOIDS (piles) are varicose veins in the rectum and anus that itch, bleed, become painful, and eventually blocked with clots (thrombosed). The cause of hemorrhoids is primarily a copper deficiency (a breakdown of elastic fibers in veins), low fiber diets, the resulting constipation, and lack of exercise. The increased pressure needed to force out a constipated bowel movement causes ballooning of the hemorrhoidal veins. Bright red blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement is usually from an irritated hemorrhoid. You may be able to feel the large grape sized “balloon” in the hemorrhoidal vein. Prevention includes high supplementation with all 90 essential nutrients, eight to 10 glasses of water each day, high fiber diets, and exercise.

Treatment of hemorrhoids includes high fiber diets (you may need to add oat bran at two heaping tbsp. in eight oz. of juice or water before bed) to encourage two bowel movements per day, hydrotherapy (Jaccuzi jet directed at hemorrhoidal tissue) b.i.d. as long as necessary, commer­cial topical products (i.e. Preparation H, etc.), and topical washes and/or compresses of herbs including German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), silver weed (Potentilla anserina), smart weed (Polygonium hydropiper), witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), yarrow (Achillea millefollium), juniper berries (Juniperus communis), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), and plantain (Plantago major). SURGERY IS RARELY, IF EVER, NECESSARY!

HEPATITIS by dictionary meaning means any inflammation of the liver. In daily use hepatitis refers to any of three viruses that attack the liver: 1) Hepatitis A is transmitted by fecal-oral contamination (i.e. contaminated food, oral sex, etc.), 2) Hepatitis B is primarily transmitted by blood contamination through dirty “community” needles, and causes a more severe disease and is potentially fatal, 3) Hepatitis C is a newly identified virus associated with blood transfusions that causes chronic liver disease and death. Hepatitis can appear as a minor flu-like disease to a fierce fatal liver disease depending on your immune system’s ability to fight off the virus. In China, where there is an endemic hepatitis rate of 10 percent (that is 100 million cases a year!), the rate of liver cancer is very high. Prevention of hepatitis is fairly simple—follow good personal hygiene, wash your hands after using the toilet, and wash your hands before cooking and eating. DOCTORS AND NURSES, PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS BETWEEN PATIENTS. By not washing their hands between patients, doctors and nurses cause two million infections each year in hospitals alone. Do not do illegal drugs, do not use “community” needles, etc. Follow the above simple rules and you will reduce your risk of contracting hepatitis by 97 percent. When my wife and I went to China, we took “Handi-Wipes” and washed all plates, cups, and eating utensils (i.e. chopsticks, spoons, etc.) before using them, even in public restaurants—we didn’t contract hepatitis. Diagnosis of hepatitis is difficult in the early stages but easy after a week or so. Loss of appetite, prostration, nausea and vomiting, and fever are the early flu-like signs; after 3-10 days the urine will turn dark and jaundice (yellow eyes and skin) will appear. The patient feels better at this point. Blood test show a marked elevation in the SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) up ten times the normal values; the elevated enzymes gradually decrease as recovery takes place.

Treatment of hepatitis includes bed rest and plenty of fluids including chicken soup. Avoid sugar, fat, margarine, and fried foods, and avoid alcohol. Vitamin B12 at 1,000 meg/day, folic acid at 5-10 mg/day, catechin at 1.5 gm/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, and herbs including licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), chicory (Chichorium intybus), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), germanium at 25-50 mg/day, selenium at 200-500 meg/day, and an oxygen supplement at one ounce on awakening and retiring.

HERPES (simplex, cold sores, canker sores) is a virus that causes recurrent blisters and ulcers on the lips (Type I) and on the genitals (Type II). This disease never goes away completely (once infected, always infected). The best you can hope for is long term remission. Herpes lesions itch at the early stages and can be very painful and disfiguring. These viruses are transmitted by kissing and sexual contact. Avoid kissing and sexual activity when the lesions are active. Use condoms during an active stage of genital Herpes.

Treatment includes ultra violet light directly on lesion for 1-6 minutes per day, avoid high arginine foods (i.e. avoid chocolate, peanuts, nuts, seeds, grains), eat high lysine foods (i.e. meat, potatoes, milk, yeast, fish, chicken, beans, eggs), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids at 200 mg t.i.d., zinc at 75 mg t.i.d., 1-Lysine at 1-6 gm/day to effect, then 500 mg/day maintenance, Ribavirin at 250-500 mg/day (do not take during pregnancy), and Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg/day (do not take during pregnancy), and topical herb compress with walnut (Juglans nigra). There are many commercial products available for topical application.

HERPES ZOSTER (shingles) is the result of a resurfacing of a long­ standing infection with the “chicken pox” virus. The resultant skin eruptions are extremely painful, sometimes requiring hospitalization. Extreme pain can be elicited by the touch of clothes or sheets. The path of the virus is along nerves so a regular pattern for the skin lesions is typical.

Treatment of choice for shingles is Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg/day, Ribavirin at 250-500 mg/day, vitamin B12 at 1,000 meg/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, lysine at 5 grams/day, and zinc at 15 mg t.i.d.

HIATAL HERNIA is usually a congenital birth defect (not genetic) of the diaphragm. It can also be caused by crushing the chest or abdomen as in an auto accident. Gas, dyspepsia, reflux, and chest pain that mimics a “heart attack” are common symptoms. It is said that more than 40 percent of the USA population has asymptomatic hiatal hernia by actual x-ray survey!

Treatment of hiatal hernia usually is restricted to treating the gas and dyspepsia with digestive enzymes and betaine hydrochloride. Six to eight small meals each day are suggested as is sleeping with the head of your bed elevated which often times prevents night-esophageal reflux while you sleep. When there is a large defect in the diaphragm (parae­sophageal hiatal hernia) surgical repair is recommended to prevent strangulation of portions of the stomach, intestine, or liver.

HICCOUGHS are distracting and bothersome though rarely fatal. Hiccoughs are the result of spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm, closely followed by a sudden closure of the glottis. Hiccough “attacks” may be started by swallowing hot or irritating substances that irritate the vagus, phrenic, and recurrent nerves controlling respiration. Chronic hiccoughs can be the result of the vagus nerve being squeezed by connective tissue in the skull (osteoporosis) as the nerve exits the skull (a type of peripheral neuropathy).

Treatment of hiccoughs includes holding your breath. High levels of blood carbon dioxide inhibit hiccoughs. Drink a large glass of water, orange juice, or lemon juice slowly. Pressure on the closed eyes with the heels of your hands and digital pressure applied to the phrenic nerves just behind the sternoclavicular joint (where your collarbone joins your sternum) can be of benefit. Chronic hiccoughs should be treated as osteoporosis.

HOARSENESS (laryngitis) can be caused by too much yelling as at a football game or from many of the cold and upper respiratory viruses. If hoarseness persists there could be more sinister things going on such as muscular dystrophy or fibromyalgia of the laryngeal muscles.

Treatment of hoarseness includes use of demulcents such as slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) in lemon and honey, chickweed (Stella media), and the “singer’s plant” or hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale) as a liquid extract. Avoid fried food, margarine, and processed sugar, and be sure to faithfully supplement with all 90 essential nutrients.

HYPERACIDITY (stomach acid, gas): see dyspepsia. Treat with fennel tea (Foeniculum vulgare).

HYPERACTIVITY (hyperkinesis, ADD, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome) is a very disruptive speeded up activity level to the point the attention span is less than a minute. The repetitive activity that develops is distractive to others in a classroom or family setting. Very frequentiy the activities are self-destructive, injurious to others, and create a learning disability. Food allergies, food sensitivities (i.e. sugar, milk, etc.), and hypoglycemia cause 95 percent or better of the cases of hyperactivity and hyperkinesis. Pulse testing for allergies and a six-hour GTT are essential here if you truly wish to correct the problem. Be sure to include the base line nutritional program. In addition to the behavioral problems, and certainly more insidious, are the “celiac” disease type changes in the intestines resulting from the food allergies which cause severe malab­sorption of nutrients. In turn, the resultant malnutrition causes further behavioral problems.

Treatment of hyperactivity and hyperkinesis requires absolute adherence to a rotation and avoidance diet based on the results of the allergy testing and six-hour GTT. Supplement with betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, Feingold diet (i.e. avoid sugar natural and processed, additives, food colors, etc.), IM or IV B-complex at 50 mg each per day, and chromium and vanadium at 25-250 meg per day.

HYPERTENSION (high blood pressure) represents an elevation of the blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg (the upper limits of normal). Either the systolic or diastolic numbers alone or both may be elevated. High blood pressure is complex and may be caused by many diseases ranging from simple nervousness in the examining room, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease, a variety of endocrine gland disorders, and food allergies. The most common reason for high blood pressure is a calcium deficiency and as a result high blood pressure is usually found in people with arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney stones, muscle cramps, etc. Do pulse test to identify offending foods. Do a hair analysis to check for excessive heavy metals (i.e. lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury). Don’t forget the baseline nutritional supplements. CALCIUM DEFICIENT DIETS ARE KNOWN TO BE A MAJOR CAUSE OF HYPERTENSION.

Symptoms of hypertension include dizziness, red face, headache, fatigue, nosebleeds, nervousness, memory loss, edema of the optic nerve disc, strokes, etc. While not a symptom, obesity is a serious predisposing factor to hypertension; obesity also indicates mineral deficiencies.

Treatment of hypertension includes calcium (particularly useful is the plant derived colloidal minerals which are 98 percent absorbable), high fiber diets, rotation/avoidance diets, low fat diet (no fried food or margarines), avoid sugar and refined flour, avoid more than 400 IU of vitamin D, avoid caffeinated coffee or tea, chelation with EDTA, infusions with hydrogen peroxide, flaxseed oil at 5 gm t.i.d., garlic, reduce red meat intake, consume 4-6 cups of vegetables per day, CO-Q 10 at 60 mg/day, eight glasses of water per day, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., herbs including European hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina), and olive (Olea europaea). Weight loss can drop elevated blood pressure dramatically.

HYPOGLYCEMIA (low blood sugar, hyperinsulinemia, narcolepsy) is placed in quotation marks in the medical literature. The “orthodox” idea for treatment of “hypoglycemia” is to “eat a candy bar anytime you feel an attack coming on” (by the way, these quotes are from the 1988 AMA Family Encyclopedia of Medicine!). With such an archaic approach to the treatment of such a simple problem, how can we trust the “orthodox” medical community with something as complex as cancer!!! The cause of hypoglycemia is almost always food allergies that cause a malabsorption of chromium and vanadium as a result of celiac disease type changes in the intestine and/or a large intake of sugar (natural and processed) and refined flour which increases the dumping of chromium and vanadium in the urine as much as 300 percent. The old wives’ tale “if you eat sugar from the sugar bowl, you will surely develop diabetes” is then quite true as untreated hypoglycemia will very frequently develop into diabetes. The symptoms of hypoglycemia are highly variable and may include emotional symptoms (i.e. hyperactivity, paranoia, schizophrenia, memory loss, irritability, hallucinations, depression, manic depression, bi-polar disease, dyslexia, crying, learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, etc.), sleepiness, narcolepsy, fatigue, heart palpitations, sweating, inability to do cognitive tasks (i.e. inability to think out simple problems), explosive reactive anger, negative thinking, and catatonia and/or coma-like states.

The diagnosis of hypoglycemia requires a six-hour GTT. A FASTING BLOOD SUGAR ALONE WILL NOT DIAGNOSE HYPOGLYCEMIA OR DIABETES IN 98 PERCENT OF THE CASES; THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS TO THIS DIAGNOSIS!!! A finger prick is done in the morning while fasting and the fasting blood sugar level is recorded (normal is 75 mg % give or take 5 points). Then 100 gm of glucose (Glucola) is ingested and a finger prick blood glucose is taken 30 minutes after ingestion and the results recorded. A finger prick blood glucose is taken at 60 minutes after ingestion of the glucose and at hourly intervals thereafter for a total of eight finger sticks (easy to remember as you have eight fingers!). It is of extreme importance to have an observer present during the entire test, not because the test is dangerous, rather because behavioral changes are best recognized by someone else. Having the “patient” write their name, draw pictures, etc. can be very useful, especially in children where they may have a difficult time describing how they feel. These tests and observations should be done every 30 minutes during the six-hour test. A chart is then developed using the numbers gathered to assess the patient’s glucose status. Hypoglycemia exists when the low during the test drops below the level of the starting fasting blood sugar level. Elevated blood sugar can produce behavioral changes as the blood sugar rises after a meal much in the same way that alcohol or drugs do (in fact, many hypoglycemics are falsely accused of being intoxicated!). Diabetes can be diagnosed when the total of the results of the fasting, at the 30-minute, one hour, and the second hour blood sugar test exceeds 600 mg % and there is sugar in the urine during the test.

Treatment of hypoglycemia includes high protein (preferably animal protein) diets (six to eight small meals per day) as even complex carbohydrates will increase the excretion rate of chromium and vanadium in the urine. Simple sugars increase the excretion rate of chromium and vanadium up to 300 percent of the normal rate! Chromium and vanadium are the “magic bullets” for treatment of hypoglycemia at 50-200 meg t.i.d. with meals. THOSE INDIVIDUALS ON INSULIN SHOULD START CHROMIUM / VANADIUM THERAPY AT 25 meg ti.d. TO PREVENT A SUDDEN DIP IN BLOOD SUGAR. Also, B-complex at 50 mg each t.i.d., avoid alcohol (alcohol is a simple carbohydrate), zinc at 25 mg ti.d., and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals. Resolve the associated food allergies by using digestive enzymes, betaine HC1, and avoidance and rotation diets.

HYPOTENSION (low blood pressure) can be caused by prescribed drugs (check your PDR), heart disease, kidney disease, low blood sugar, food allergies, dehydration, adrenal exhaustion, and hypothyroidism.

The causative disease process must be dealt with to properly resolve hypotension. Symptoms of hypotension include low energy, dizzy feeling when you stand up fast from a lying down or sitting position, fainting, blurred vision, palpitations, inability to solve simple problems, and slurring of speech.

Treatment of hypotension includes resolving the original problem, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., ACE (adrenal cortical extract) sublingual, IM or IV, and thyroid at 1 to 3 grains in the morning. Too much will cause increase in heart rate and uncontrolled shaking of hands. Find the OD level by gradual “titration” then back off one grain. Eight glasses of water each day, acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology, and herbs including ginseng (Panax ginseng, P.quinquefolius), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), and spring adonis (Adonis vernalis) are helpful.

HYPOTHYROID (low thyroid, goiter): States that frequently do not produce goiter (thyroid gland enlargement) can produce obesity, fatigue, disinterest, low blood pressure, water retention (edema), etc. Diagnose with a basal body temperature test. Upon waking up, take your temperature by placing a thermometer under your armpit before getting up and stirring around. If your temperature is below 97.6°F, you have low thyroid. Don’t forget your thyroid gland requires all 90 essential nutrients to function properly and produce thyroxin.

Treatment of hypothyroidism includes eliminating all goiterogenic substances such as nitrates, cabbage, etc. Supplement with U.S. Armour thyroid at 1 to 3 grains each morning. An excess will cause increase in heart rate and shaking of the extended arm. Increase dosage to OD then back off one grain. Kelp and iodine supplement at 250-500 meg per day and herbs to include quercus marine (Fucus vesiculosis).

HYSTERIA (melancholia, panic attacks) is a symptomatic diagnosis. Hysteria can result from PMS, food allergies, drugs (prescribed and illegal), alcoholism, hypoglycemia, etc. Our “orthodox” medical colleagues created the “hysterectomy” operation to resolve hysteria because of the PMS association! Test for food allergies (pulse test, etc.), hypoglycemia (six-hour GTT), and keep a daily diary to document PMS. Use a PDR to check out any medication that you might be on.

Treatment of hysteria includes avoidance of offending foods that you might be allergic to (i.e. sugar, dairy, caffeine, etc.), rotation diets, EFA at 5 gm t.i.d. with meals, chromium and vanadium at 50-200 meg t.i.d. with meals, lithium, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, acupuncture, homeopathy, and herbs including black hellebore (Hellebores niger), blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalic­ troides), mistletoe (Viscum album), B3 at 450 mg t.i.d. (time release), and B6 at 150-300 mg t.i.d. Take this dose for thirty days then cut it to 25 mg t.i.d.

IMMUNE DEPRESSION (immune exhaustion) is caused by many chronic processes such as unrelenting stress, chronic allergies, and chronic infections which result in exhaustion of the immune system and an inability to protect yourself against foreign invaders such as EBV, Candidiasis, food allergies, arthritis, cancer, etc. Anergy refers to a state in which your immune system is so exhausted that you may not react to diagnostic tests even though you have an overwhelming disease (i.e. TB, Candidiasis, etc.). DRUGS SUCH AS CORTISONE, PREDNISONE, AND CHEMOTHERAPY CAUSE IMMUNE DEPRESSION—READ YOUR PDR.

Treatment of a depressed immune system includes vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, ACE (adrenal cortical extract) sublingual, IM or EV, germanium at 50 mg orally or IM daily, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs to include ginseng (Panax ginseng), selenium at 300 meg/day, and all 90 essential nutrients and plant derived colloidal minerals.

IMMUNIZATION (vaccination) is perhaps the greatest interface between government and freedom of choice in your own health care. Today the government says you will vaccinate your children, or they will not be admitted to school. This is the same government who says that AIDS infected children should be in public schools. State governments have even gone to the extreme to say that if you don’t vaccinate your children, you will be charged with child abuse and your children placed in a foster home. Many states are trying to eliminate the religious exemption for vaccination. WARNING: VACCINATION APPEARS TO BE A BATTLEFIELD TAKING SHAPE BETWEEN THE ORTHODOX MEDICAL ADVISORS AND OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Don’t forget that many vaccination programs are suspected to be the carrier for many catastrophic diseases. Some experts even believe that HIV was originally spread through vaccination programs including hepatitis, flu, and smallpox vaccines.

IMMUNOTHERAPY is a play on words as the “orthodox” medical doctors practice it as their approach is chemotherapy and cortisone which actually depress the immune system. Immunotherapy should be designed to increase the immune system’s ability to cope and adjust to all invaders. The need for immunotherapy includes cancer, arthritis, food allergies, multiple sclerosis, SLE, and ALS.

Treatment to provide immunotherapy includes avoiding fried foods, margarines, and sugar (natural and processed), sublingual allergens regimen for allergies, autoimmune urine therapy, avoidance of food allergens, rotation diets, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., germanium at 50 mg/day orally or IM, selenium at 300 meg/day orally, IV or IM, acupuncture, and herbs to include ginseng (Panax ginseng).

IMPETIGO (ecthyma) is a form of dermatitis in children that may take the form of blisters filled with straw colored fluid or pus or skin ulcers. Impetigo primarily affects the exposed areas of skin such as the face, ears, arms, and legs. The “orthodox” doctors believe that impetigo is caused by a Streptococcus bacteria and treat it solely with antibiotics over a long period of time. It appears, though, that impetigo is more sinister than a simple infection. Instead, it is an early sign of immune depression which allows normal skin organisms to flourish at an unchecked rate and cause disease. Food allergies (i.e. sugar, milk, wheat, soy) are frequently the original source of the immune depression in children. On occasion contact dermatitis from detergents will be diagnosed as impetigo. Untreated impetigo can result in deep infections of the tissue beneath the skin and in the lymph nodes.

Treatment of impetigo includes topical washes with boric acid, colloidal silver and herbs such as comfrey (Symphytum officinale), echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia), and golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis), and topical or systemic penicillin may be necessary in cases where impetigo occurs on the face to prevent scaring. Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A 25,000-300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, zinc at 25-30 mg t.i.d. Practice the avoidance of sugar, fried foods, and margarine, use a rotation diet for food allergies, and increase animal protein level of the diet (i.e. eggs, chicken, and fish).

IMPOTENCE (inability to have an erection) can be caused by a wide variety of problems including an unstimulating partner, psychological domination by your partner (i.e. domineering wife syndrome), guilt (i.e. having had an extramarital affair), medication side effects (i.e. calcium channel blockers, etc.), malnutrition of various sorts, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, adrenal exhaustion, hypoglycemia, stress, post-surgical damage (prostate surgery), etc. Solving any associated problems first will guarantee results.

Treatment of impotence should include relaxation, spending time with your mate, and setting up romantic situations. The interpretation of the word romantic is an individual thing: flowers excite some people and turn others off; alcohol excites some people and anesthetizes others. Also, acupuncture, homeopathy, and herbs to include ginseng (Panax ginseng), nux vomica (Strychnos nux vomica), sarsapilla (Smilax officinalis), saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata), Zumba, and oral testos­terone (i.e. glandular food supplements and testosterone IM), can be of value. A prescription drug called Viagra may be of value to maintain an erection, but there are side effects.

Don’t forget the base line nutrition program and include the plant derived colloidal minerals (most satisfied wives ask for it by the 55-gallon drum!). The techniques of Master and Johnson can be very useful and can be a “self-help” technique employed without the need for an expensive counselor: Step 1) nongenital pleasuring (i.e. massage, reflexology, etc.), Step 2) genital pleasuring (i.e. genital foreplay), and Step 3) nondemand lovemaking (i.e. neither the “guy” or the “doll” expects to be brought to a climax).

INCONTINENCE (inability to control bowels or bladder) can be caused by a wide variety of diseases (i.e. benign prostatic hyperplasia, MD, MS, cancer, ALS, stroke, etc.), injury (including surgery, obstetrical procedures), food allergies, and hypoglycemia. Correcting the underlying diseases or injury is a must if the desired results are to be achieved.

Treatment of incontinence should include Kegel’s exercises (i.e. contracting the floor of the pelvis as if trying to stop a bowel movement) at about 250-500/day, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., selenium at 500 meg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, and the avoidance and rotation diets with respect to offending food allergens. Also, chromium and vanadium at 25-200 meg/day, and herbs to include saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata) and ginseng (Panax ginseng).

INFARCTION (cerebral-stroke, heart-heart attack) is the death of an area of tissue because the blood supply was stopped by a plug or “thrombi” (i.e. blood clot, clump of tumor cells, clump of bacterial cells). If vital areas of the heart or brain are affected, the “stroke” or “heart attack” will be fatal. If nonvital areas are affected, speech, vision, muscular function, and heart capacity are significantly affected until repair and/or compensation by surrounding tissue can take place. Prevention is always better than trying to “come from behind” and repair a “stroke” or “heart attack.”

Treatment and repair of infarction should include hyperbaric oxygen, oral oxygen supplements (i.e. hydrogen peroxide, etc.), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg/day orally or IM, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, chelation with EDTA, hydrogen peroxide IV, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 200-500 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals. Avoid fried foods, margarines, and sugar. If clumps of bacteria are involved (i.e. rheumatic fever) then antibiotics (penicillin or tetracycline) will be required to resolve the current problem and prevent further damage to heart valves and joints.

INFECTION (invasion of tissues by bacteria, viruses, fungus) is caused by two factors: 1) an infective “dose” of organisms, and 2) a low state of resistance by the host. The base line nutrient program will provide the necessary 90 essential “macro” and “micro” elements for maintenance and repair of the immune system. Be sure to do pulse tests to determine food allergies. Use common sense and reasonable precautions when in contact with individuals who have contagious diseases (i.e. measles, mumps, scarlet fever, meningitis, hepatitis, herpes simplex, herpes II, venereal disease, flu, infectious mononucleosis, lungworm, athlete’s foot, EBV, HIV, etc.).

Treatment of infections should include the use of echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia), golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis), garlic (Allium sativum), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., selenium at 500-1,000 meg/day, Isoprinosin at 100-300 mg/day, Ribavirin, H202 in an IV infusion over four hours; antibiotics and antifungal medications are sometimes necessary in lifesaving situations.

INFERTILITY (curable inability to have children) is usually caused by a nutritional deficiency of some nutrient. We have “cured” several hundred cases of infertility by simple supplementation of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and digestive aids. Food allergies may be involved by causing celiac disease type changes in the intestine and, thus, affecting absorption.

Treatment of infertility should include the base line nutritional program (include plant derived colloidal minerals). Resolve food allergies by avoidance and rotation diets. Eat high protein diets (up to 200 gm/day), EFA at 5 gm t.i.d., 1-arginine at 500 mg t.i.d., zinc at 15 gm t.i.d., selenium at 250 meg/day, vitamin A at 100,000 IU/day for 30 days then drop to 25,000 IU/day, germanium at 50 mg/day, acupuncture, and herbs including ginseng (Panax ginseng), leek (Allium perrum), and garlic (Allium sativum).

INFLAMMATION can result from injury, arthritis, infection, cancer, burns, chemicals. Symptoms of inflammation include swelling, tender­ness, discharges, edema, fever, allergies, etc. Treatment of inflammation include DMSO, proteolytic enzymes orally (i.e. chymotrypsin, pancreatic enzymes, bromelin, trypsin), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., bioflavonoids 150 mg/day, quercetin 100 mg/day, d-phenylalanine, 1-tryptophane, and dl-valine each at 1.5 gm/day, acupuncture, herbs including camphor (Cinnamonum camphora), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), licorice root (Glyccerizin glabra), and feverfew (Chrysanthe­mum parthenium).

INDIGESTION (dyspepsia, belch, burp, and bloat) occurs as a natural course of aging, as a result of stress, salt restriction, and overeating. In the course of aging, the stomach begins to lose its ability to produce hydrochloric acid. This process begins at about age 35. Food allergies can contribute to this syndrome. The pulse test should be used to determine food allergies.

Treatment of indigestion should include Kaopectate or Pepto Bismol for acute diarrhea, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, mint tea as needed to calm stomach, English bitters (Gentiana lutea) before each meal, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, selenium at 500 meg/day, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg/day, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs such as balm (Melissa officinalis), bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), celandine (Chelidonium majus), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), hops (Humulus lupulus), masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium), peppermint (Mentha piperita), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), and marshmallow (Althacea officinalis).

INSOMNIA (inability to sleep) can be caused by stress, excitement, and drugs including caffeine (i.e. coffee, cola soft drinks, chocolate, etc.). Use your PDR if you are on prescription drugs. Food allergies and hypo­glycemia can cause insomnia and nightmares. Use the pulse test and six-hour GTT.

Treatment for insomnia includes avoidance of caffeine and offending food allergens, calcium (especially plant derived colloidal calcium), chromium and vanadium at 25-200 meg t.i.d., acupuncture, homeopathy, dl-phenylalanine at 250 mg t.i.d., 1-tryptophan at 1,000 mg t.i.d., inositol at 500 mg/day, niacinamide at 1,000 mg at bedtime, and herbs including valerian (Valeriana officinalis), passion flower (Passiflora incarnata), hops (Humulus lupulus), and California poppy (Eschscholzia California), and B3 (niacin) at 450 mg t.i.d. (time release). Don’t forget the base line nutrition program.

IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME will alternate between constipa­ tion and diarrhea. Food allergies are the most frequent cause of this very distressing syndrome. Small intestine damage includes celiac disease like changes, edema, ulceration, and catarrhal inflammation. The “orthodox” approach to treating irritable bowel syndrome is low fiber diets, cortisone, and Tagamet. The pulse test is an extremely useful test for determining the individual cause of irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome should include high fiber diets, 4-6 cups of fruit and vegetables per day, elimination of fried food, margarine, caffeine, sugar, and offending foods based on the pulse test (i.e. wheat, milk, soy), betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, folic acid at 5-25 mg/day, gluten free diet, and eight to ten glasses of water each day. Don’t forget the base line nutrition supple­ment program. Herbs including marshmallow (Althaea officinalis). A macrobiotic diet can be of great benefit here.

ITCHING (pruritis) can be caused by dry skin, contact with irritants, and contact and food allergies. Pulse test and challenge tests are used to determine allergens and irritants. Resolving the basic problem is essential to eliminating itching.

Treatment (symptomatic) of itching includes the use of topical applications of Caladryl, aloe vera (Aloe spp), salt rubs, dilute vinegar (50 percent), and washes with herbal compresses (see dermatitis). Oral treatment should include 5 gm EFA t.i.d., zinc 15 mg ti.d., and vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene. Don’t forget the base line nutritional program.

JAUNDICE (icterus, yellow eyes) can be caused by blockage of the bile duct system in the liver (gallstones, tumor, hepatitis), and/or destruction of RBC’s (Rh factor, blood parasites-malaria). Diagnosis is a critical problem when jaundice is present. Examining the “whites” of the eye (sclera) will reveal jaundice by the presence of a yellow coloration which is absent when the skin is yellow from a high beta carotene consumption. Blood tests will differentiate between obstruction (i.e. elevated bilirubin—above 2.0-2.5 mg %) and RBC destruction (i.e. unconjugated or indirect bilirubin are elevated).

Treatment of jaundice includes exposure to ultraviolet light to speed up elimination of bile pigments, liver flush (three days of an apple juice fast sipping through the day as needed followed by a cup of olive oil and a cup of lemon juice), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, selenium at 500-1,000 meg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, and herbs including licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), celadine (Chelidonium majus), and chionanthus (Chionanthus virginica).

JOINT PAIN can be caused by a variety of disease processes including arthritis, osteoporosis, rickets, gout, obesity, and various nutritional deficiencies (i.e. calcium, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, sulfur bearing amino acids, and copper) and food allergies/sensitivities.

Treatment of joint pain includes the correction of any overt or underlying disease (arthritis, osteoporosis), calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg per day, cartilage at 5 gm t.i.d., gelatin (unsweetened) once per day, copper at 2-5 mg/day (a copper bracelet can be of great value), B6 at 100 mg t.i.d., mineral bath hydrotherapy and ultra violet light exposure at 1-6 minutes; symptomatic treatment of joint pain includes pain gels, DMSO, and acupuncture. Avoid soft drinks, fried food, margarine, and sugar. Take Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula twice each day. Chiropractic can be of great value in treating and providing symptomatic relief of a variety of joint problems including subluxations of the spine, ribs, and pelvis.

KEGEL’S EXERCISE is a great way to condition the voluntary muscles of the pelvic floor in both males and females. This exercise is useful for prenatal conditioning of the pelvic muscles, vaginal muscles, and urethral muscles in both male and female for urinary incontinence and urgency. To perform the Kegel’s exercise, you tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor as if you were trying to stop a bowel movement. You can also add the variation of stopping your urine stream at will as often as you can. Try to do several hundred each day.

KERATOMALACIA (xerophthalmia) is recognized as a hazy “bluish” dry cornea (the domed clear bulge on the front of the eye) that becomes ulcerated. Symptoms include extreme dryness of the eyes with blinking in attempts to keep the eyes moist, conjunctivitis, and night blindness. Fat-like spots (Bitots spots) can be found on the “white” of the eyeball. Untreated keratomalacia can result in permanent blindness.

Treatment of keratomalacia includes vitamin A at 25,000 IU as beta carotine (kids) to 300,000 I (adults) per day as beta carotene, zinc at 5 to 15 mg ti.d. and increase the animal protein to 120 gm day (i.e. chicken, fish, eggs, milk, lamb, pork, or beef). Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement program.

KERATOSIS is a “goose bump” like keratin build up in the openings of the hair follicles. These pinhead sized “plugs” are found in greatest numbers on the backs of the arms, thighs, and buttocks. The “orthodox” doctors claim that treatment is unnecessary, however, keratosis is, in fact, a symptom of a chronic vitamin A deficiency.

Treatment of keratosis includes vitamin A at 25,000 IU as beta-carotene (kids) to 300,000 IU (adults) per day as beta-carotene and zinc at 5 to 15 mg. t.i.d. Increase protein at 120 gms per day, and don’t forget the base line nutrition program.

KERNICTERUS is the depositing of bile pigments into the brain of newborn children after an extended elevation of bilirubin (bile pigments produced from RBC breakdown). Symptoms mimic those of cerebral palsy (i.e. lethargy, poor feeding, vomiting, uncoordination, seizures, and death). Prevention and treatment of kernicterus includes frequent feeding of the infant to reduce absorption of bile pigments and exposure to blue and ultraviolet light to photo-oxidize bilirubin. Note: a transient lactose intolerance is associated with light therapy in infants that results in diarrhea—this does not appear to have any permanent consequences.

KETOACIDOSIS (ketosis) results from a low glucose supply to the liver, which forces it to metabolize fat. The resulting by-products are “ketone bodies” (i.e. acetoacetic acid, B-hydroxyburytic acid, and acetone). Ketosis occurs in diabetes, alcoholism, hypoglycemia, and starvation. The breath will smell like acetone, nausea and vomiting will occur, along with air hunger, confusion or coma, extreme thirst, and weight loss. A positive urine “dipstick” for ketone bodies is an easy way to confirm your suspicions.

Treatment of ketosis includes resolving the basic disease process (i.e. diabetes, hypoglycemia, alcoholism, starvation, etc.), increasing the complex carbohydrate intake, chromium and vanadium at 50-200 meg t.i.d., and the base line nutritional program.

KIDNEY DISEASE (kidney stones, “malignant calcification”) can be caused by a variety of infections, toxins, and nutritional excesses (i.e. hypervitaminosis D) and deficiencies (i.e. deficiencies of vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, selenium, and zinc). Kidney disease can be secondary to cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Kidney stones, contrary to popular belief by the “orthodox” doctor, are caused by calcium and magnesium deficiencies which cause a depletion of calcium from your bones, which is the source of the calcium found in kidney stones. Prevention of kidney stones includes adequate levels of supplementary calcium and magnesium (impossible to get enough from your diet especially if you are a big consumer of phosphorus—meat and carbonated soft drinks). Deficiencies of magnesium results in “malignant calcifica­tion,” a deposition of calcium in the small elastic and muscular arteries typically found in the kidney. Excess vitamin D (suntanning, fish oil, and supplementation) concurrently with calcium deficiency will accelerate the depletion and, thus, increase the risk of kidney stones. Also check for cadmium toxicity with a hair analysis.

Treatment of kidney disease and kidney stones should include supplementation of calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, reduction of your phosphorus intake, adequate vitamin A nutriture at 25,000-300,000 IU, vitamin A per day as beta-carotene, B6 at 50 mg t.i.d., lysine and glutamic acid, and herbs including dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus), goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), Java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus), parsley (Petro Selinum crispum), horsetail (Equisetum spp.), mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), and unsweetened cranberry juice. Chelation therapy with EDTA may help kidney disease that is secondary to cardiovascular disease and cadmium toxicity. An acute or sudden kidney stone block­age may require the pain relief of morphine as it can be excruciating. You may also wish to use prednisone for three days to reduce the inflammation in the ureter (the tube from the kidney to the bladder) so that you can pass the stones. Stones lodged in the kidney can be reduced to harmless powder by a machine known as a “lithotripter,” an ultrasound machine that actually shatters the stones without surgery.

KORSAKOFF’S SYNDROME (recent memory loss, false Alzheimer’s Disease) is characterized by an inability to record and store new memory. The patient can perform detailed tasks learned before onset but cannot learn the simplest of new tasks. This type of “amnesia” can result from a blow to the head or be the result of chronic alcoholism and vitamin Bl deficiency associated with an excess intake of simple carbohydrate and sugar. Confabulation or producing imaginary experiences for those that cannot be recalled is a consistent feature of Korsakoff s syndrome. If the disease is the result of a blow to the head, there is a good chance of a gradual recovery; if the brain tissue has been damaged by alcoholism (Wernecke-Korsakoff s Syndrome) or chronic vitamin Bl deficiency, the process may be difficult to treat.

Treatment of Korsakoff s syndrome includes IV chelation, hydrogen peroxide IV, vitamin Bl at 100 mg t.i.d., lecithin at 2,500 mg. t.i.d., avoidance of alcohol and sugar, chromium and vanadium at 50-200 meg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, hydergine at 4.5-9 mg/day, vasopressin (Diapid) at 12-16 units per day as a nasal spray, centrophenoxine at 4.4-8.0 gm per day, and piracetam (Dinagen) at 1.6-4.8 gm per day. This is the drug treatment program used to restore Princess Di’s bodyguard’s memory.

KWASHIORKOR (protein starvation) is thought of as a disease of starving African children. It is classed as protein/calorie starvation and is characterized by a distended bloated belly, edema and “dropsy” because low blood protein levels can’t hold water in the blood vessels so it simply “leaks” out. By now you will recognize that this happens to unschooled dieters, cancer patients, vegans and fruitarians who take in less than optimal amounts of complete proteins. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplementation.

Treatment of Kwashiorkor includes adequate intake of complete animal protein (i.e. greater than 120 gms per day), a calorie intake of 3,000 calories per day, selenium at 200 meg per day and chromium and vanadium at 50-200 meg t.i.d. Don’t forget the 90 essential nutrients here.

LABOR (induce) can be made easier and assisted by herbs including blue cohosh (Caulophyllus thalictroides) and raspberry tea (Rubus idaeus). Corn ergot (Ustilago maydis) can be used to stop postpartum hemorrhage (orally or IM). Taking training classes (i.e. Lamaze) will help train the mother-to-be to relax during contractions (labor pains) and help train the “coach” to assist and how to recognize potential trouble. Home births are safer than hospital births and, in addition, the hospital rate of caesarian section is 35 percent. Vaginal births net the “orthodox” OB/GYN $800-$l,200; caesarian sections net them $2,500!

LACTATION (induce) can be induced or enhanced with herbs including milkweed (Asclepias galioides), caraway (Carum carvi), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), and goat’s rue (Galega officinalis).

LACTATION (reduce) can be reduced and breast pain of engorge­ment can be relieved by goldenrod (Solidago petradoria). Luperon, a posterior pituitary hormone can stop milk production; however, side effects include temporary menopausal symptoms.

LACTASE DEFICIENCY (cow’s milk sensitivity) is a form of carbohydrate intolerance that results from a deficiency of the enzyme required to breakdown milk sugar (lactose) into glucose and galactose. Lactase deficiency is characterized by bloating and diarrhea with violent abdominal cramps following the ingestion of cow’s milk and cow’s milk products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.). Lactase deficiency occurs in 20 percent adults of Northwest European origin, at 75 percent in adults of all other ethnic groups, 90 percent of all Orientals, and 75 percent in blacks and American Indians. The ability to digest lactose is gradually lost between the ages of 10-20 years of age.

Treatment of lactose intolerance includes avoidance of lactose­ containing foods, pre-digestion of lactose by adding lactase to milk-containing foods and the use of digestive enzyme supplements that contain lactase.

LARYNGITIS (loss of voice) can be caused by bacterial and/or viral infections, extreme overuse of the vocal cords (i.e. yelling at a football or hockey game) and muscular dystrophy or fibromyalgia of the laryngeal muscles. Very frequently, the temperature is not elevated, and voice loss is the only symptom. “Strep” throat can be a cause that can be potentially dangerous and lead to rheumatic fever or meningitis if not dealt with properly. Hoarseness, voice change or complete loss of voice (aphonia), and tickling/raw throat are all symptoms.

Treatment of laryngitis can include penicillin or tetracyclines for “Strep” throat at 250 mg orally q 6 h for 10-12 days, voice rest, honey/ lemon preparations and herbs including cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendron), sunflower (Helianthus annus), pine oils (Pinnus sylvestris), black caraway (Pimpinella saxifraga), garden sage (Salvia officinalis), high mallow (Malva sylvestris), wild ginger (Asarum europium), and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus). Viral laryngitis may be treated with Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg per day or Ribavirin at 250-1,500 mg per day. (Warning: pregnant women should avoid these drugs, as they are teratogenic—that is, they cause birth defects in lab animals). Avoid fried food, margarine, and cooking oil, and supplement with all 90 essential nutrients.

LAXATIVE includes many OTC preparations such as Ex-Lax and Milk of Magnesia and herbs including senna (Cassia aqutifolia), flaxseed or flaxseed oil (Linum ustatissimum), alder buckthorn (Rhamnus fragula), cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), juniper (Juniperus communis), and manna ash (Fraxinus ornus).

LEAD POISONING (plumbism): Lead is required to convert RNA into DNA at the level of parts per billion. An excess of inorganic or metallic lead can cause a wide variety of symptoms and syndromes including learning disabilities, kidney disease, anemia, stunted bone growth, headaches, and gastrointestinal disease. Very often the eating of lead, lead paint, and caulking is the result of pica or a compulsive eating of unusual things because of mineral deficiencies. Sources of metallic lead include paint chips, window caulking, glaze from pottery, lead arsenate garden sprays, pollution from leaded fuels, inhalation of smoke from burning batteries, and large lead insulated wire. Diagnosis of lead poisoning can be made from a hair analysis in chronic cases or blood and urine in sudden onset acute cases.

Treatment of lead poisoning includes vitamin C to bowel tolerance, IV chelation with calcium EDTA at 10-25 infusions, and/or oral D-penicillamine. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement program containing plant derived colloidal minerals because the IV chelation process is not selective and will tend to deplete body stores of essential minerals (selenium is of particular value).

LEARNING DISORDERS (dyslexia, hyperactivity, autism): see ADD, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, food allergies, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, and lead poisoning.

LEGIONNAIRES’ DISEASE is caused by an infection with Legionella pneumophila. The disease is characterized by pneumonia, high fever, slow heart, rate, dry cough, chills, pleuritis, and diarrhea. Legionnaires’ disease is a relatively new disease, only being discovered in 1976. URI (upper respitory infection) is significantly absent in this disease. Untreated Legionnaires’ disease will be fatal in 80 percent of the cases. Diagnosis requires growing the organism on charcoal-yeast extract from sputum. Immunosuppressed patients such as chemotherapy treated cancer patients, transplant patients, and AIDS patients are most susceptible.

Treatment of Legionnaires’ disease is specific with erythromycin at 500 mg to 1 gm orally or IV q 6 H every 6 hours for three weeks.

LENTIGO-MALIGNA MELANOMA (melanoma, skin cancer) originates from the Hutchinson’s freckle on sun exposed areas on the face, neck, arms, and torso. These skin cancers appear as large flat, tan, or brown lesions with darker black or brown spots dotted on its surface. These are slow growing cancers requiring about ten years to invade the dermis or deep skin layers.

Treatment of L-M melanoma can include excision biopsy. Frequently these tumors are on the face and a caustic cream may be more desirable than surgery. Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta-carotene, selenium at 1,000 meg per day, and use a #40 sunscreen to prevent new cancers. Avoid fried food and margarine. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement program.

LEPTOSPIROSIS (Weil’s Disease, infectious jaundice) is an infectious disease caused by Leptospira spp, a spirochete bacteria carried by dogs, rats, and various species of wild animals. Individuals are infected by urine contaminated water and cuts while skinning or butchering infected animals. Symptoms include anemia, jaundice, proteinuria, hematuria, and, on occasion, aseptic meningitis. Fever and chills are consistent symptoms. Blood tests for antibodies or urine cultures are necessary for diagnosis.

Treatment with antibiotics is most effective if instituted within four days of onset. Tetracycline at 500 mg q.i.d. is effective.

LEUKEMIA (blood cancer) is a cancer of the blood forming tissues of the bone marrow. No exact cause is proven but viruses, radiation, electromagnetic fields from power lines, and chemicals such as benzene are implicated. Leukemia produces a defect in the maturation process of WBCs resulting in large numbers of immature WBCs in the circulating blood. Diagnosis is made from a blood test, which shows anemia, low platelets, increased lymphoblasts (immature WBC), and an elevated total WBC count. Symptoms include weakness, joint pain, anemia, enlarged lymph nodes, and enlarged spleen.

Treatment includes Laetrile, hydrogen peroxide, DMSO (matures the immature cells in the circulation) IV, shark liver extract, hydrazine sulfate, cesium chloride, polyerga, germanium, carbamide, and, as needed, micro-dose chemotherapy, amino acids IV, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, and vitamin A at 300,000 IU as beta carotene. Avoid fried foods and margarine.

LEUKORRHEA (vaginal discharge) is a nonspecific vaginal discharge containing mucus, WBCs and, on occasion, is tinged with blood. Leukorrhea can be caused by Candida albicans, Hemophilus vaginalis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. (the bacteria that will cause toxic shock syndrome when vaginal tampons are used incorrectly), or Neisseria gonorrhoea. Culture (growth of bacteria) and/or looking at the discharge under the microscope is required for specific diagnosis.

Treatment of leukorrhea should include specific treatment for the causative organism, i.e., vaginal application of triple sulfonamide creams, oxytetracycline vaginal suppositories, and vaginal douches with vinegar 30 ml/pint of water. Gonorrhea will require systemic antibiotics as well. Please note that any venereal disease must be reported to the Public Health Department.

LICE (pediculosis) can infest the head (Pediculus humanus capitis), body (P.h. corporis), and pubic area (Phthirius pubis). Eggs (nits) are white oval shaped seed-like objects attached to the base of the hairs; adult lice can be seen scuttling through the hair on the surface of the skin. Itching and irritated skin are the most common symptoms. Diagnosis is dependent on finding the adult lice or “nits” in the hair and scalp.

Treatment of lice includes the use of Labordor tea (Ledum latifolium) or field larkspur (Delphinium consolida) as a hair wash. Use of a special fine-toothed comb to “harvest” the “nits” is recommended. Treatment should be done daily for fourteen days to break the life cycle of the lice. For stubborn cases, you may wish to use 1 percent gamma benzene hexachloride daily for two days as a shampoo and reapplied in ten days. Avoid prolonged use of the insecticide as it can cause genital skin irritation, especially in males.

LIFE EXPECTANCY (life span) or the longevity potential for man is 120-140 years, yet the average life span based on insurance actuary tables is only 72 for American males and 78 for American females. This leaves a 40-50-year differential that we can work towards with hopeful expectations. The Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists live to 82 on the average by avoiding caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, and drugs. That’s a gain of 6.5 years. The use of water filtration systems in the home, the use of air filters and conditioners for the home and workplace as well as employing the base line nutrition program can add 10 to 20 to 40 healthful years to your life. The use of digestive aids (i.e. betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes) will add an additional ten years to your life. Together, these measures add a total of 20 to 50 years when you actively and aggressively seek a healthful life.

The Hunza secret of longevity (average of 100 years with a top end of 140 to 160 years) is the daily consumption of an optimal supply of grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts that are rich in plant derived colloidal minerals.

Exercise alone without attention to food allergies, digestive aids, base line nutritional supplement program, colloidal minerals, and avoiding pollutants will only shorten your life and make what life you do have very sweaty.

Take responsibility for your own health and you will add 20 to 50 more years of life. Remember that 40 percent of all patients in the hospital are there because of iatrogenic disease (doctor created). This statistic doesn’t account for the number who died outside of the hospital because of mistakes in prescriptions, mistakes in diagnosis, and mistakes in procedures.

LIVER DISEASE (cirrhosis, nonviral hepatitis) can be diagnosed by blood test showing elevation in SGOT, SGPT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin. Elevated ketones in the urine are clues to liver disease as well as faulty carbohydrate metabolism. Jaundice and problems with delayed clotting times and a swollen tender liver (under the ribs at the right upper quadrant), dry itchy skin (a result of problems with essential fatty acid metabolism), anemia (iron storage and B-12/folic acid) deficiencies, weight loss, and ketosis are all symptoms of liver disease.

Also see gallbladder disease.

Treatment of liver disease includes IV or oral chelation with complete IV supplementation including amino acids and interlipids, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 10,000 to 300,000 IU per day as beta carotene, B-complex at 100 mg each t.i.d., selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, B12 at 1,000 meg per day, folic acid at 15-25 mg per day, essential fatty acids (both salmon oil and flaxseed oil) at 1 gm t.i.d., and herbs including tamarac (Larix americana), parsley (Carum petro-selinum), hemp acrimony (Eupatorium cannabium), and milk thistle (Silybum marianum). Don’t forget the base line nutrition program and colloidal minerals and avoid fried foods and margarine.

LOCKJAW (tetanus) is caused by the toxin (waste product) of Clostridium tetani, which is a normal anaerobic inhabitant of animal manure. Puncture wounds contaminated by this organism cause the production of tetanus toxin which paralyzes the voluntary muscles including the jaw muscles (masseter) which gives the disease its name “lockjaw.” Prevention of the infection is the best of the alternatives. Squeeze the puncture wound to make it bleed out the toxin. Small puncture wounds of the foot or hands may require opening to allow cleaning with soap and water. Follow this cleaning with disinfection with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Take cramp bark tea (Viburnum opulus) in tablespoon doses as needed. These very minimal procedures prevent lockjaw virtually 100 percent of the time.

Treatment of lockjaw after it develops requires the use of tetanus neutralizing non-fixed toxin. Clean infected wound, disinfect wound with hydrogen peroxide, use penicillin at two million units IV q 6 h or tetracycline at 500 mg IV q6 h, sedation to control muscle spasms, and IV fluids and electrolytes until the patient can eat and drink on their own.

LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) is considered a connective tissue disease of unknown causes. It is of interest that 90 percent of all cases of SLE are diagnosed in women in their 30s. The “orthodox” theory is that SLE is an “autoimmune” disease that causes the patient’s own antibodies to attack themselves. The fact is the autoimmune defect occurs as a result of the disease and the presence of abnormal proteins rather than being the cause. Multiple mineral deficiencies of sulfur, copper, selenium, etc. are characteristically present. The classical symptoms of SLE usually begin suddenly with fever, fatigue, arthritis, and/or joint pain. Because of this, many SLE patients are misdiagnosed as having rheumatoid arthritis. Also present are a characteristic facial “butterfly” rash (typical of allergies), severe alopecia (hair loss), and papular skin lesions. Diagnosis of SLE includes recognition of a fever with the facial “butterfly” rash, poly arthritis, kidney disease, leukopenia (low WBCs), elevated blood globulins, and the presence of LE cells (these only occur in 70 percent of SLE and are normal WBCs that have engulfed a nucleus from a destroyed cell).

Do the pulse test to determine allergies (i.e. wheat, cow’s milk, and soy are the most common). Treatment of SLE includes avoidance of offending food allergens, fried foods, and margarine and rotation of non-allergic foods to prevent acquiring new allergies, chelation with total nutrition for 15-25 infusions, essential fatty acids (salmon oil and flaxseed oil) at 5 gm t.i.d., selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, and B-carnitine at 500 mg per day. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula is very useful for SLE.

LYME DISEASE (LD, Lyme arthritis) is a spirochete bacterial disease that is transmitted by ticks. The disease was first described in 1975 in Lyme, Connecticut, thus the name. Three to 32 days after being bitten by an infected tick a skin lesion known as an ECM (erythema chronicum migrans) will appear on the thigh, buttock, or arm pit. The lesion expands to a diameter of 50 cm and the lesion feels hot to the touch. There will be recurrent attacks of arthritis, fatigue, chills, fever, stiff neck, sore muscles, nausea, and vomiting. Heart disease in the form of cardiomegaly and AV-block occur in 8 percent of patients.

Diagnosis of Lyme disease requires a high degree of awareness of the disease. Lyme disease occurs most often in children who play out in the grass or deep woods, or those who have a dog that goes out into the woods and brings home the Ixodes dammini tick. The disease occurs in clumps along the northeastern coast of the U.S., Wisconsin, California, and Oregon. Patients may initially be misdiagnosed as having rheumatoid arthritis and WBCs are elevated at 25,000; special blood tests for antibodies are required for specific diagnosis.

Treatment of Lyme Disease requires the use of tetracycline at 250-500 mg q.i.d. for 20 days. IV antibiotics over a period of 30 days will ensure a 100 percent cure. In children where teeth would be permanently discolored by tetracyclines, penicillin can be used at 20 million u/day IV in divided doses.

LYMPHOMA (cancer of the lymph nodes): see cancer

MACULAR DEGENERATION (spots of the eye): spotty atrophy and free radical degeneration of the retina of the eye. A common cause of blindness in aging individuals, it is characterized by “snow” vision.

Treatment approach includes elimination of all fried foods and margarine, elimination of all sugar (natural and processed), supplement with all 90 essential nutrients (including selenium—500 meg., vitamin E—1,200 iu., methionine), taurine 2-5 grams per day, and the 60 essential minerals in the plant derived colloidal form.

MALABSORPTION: see celiac disease, food allergies, and hypochlorhydria

MALIGNANCY (cancer): see cancer

MALNUTRITION can occur as an overt nutritional deficiency or secondary to extended use of medications that interfere with absorption of nutrients or malabsorption of nutrients as a result of celiac disease or hypo-chlorhydria. “Orthodox” doctors tend to think of malnutrition as protein/calorie deprivation and fail to recognize macro and micronutrient deficiencies either singly or in complex multiples, especially in their early stages. “Orthodox” doctors also fail to recognize that celiac disease changes in the small intestine lining occur as a result of “subclinical” allergies to wheat, cow’s milk albumen, and soy as well as other foods (i.e. rye, barley, beef, eggs, etc.).

In reality, adult-onset diabetes and hypoglycemia are deficiencies of chromium and vanadium frequently created by malabsorption as a result of celiac type changes in the small intestine. Cystic fibrosis is, in reality, a deficiency of selenium and essential fatty acids of the embryo and newborn brought on by celiac disease type changes in the pregnant mother and continued in the breast fed and developing infant. Arthritis is, in fact, a deficiency of calcium complicated by excess phosphorus in the American diet, and cancer appears to be the result of a depressed immune system that has run out of essential nutrients, including selenium required to keep itself in constant repair. As wild as it seems, “malnutrition” as a result of “malabsorption” appears to be the common denominator of almost all degenerative disease. Liquid plant derived colloidal minerals are the most efficient way to get minerals into malnourished humans.

MANIA (manic depression, Bi-polar disease): see depression, food allergies, hypoglycemia.

MEASLES (rubeola) is a highly contagious viral disease with a sudden onset, cough, nasal drainage, conjunctivitis, Koplik’s spots (eruptions on the oral and labial mucosa), and a pimple like skin rash that starts on the head and neck and spreads to the body, arms, and legs. Elevated temperature to 104° F is common. Pneumonia and encephalitis are unusual and potentially fatal side effects. Measles today affect young teenagers and young adults and less often infants. The incubation of measles is 7-14 days with the diagnostic Koplik’s spots appearing four days after the fever starts. Having had measles once gives lifelong immunity.

Treatment of measles should include topical OTC products to relieve itching (i.e. Caladryl), herbs including salves made of marigold (Calendula officinalis) and orally columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), and pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberose).

MEASLES, GERMAN (rubella, three-day measles) is a contagious viral disease that produces mild symptoms in children including swollen lymph nodes of the head and neck. The incubation period is 14-21 days and overt symptoms may be absent in teenagers and adults. The typical skin rash occurs first on the face then spreads quickly to the body and limbs with a general body flush not unlike scarlet fever. Adults may have enlarged lymph nodes on the head and neck and adult males may complain of brief testicular pain. RUBELLA IS A DANGEROUS DISEASE IN PREGNANT WOMEN THAT CAN INDUCE SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS AND BIRTH DEFECTS. VACCINES FOR GERMAN MEASLES CAN CAUSE SIMILAR BIRTH DEFECTS AS THE DISEASE SO ARE TO BE AVOIDED DURING PREGNANCY.

Treatment for rubella is the same symptomatic and supportive therapy as that used for the nine-day measles.

MELASMA (chloasma, “mask of pregnancy”) is dark brown spots with distinct margins found on the face and forehead of pregnant women and women on birth control hormones. Sunlight darkens the pigment, and these are sometimes called “sun spots.” The spots may fade after childbirth. Susceptible individuals should use sunscreens while exposed to the sun. These spots are cosmetic in nature and appear to be of no consequence to health.

MEMORY LOSS (senile dementia, Korsakoff’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s) can be much more devastating than a physical disability. There are a variety of causes of memory loss and it is suggested that you look up each one separately including food allergies and hypoglycemia. You should do the pulse test to determine allergies or sensitivities to various foods and do a six-hour GTT to rule in or rule out hypoglycemia.

Treatment of memory loss should include avoidance of offending food allergens, sugar, fried food, and margarine, avoidance of alcohol, the taking of chromium and vanadium at 25-200 meg t.i.d., selenium at 200-1,000 meg per day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d., Diapid (vasopressin) at 12-16 U/day (this is a nasal spray), Lucidril (centrophenoxine) at 4.4-8.0 gm/day, Dinagen (piracetam) at 1.6-4.8 gm/day (should take choline with this product), and hydergine at 9-20 mg per day.

MENARCHE (menstruation, “period”) is the regular monthly cycle of women that alternates ovulation (mid-cycle approximately at day 14) with “periods” (the 3-7 day discharge of blood and uterine lining) at the end of the cycle. “Periods” will frequently stop in women athletes and women who drop below 20 percent body fat. The stopping of a period is of no health consequence in and of itself but is a signal that you may be too thin for a normal cycle and ovulation. Painful “periods” or PMS are not uncommon and can be severe enough to force bed rest. These extreme symptoms are usually the result of calcium and /or EFA deficiencies.

Treatment of painful or excessive menses (“heavy flow”) can include OTC products (i.e. Midol) and/or herbs such as snapdragon (Linaria vulgaris), Bethroot (Trillium erectum), black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemose), blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), tamarac (Larix americana), alpine ragwort (Senecio fuchsii), Ladies mantle* (Alche milla vulgaris), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), white deadnettle (Lamium album) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium), essential fatty acids (salmon oil and flaxseed oil) at 5 gm t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, iron at 25-50 mg per day (especially for vegetarian women who do not eat red meat or liver regularly). Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula supplies significant amounts of calcium and magnesium.

MENINGITIS (infection of the brain and spinal cord covering) can be caused by a variety of organisms including bacteria (i.e. Neisseria meningitides, Hemophilis influenzae, Streptococcus [Diplococcus] pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes), fungi, and hundreds of viruses. There is great danger in this disease in that infants with meningitis often only show a fever and lethargy and there is a “blood-brain barrier” that prevents most medications from getting into the inner surface of the meninges or into the space beneath the meninges and into the brain itself. Symptoms of meningitis vary considerably but usually include a sore throat, fever, headache, stiff neck, and vomiting. Children and adults may become critically ill in 6-24 hours after the first appearance of symptoms. If you suspect meningitis, this is one disease that requires rapid diagnosis and treatment GET PATIENT TO AN EMERGENCY ROOM IMMEDIATELY AND DEMAND IMMEDIATE HELP. Meningitis patients often die because they have waited 2-4 hours in an emergency waiting room.

Treatment of meningitis requires rapid diagnosis (spinal tap) and injection of antibiotics into the subdural space (under the meninges), total IV fluid and electrolyte support, and very frequently mechanical respirators. MENINGITIS IS NOT A SELF-HELP DISEASE.

MENINGOCELE (severe anencephila or spina bifida) is a severe birth defect that results in exposure of the brain or spinal cord and its coverings (meninges) because of improper formation of the skull or vertebrae. This birth defect is caused by a deficiency of folic acid, B12, or zinc and vitamin A during early pregnancy. These deficiencies may be the result of deficient diets and/or malabsorption syndromes in the pregnant mother. Severe cases may be debilitating or fatal. A large cluster of anencephila babies born to migrant workers occured in McAllen, Texas in the early 90s. This cluster is thought by public health authorities to be due to some chemical pollutant. It actually appears to be a folic acid and zinc deficiency in the winter diet of poor migrant workers living on corn tortillas.

Treatment of meningocele is limited to surgery. PREVENTION is the goal here! All women of childbearing age should be taking all 90 essen­tial nutrients as a preconception, prenatal, and postnatal supplement.

MENKE’S KINKY HAIR SYNDROME is thought by the “orthodox” pediatrician to be a genetic disease, but it appears to be a malabsorption problem in early infancy (i.e. celiac disease) that results in a copper deficiency (along with other deficiencies). It has long been known in the veterinary field that a copper deficiency causes “kinky wool” disease. Retarded growth, anemia, progressive brain degeneration, sparse brittle hair, loss of hair color, arterial aneurysms, and scurvy-like bone disease (ostosis) are characteristic. Hair analysis will show very low copper levels and blood will show a low copper and low ceruloplasmin.

Treatment of Menke’s syndrome includes dealing with the malab­sorption problems (i.e. avoid wheat, cow’s milk, and soy), supplement with digestive enzymes and betaine HC1, give copper IV at 200 ug/kg/day, and give copper orally at 1-2 mg per day after relief of symptoms.

MENOPAUSE: see climacteric

MERCURY POISONING can result from the ingestion or inhalation of any mercurial compound and off gassing of mercury vapors from mercury amalgam dental fillings. Symptoms include gastroenteritis, salivation, burning mouth pain, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, colitis, kidney disease, gingivitis, mental and emotional disturbances, and nerve deficits. Multiple sclerosis is thought by many dentists and alternative health advocates to be the result of mercury poisoning. Diagnosis of mercury poisoning is easily made with a hair analysis and history of a mercury source. The mental and emotional symptoms of mercury poisoning in “hatters” in Victorian England led to the coining of the saying “as mad as a hatter” (don’t forget the “Mad Hatter” in Alice in Wonderland).

Treatment of mercury poisoning includes the removal of the source of mercury including removing mercury amalgam dental fillings, chelation with EDTA (to include complete IV nutrition), and sweating (sauna) as mercury is excreted in sweat.

The use of selenium containing colloidal minerals is very effective in removing mercury from the tissues. Selenium is almost a specific antidote to mercury poisoning.

METABOLIC THERAPY is the resolving or curing of disease processes by correcting the whole-body metabolism through nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, manipulation, and hydrotherapy.

METHADONE is the drug used to facilitate opiate withdrawal. Classically methadone is given in just enough amounts to prevent the most severe withdrawal symptoms (usually 20 mg/day). The opiate (i.e. opium, morphine, etc.) withdrawal symptoms are self-limiting and not life threatening, although addicts in withdrawal often wish they were dead. The use of double the base line nutrition program for 30 days will enhance the patient’s ability to get through the withdrawal. After 30 days drop to the base line nutritional supplement program and remain on it. Do pulse test to determine food sensitivities/allergies and do a six-hour GTT. Individuals addicted to drugs and/or alcohol very frequently have “addictive allergies” to food and sugar.

MIGRAINE HEADACHES are frequently heralded by flashes of light or tingling and occurs between the ages of 10-30 years of age and more often in women than men. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, digital cyanosis (blue color from lack of circulation and/or oxygen), irritability, and photophobia are common symptoms. “Orthodox” doctors tend to think that migraine headaches are the result of blood vessel problems. In reality, migraine attacks are the result of food allergies with the “target” tissue being the arteries, which constrict the elastic arteries in the brain and dilate the muscular scalp arteries. Do the pulse test to determine which foods you are allergic to.

Treatment and prevention are related to avoidance of food allergens which are identified by means of a diet diary and the pulse test, rotation diets, autoimmune urine therapy, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d., vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids at 200 mg b.i.d., and the base line nutritional supplement program.

MISCARRIAGE (spontaneous abortion) is usually due to deficiencies of vitamins, trace minerals, and/or protein. In particular, vitamin A, zinc, folic acid, selenium, and complete proteins are essential to maintenance of pregnancy. Restricted diets (i.e. weight loss, incomplete vegetarian diets, incomplete rotation diets, etc.) and malabsorption syndromes (i.e. celiac disease type intestinal injury) are the most common reasons for the malnutrition that causes miscarriages and birth defects. Do the pulse test to identify offending food allergens.

Treatment for, and prevention of, miscarriages includes the base line nutrition program for six months before attempting conception and herbs including crampbark (Viburnum opulus), blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), and alfalfa.

MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE is a common progressive change in the left AV valve (mitral valve) and surrounding heart tissue. Most people are not aware that they have a problem. Some have nonanginal chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, and/or breathing problems. A late systolic “murmur” is sometimes detected when doing “squat” type exercises. If you are asymptomatic, your activities need not be restricted. Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of mitral valve prolapse.

Treatment of mitral valve prolapse should include selenium at 500-1,000 meg/day, magnesium at 1,000 mg ti.d., salmon oil at 1-5 gm ti.d., and English hawthorne (Crataegus oxyacantha). Don’t forget the base line nutrition program. If the prolapse is due to a magnesium deficiency you can expect a significant improvement within 30-60 days.

MONCKEBERG’S ARTERIOSCLEROSIS is a circular calcification of the media (middle muscular/elastic layer) of small arteries. This disease is caused by hypervitaminosis D (excess vitamin D). Symptoms include hypertension and angina.

Treatment of Monkeberg’s arteriosclerosis should include IV EDTA chelation, oral chelation, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, and the base line nutritional supplement program.

MONGOLISM (Down’s syndrome) is a birth defect caused by a zinc deficiency in the earliest moments of conception (one third of the extra chromosome comes from the paternal parent). The “orthodox” doctors feel that mongolism is the result of a chromosomal defect that increases in risk as the maternal parent ages. It is said that women over 35 have 20 percent of the Down’s syndrome babies, yet these women have only 6 percent of the babies born each year. Teenage mothers produce perhaps as many as 60 percent of the remaining Down’s syndrome babies.

Newborn Down’s syndrome babies are termed “floppy” babies as they are without muscular tone, placid, and rarely cry. Physical and mental maturation is retarded, and the average IQ is 50. A small head with a domed forehead is characteristic. Also, the bridge of the nose is flattened, the eyes are slanted and have pronounced oriental folds (epicanthal folds), and there are Brushfield’s spots (gray salt-like grains around the outer edge of the iris) at birth. Brushfield’s spots disappear in the first year of life.

Prevention of Down’s syndrome includes the base line nutritional supplement program for 90 days prior to attempting conception. Test for food allergies with the pulse test to eliminate the malabsorption of zinc and other nutrients.

Treatment of Down’s syndrome should include zinc at 15 mg t.i.d. and the base line nutritional supplement program. Do pulse test in Down’s patients to determine the presence of food allergies and avoid offending foods. You can expect an increase in IQ of 15-20 points and an improvement in physical features as long as the program is followed. Withdrawal from the program results in loss of all the physical and IQ gains.

MORNING SICKNESS is a nausea that occurs in the first three months of pregnancy because of rising progesterone levels. Having a complex carbohydrate or protein snack upon awakening will relieve much of the nausea. Herbal tea such as dogwood (Cornus sericea) and mint (Mentha sativa), B6 and B-complex at 25 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 1,000 mg t.i.d., and the base line nutritional supplement help this temporary condition.

MOSQUITOES can be eliminated from your dwelling by using screen windows and doors. Electric insect “zappers” can be placed approximately 15-25 yards from the back door, the idea being that the violet light will attract the mosquitoes away from the house as well as kill a large number. In addition to being an irritant, mosquitoes carry a number of serious human diseases including meningitis, encephalitis in North America, and malaria, yellow fever, meningitis, and encephalitis in South America. There are numerous OTC flying insect sprays, herbs like pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) oil rubbed on the skin, and vitamins such as Bl at 500 mg/day will also repel mosquitoes.

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) is a progressive disease of the central nervous system. MS is characterized by scattered zones of demyelination (loss of the fatty insulation layer on nerves). Symptoms begin between the ages of 20-40 years and usually start with tingling and/or numbness in the arms or legs (usually “stocking” and “glove” distribution). See mercury poisoning. Weakness, clumsiness, visual problems, balance problems and dizziness, and problems with bladder control follow in months or years. Knee and ankle reflexes are often increased or exag­gerated. Intention tremor, nystagmus, and a “scanning” speech (known as Charcot’s triad) are frequent problems. Spontaneous remissions for months or years are typical of the untreated disease in the early stages. The untreated disease can be rapidly fatal in one year. Stress is known to precipitate acute attacks. Diagnosis is based on history and neurological exam (the cerebrospinal fluid is abnormal in 80 percent of the patients— normal CSF doesn’t rule out MS). Do pulse test to determine food allergens.

Treatment offered by the “orthodox” neurologists is limited to cortisone or prednisone. Unfortunately, this course of therapy is like giving aspirin to treat a brain tumor. It is known that avoidance of fried foods and margarine and a relatively high consumption of flaxseed oil or fish oil (cod liver oil or salmon oil) at 5 gm t.i.d. will increase your survival rate by 50 percent. The consumption of cholesterol (eggs and red meat) is of extreme importance as the myelin sheath that disappears in MS is made almost exclusively of cholesterol.

Treatment should include removal of mercury fillings, the use of CaEAP (a European drug used for M.S.) at 1 q.i.d., octocosanol at two capsules t.i.d., and rattle snake venom injections daily for a contenr irritant therapy, d-phenylalanine at 500 mg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d., along with the avoidance of known food allergens and rotation diets to heal the small intestine, and avoid large doses of vitamin C supplementation. Eat green vegetables and juices as a natural source of vitamin C. This treatment regimen has also proved effective for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).

MUMPS is a contagious viral disease that causes painful enlarge­ment of the salivary glands, especially the parotids. The mumps virus is very aggressive. It is found in the saliva, six days before the patient feels ill, and is also found in the urine and blood. Symptoms include fever (up to 104° F), chills, the skin over the salivary glands becomes tender and shiny, and edema of the parotid salivary gland that causes noticeable swelling in front of and below the ear. Complications occur in 20 percent or so of adult males as a painful testicular infection. Testicular atrophy may follow the infection although hormone production and fertility are rarely affected.

Treatment of mumps is symptomatic including pain relief (i.e. codeine, Tylenol, aspirin, etc.), bed rest, liquid diet including chicken rice soup, sugarless Jello, sports fluid and electrolyte replacer, juices, and herbs for symptomatic treatment including mullein (Verbascum thapsus).

MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY (MD, fibromyalgia) is another crime against the people by the “orthodox” medical doctors for reasons of money. If the total truth was shared with the public, muscular dystrophy would be totally preventable but a whole medical specialty would be wiped out!!! As crazy as this seems, look at the veterinary industry where muscle is “king” (i.e. pork chops, beef steak, lamb chops, roasts, ground red meat, chicken, turkey, etc.). There muscular dystrophy has been wiped out!!! A farmer with 100 cows can expect 100 conceptions, 100 live births, 100 normal calves, and 100 calves raised to market or reproduc­tive age. How can this be that animals are treated better than people???

Prevention is the name of the game with MD. The selenium levels in preconception women is important to the maintenance of pregnancy as well as the prevention of muscular dystrophy in all of its forms (i.e. Duchenne, Erb {scapulohumerall}, Leyden-Moebius {pelvi-femoral}, Landouzy-Dejerine {facio-scapulo-humeral}, Becker’s {benign juvenile} and Gowers {hands and feet}), which are in reality artificial classifications of MD by the groups of muscles initially affected. Keshan disease (heart muscular dystrophy) which is also caused by selenium deficiency should be added to the list of muscular dystrophies. In the veterinary profession, muscular dystrophy (“White Muscle Disease”) has been eliminated by the use of selenium in pregnant females and rapidly growing prepubic animals. In addition to overt deficiencies of selenium in the diet, the celiac disease type changes in the small intestine caused by food allergies is the common cause of tissue deficiencies of selenium. The symptoms of MD can start with weakness, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), and enlargement of certain muscle groups (i.e. calves, trapezius, etc.) to compensate for the loss of strength of synergistic muscle groups. A muscle biopsy is usually done by a neurologist to make the diagnosis of MD. If selenium and vitamin E were to be given IM or IV at the very first onset of symptoms, the disease will be arrested or maybe even “cured.” The “orthodox” doctors’ resort to prednisone and surgery. Death is the inevitable end for those kids with MD if they are “treated in the “orthodox” method—it would be much healthier to go to a veterinarian for help.

Treatment of MD and/or Keshan disease includes the use of selenium orally (plant derived colloidal minerals), IV or IM at 50-1,000 meg per day (based on weight), vitamin E IM at 80 mg per day, selenium orally at 250-1,000 meg per day, vitamin E 800-1,200 orally, sulfur amino acids IV as a complete amino acid infusion and orally in the form of free amino acids and sugarless Jello, and EFA at 5 gm t.i.d. Avoid food allergens, excessive fats (no more than 20 percent of the calories each day as fat), fried food, and margarine. Give choline as soy lecithin at 10-20 gm per day. Avoid exercise for one month during initial treatment period (this is the opposite recommendation from the “orthodox” treatment) to avoid undue injury to already biochemically compromised muscle tissue.

MUSCLE CRAMPS (Charley horse) are a “mini” convulsion that is taking place in the muscle as a result of deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and/or vitamin E. Muscle cramps may be as subtle as the twitch of an eyelid and muscle flutter in arms or legs (fasciculations) to and including the hard cramps of the toes, feet, calves, back, and neck muscles. Prevention includes the base line nutritional supplement program. Do pulse test to determine food allergies that might cause celiac disease type changes and the resultant malabsorption. Do a hair analysis to determine mineral status.

Treatment of muscle cramps can include liquid plant derived colloidal calcium, magnesium, and potassium, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula works like a charm here.

NASAL CATARRH (runny nose, stuffy nose) can be caused by a wide variety of upper respiratory viral infections. Treatment includes Contac at 1 q 12 h, cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris). Avoid fried food, margarine, sugar, and dairy products.

NAUSEA can be caused by a wide variety of diseases and syndromes ranging from nutritional deficiencies, pregnancy, hepatitis, and food allergies to cancer. If nausea is a recurring problem, detailed investigation should be pursued.

Treatment of nausea can include Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate, and herbs to include artichoke (Cynara scolymus), avens (Geum urbanum), and peppermint (Mentha piperita).

NERVOUS HEART (rapid beat, tachycardia, or palpitations when nervous) tends to be common in senior citizens. Many of these cardiac symptoms are the result of Bl (Beri beri) deficiencies, anemia, and deficiencies of stomach acid. Do pulse test to determine if food allergies are a contributing factor.

Treatment of “nervous” heart conditions should include Bl at 100 mg t.i.d., iron at 45-100 mg, and an improved general diet. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement program and herbs including English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), hops (Humulus lupulus), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), and valerian (Valeriana officinalis), and also avoid offending food allergens and employ rotation diets.

NERVOUS TENSION (nervous headaches) are usually brought on by tension and overwork. There may be a precipitating factor such as caffeine overdose, hypoglycemia, and food allergies involved, so don’t forget to do a pulse test. Treatment includes avoidance of sugar, caffeine, food allergens, avoidance and/or reduction of stress and tension, exercise, homeopathy, acupuncture, color therapy, subliminal relaxation tapes, and herbs including balm (Melissa officinalis), bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), sweet woodruff (Gallium odoraturm), wild celery (Apium graveolens), and lily-of-the valley (Convallaria magalis).

NEURALGIA (Tinitis, Trigeminal neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, spinal stenosis, neuropathy) is an irritation or a pinching of a nerve which can be caused by many diseases ranging from trauma, nutritional deficiencies (i.e. osteoporosis, B12, folic acid, Bl, B6, etc.), infections (i.e. herpes, shingles, etc.), alcoholism, diabetes, MS, etc. Treatment requires attention to any and all underlying conditions. Treatment of neuralgia should also include B-complex 50 t.i.d., B12 1,000 meg per day, essential fatty acids as EPA at 5 gm t.i.d. and flaxseed oil at one tbsp. b.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg/day and Ribavirin at 250-1,500 mg/day for viral neuralgias (i.e. herpes and shingles), acupuncture and herbs including lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), oats (Avena satifa), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), and white willow (Salix alba).

NIGHT BLINDNESS (xerophthalmia) is caused by a vitamin A deficiency which can be overt dietary deficiency, fat malabsorption syndrome (vitamin A is fat soluble), zinc deficiency which results in poor conversion of carotene to vitamin A by the liver, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease and various food allergies resulting in intestinal changes that prevent absorption of fat soluble vitamins (i.e. vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin K), as well as a deficiency of essential fatty acids. Symptoms of night blindness include delayed adaption or complete failure of adaption to darkness. Treatment of night blindness is very specific with 25,000-300,000 IU of vitamin A per day as beta-carotene and zinc at 15-50 mg t.i.d.

NIGHT TERRORS (nightmares) are almost always caused by food allergies and hypoglycemia. The pulse test and the six-hour GTT are necessary to determine the exact cause of night terrors. Remember the low point of blood sugar levels occur at 4-4 1/2 hours after consumption of food (especially sugar foods and drinks) so night terrors will occur four hours after consumption of food (especially sugar foods and drinks). For that reason, night terrors will occur four hours after consumption of “bedtime snacks” (i.e. cookies and milk). Bedwetting in children often accompanies night terrors and are the direct result of food allergies (usually milk) and hypoglycemia (sugar bedtime snacks). Treatment of night terrors includes avoidance of offending food allergens, avoidance of sugar, chromium and vanadium at 25-200 meg t.i.d., high animal protein diets, base line nutritional supplement program, and avoidance of caffeine.

NOSEBLEEDS (epistaxis) are usually the result of vitamin K and/or vitamin C deficiencies. “Orthodox” EENTs like to do “minor” surgery on noses to cauterize (i.e. burn) capillaries in the nasal membranes to stop the nosebleeds. Treatment for nosebleeds should include increased consumption of green leafy vegetables, reseeding the colon with Lactobacillus acidophilus (the bacteria will synthesize vitamin K), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, alfalfa tablets at 5 t.i.d. with meals, and herbs including toad flax (Linaria vulgaris).

NUMBNESS (tingling both hands, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) can be caused by neuralgia (diabetes, B12 deficiency), circulation problems, and carpal tunnel syndrome. On occasion food allergies can cause numbness and tingling and should be considered in your diagnostic process. Also, don’t forget the possibility of MS. “Tinnel’s sign” (tap wrist) with the finger to elicit pain for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

“Orthodox” neurologists love to do carpal tunnel surgery for this problem. Treatment for numbness and tingling should include aggressive diagnosis and treatment of any underlying condition as well as manga­nese, choline, arsenic, B12 at 1000 meg per day, B6 at 200-300 mg t.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., B12 at 1,000 meg/day, and plant derived colloidal minerals.

OBESITY (overweight, see diet) is a problem to various degrees in all industrialized nations and, in particular, the United States. Obesity has various causes and combinations of causes and is not a simple problem. Rendered down to its simplest terms, obesity is consuming and storing more calories than you are using. Starvation only complicates the correction of the problem as a starving body will shut off calorie consumption as an energy conservation move. To avoid this body maneuver, be sure to consume at least 1,000 calories per day. This way, a gradual but permanent loss of pounds and inches will occur. Moderate exercise in the form of walking, tennis, golf, swimming, and/or low impact aerobics (i.e. Chi Gong) is adequate. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplements, as your need for nutritional supplementation becomes critical when you are on a calorie-restricted diet. Ninety percent of obese people overeat and binge because empty calorie diets result in “pica”, a nibbling behavior caused by the body’s search for trace minerals! Use colloidal minerals to supply these needed minerals. Test for food allergies with the pulse test and do a six-hour glucose tolerance test to determine if you have hypoglycemia or diabetes. Remember a single fasting blood glucose test will miss 99.9 percent of all hypoglycemics and 85 percent of all diabetics.

“Treatment” of obesity is, in fact, a change in lifestyle and habits requiring a complete commitment, just like the one required to stop smoking. Avoid offending food allergens, avoid sugar in all forms (i.e. solids as well as liquids), avoid caffeine which lowers blood sugar and makes you hungry, avoid carbonated soft drinks which ALL are loaded with phosphates which will cause osteoporosis over the long haul especially when you are already on a restricted diet, and drink filtered —not distilled—water. Distilled water is “hungry” water and will demineralize your bones over a long period of usage. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. Forty percent of your water normally comes from food. It only makes sense if you restrict your food, you will also restrict water unless you make a conscious effort to drink enough. “Compulsive” trips to the refrigerator are most often subliminal searches for water, especially if they occur right after meals. Use special salts to flavor meals (potassium salt with kelp is excellent).

DO NOT SKIP MEALS. Make breakfast your largest most complete meal. Lunch should be a moderate meal with animal protein and dinner should be a light “soup and salad.” Take salmon oil at 5 gm t.i.d. with meals, flaxseed oil at one tbsp. b.i.d., two heaping tbsp. of nutritional fiber in an eight ounce glass of water before bed, glucomannan at 1 gm in eight ounces of water one hour before meals, and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals. Take thyroid starting at 1-3 grains. Too much will make you a little jittery and increase your heart rate as much as 10-20 beats/minute. Adjust your intake up or down in dosage as needed. If you get above six grains before you OD on thyroid, you have celiac disease type because of your intestine. Do pulse test and avoid allergens. Take herbal laxatives and/or herbal diuretic teas as necessary. Subliminal weight loss tapes can be very helpful (especially at the beginning). THIS PROGRAM IS VERY COMPLEX TO BEGIN WITH. CHANGE ALL OF THE FOOD IN YOUR HOUSE TO HELP YOU GET STARTED. AFTER YOU REACH YOUR WEIGHT GOALS, YOU CAN SIMPLIFY YOUR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM.

OBSTRUCTION OF AIRWAYS (choking) will be heralded by the “universal choking sign” of both hands clutched at the throat and a loss of the ability to speak. This happens very frequently in restaurants and is often referred to as a “restaurant coronary” as most observers think the patient is having a “heart attack.” Prevention includes the stopping of talking while you are chewing and swallowing food (especially meat and firm raw vegetables such as carrots and beets). Treatment of choking includes: 1) putting your finger into the back of the throat and manually removing the obstruction, and 2) performing a Heimlich maneuver (standing behind the patient, lock your arms around them with hands locked just below the xiphoid cartilage and suddenly thrust/squeeze, for babies use hands only). If the obstruction is lodged and cannot be coughed out with the Heimlich maneuver, a tracheotomy must be performed as a lifesaving maneuver. The EMTs will not get there in time so you must act quickly. You must use whatever is available (i.e. pocketknife, steak knife, etc.). The location of the incision is half way between the base of the larynx (voice box) and the notch where the collar bones join the breast bone—it must be dead center and large enough to accommodate the empty barrel of a ball point pen which will provide enough airflow for survival. The EMTs will arrive about five minutes after you have completed your “surgery,” however, the patient would have died if you waited for them. If the patient’s heart has also stopped as a result of the choking, you will have to perform CPR after you have created the airway.

OLIGOSPERMIA (low sperm count) is usually the result of nutritional deficiencies and/or malabsorption syndromes. Do a pulse test to determine if food allergies and celiac type changes are a factor. Infertility is the usual “red flag” that raises the question of sperm count. Place one drop of a semen sample on a slide with a cover slip on top, observe at high power. The live sperm should be highly mobile and appear as swirling waves like battalions of Chinese infantry.

Treatment for oligospermia includes avoidance of offending food allergens, fried foods and margarine, sugar and alcohol, double the base line nutritional supplementation for 30-60 days, acupuncture, and herbs including ginseng (Panax ginseng) and herbal combinations such as Zumba that contain 500 meg of testosterone.

OMPHALOCELE (umbilical hernia) is a birth defect characterized by a grape to basketball sized skin sac in the “belly button” that is lined with peritoneum (membrane lining of the abdominal cavity). The sac may contain fat and/or intestinal loops that can be pushed back into the abdominal cavity. This is a common birth defect that is caused by maternal deficiencies (and, thus, fetal deficiencies) of vitamin A and/or zinc.

Treatment of umbilical hernia requires surgery to repair the belly wall defect if the “hernial ring” (defect in the belly wall) is larger than your fingertip. If the defect is approximately the diameter of your fingertip you can heal this one at home without surgery. The technique is to place a golf ball sized ball of virgin wool on the hernia and tape it firmly down to the level of the skin. Three times each day, remove the wool ball and be sure the fat is pushed back into the belly cavity with the fingertip, at the same time, rub the “hernial ring” in a rotary fashion for several minutes to irritate it. Over a period of weeks to months, the defect will fill in and completely heal without surgery. A sclerosing oil or compound can be injected into the edge of the digit caliber hernial ring to get good closure.

ORGANIC BRAIN SYNDROME (pellagra, alcoholism, dementia, depression, hyperkinesis, ADD, ADHD hypoglycemia, diabetes, PMS, paranoia, schizophrenia, and learning disabilities) is caused by a wide variety of nutritional deficiencies (i.e. niacin, Bl, B12, folic acid, chromium, vanadium, lithium, etc.) and toxicities (i.e. alcoholism, lead poisoning, mercury poisoning-dental amalgam). Do a pulse test to determine if food allergies are a part of the syndromes and do a six-hour GTT to rule in or rule out diabetes or hypoglycemia. Remember a single fasting blood glucose will miss 99.9 percent of the hypoglycemia and 85 percent of the diabetes. Treatment of organic mental disorders requires serious dedication to identify the underlying problems and dealing with them.

Treatment should include avoidance of food allergens including sugar, dairy, and wheat, rotation diets, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg. t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals, B3 (niacin) at 450 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, essential fatty acids as salmon and flaxseed oils at 5 grams each t.i.d., chromium and vanadium at 25-200 meg ti.d., and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. Don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement program for all 90 essential nutrients.

ORNITHOSIS (parrot fever) is an infectious disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci. Parrot fever is transmitted by inhaling the contami­nated dust from feathers, cage bedding, or feces of infected birds (i.e. parrots, parakeets, lovebirds, canaries, or pigeons). Parrot fever is characterized by an “atypical pneumonia.” Symptoms of “parrot fever” include fever, chills, weakness, loss of appetite, and dry coughing initially that develops into a productive cough. At first, “parrot fever” may be diagnosed as “flu” or confused with Legionnaires’ disease or Q fever. Exposure to birds (especially sick ones) will offer a clue that Sherlock Holmes wouldn’t miss. A blood test is required for specific diagnosis.

Treatment of “parrot fever” includes the use of tetracycline orally at 250-500 mg q.i.d. for 10-14 days, the cough should be controlled with codeine, and strict bed rest should be enforced as untreated and uncontrolled “parrot fever” can be fatal.

OSTEOARTHRITIS (degenerative arthritis): see arthritis. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula is the treatment of choice here. Thousands of happy arthritis patients can’t be wrong.

OSTEITIS FIBROSA (nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism) is also known as Paget’s Disease. This is a bone disease that affects men more often than women (women get osteoporosis more frequently) and is characterized by a loss of hard bone which is replaced by fibrous connective tissue. The first signs of Paget’s Disease occur in the dental arcade by separating the teeth and loss of teeth because of loss of jawbone. The weight bearing bones of the pelvis, femur, and tibia are next, very frequently there is a loss of stature as the bones undergo rearchitecturing, and kyphosis (“dowagers’ hump”). The cause is thought to be unknown by the “orthodox” doctors. In animals the cause is a reversed calcium/ phosphorus dietary ratio intake in the presence of relatively large amounts of vitamin D; men tend to be out in the sun without their shirts more often than women. Diagnosis of Paget’s Disease can be made by x-ray of the teeth in the earliest stages and x-ray of the weight bearing bones in the more advanced stages. The blood shows an elevated alkaline phosphatase (calcium and phosphorus are usually in the normal range) and an elevated parathyroid gland hormone. It is interesting to note that “orthodox” orthopedic doctors think of Paget’s Disease as a viral infection.

Treatment of Paget’s Disease should include a vigorous effort to correct the dietary calcium/phosphorus ratio, reduce or eliminate red meat intake, avoid phosphate containing soft drinks, avoid all phosphate containing supplements, reduce vitamin D intake and exposure (i.e. hats, long sleeve shirts, etc.), increase calcium and magnesium intake to 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, take betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals, and don’t forget the base line nutritional supplement program—or to make it very simple—Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula.

OSTEOPOROSIS is a decrease in bone that usually occurs in older individuals (more frequently in women). The big push by the “orthodox” doctors is for estrogen and fluoride supplementation, yet these two compounds alone do not solve the problem. In our personal experience osteoporosis is easy to prevent and cure with proper supplementation of stomach acid (HC1) and calcium. Do a pulse test to identify any food allergens that might be causing a celiac disease type change and malabsorption syndromes. The symptoms of osteoporosis are characterized by bone pain, joint pain, “dowagers” hump, and “spontaneous” fractures. Osteoporosis is the 12th most frequent cause of death in adults (following fractured hips, etc.).

Treatment of osteoporosis should include betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals, and calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day or more for the first 30 days. Estrogen may be contraindicated because of the potential carcinogenic effect: it is known to cause breast and uterine cancer. Don’t forget the plant derived colloidal minerals that include calcium, magnesium, and boron. To make it simple again, use Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula.

OTITIS (earache, fluid behind the eardrum) is an inflammation of the inner parts of the ear. Otitis externa involves the outside of the eardrum and the ear canal. Otitis interna involves the inside of the eardrum and the eustachian tube. Otitis media involves the middle ear. The “orthodox” EENT approach is to give antibiotic eardrops and oral antibiotics in acute cases and to insert “tubes” into the eardrum to relieve pain in chronic cases. In reality, 95 percent of all otitis (earaches) is the result of a milk allergy. Do a pulse test before the eardrums are pierced and weakened unnecessarily. Milk allergies will cause a severe fever, painful earaches, and burst eardrums if not corrected. Treatment of otitis should include the use of hydrogen peroxide or mullein eardrops to help relieve local inflammation. Avoid cow’s milk in all forms and be sure to take the base line nutritional supplement program. Aspirin or Tylenol may be necessary for pain relief. Antibiotics are only justified when a streptococcal sore throat or internal otitis is cultured positive for bacteria.

PAIN is caused by any abnormal process that changes the architecture of bone or soft tissue i.e. edema, distension, swelling, ulcers, etc. Repairing or correcting the disease process will usually eliminate the pain without the continued need for pain medication. Treatment for pain necessarily must include an aggressive correction of any underlying disease process. Treatment of pain may include TENS (electronic pain masking), codeine, Tylenol-3, aspirin with codeine, aspirin, Tylenol, DMSO, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, chiropractic, and herbs including aconite (Aconitum napellus), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), chicory (Cichorium intybus), and English mandrake (Tamus communis). Don’t forget plant derived colloidal minerals here. Again, use Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula to make it simple.

PALPITATIONS (irregular heartbeat) can be the result of organic heart disease. This is easily determined by an EKG or ECG. Other causes: food allergies (i.e. Chinese Restaurant Syndrome or allergy to MSG), nutritional deficiencies (i.e. Bl, B3, selenium, magnesium, potassium, etc.), and/or hypoglycemia.

Treatment of palpitations should include EDTA chelation for cardiovascular disease, IV hydrogen peroxide, avoid caffeine, avoid offending food allergens, avoid sugar and processed foods in all forms, vitamin Bl at 100 mg t.i.d., B3 at 450 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, selenium 250 meg/day, and the base line nutritional supplementation program. Use herbs including English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria mejalis), hops (Humulus lupulus), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), mother wort (Leonurus cardiaca), valerian (Valeriana officinalis), and foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). See previous warnings about the dosage of foxglove!

PARASITES (worms, amoebiasis, malaria) include a variety of roundworms (i.e. ascaris, hookworms, pinworms, and whipworms), tapeworms, flukes, and microscopic one cell organisms (i.e. amoeba, flagellates, malaria). Symptoms of parasites include diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, anal itching, weakness, anemia, failure to thrive, and B12 deficiency (tapeworm). Diagnosis of parasites includes a microscopic fecal exam for all intestinal parasites, except for pinworms, which require a Scotch tape test on the anal opening to find the eggs. Blood tests are required to identify malarial parasites.

Treatment for parasites includes garlic (Allium sativum), peach (Prunus persica), and black walnut Quglans nigra). With heavy infestations, stronger medication is required. Pyrantel pamoate (roundworms), Niclosamide (tapeworms) and Metronidazole (protozoa) should be employed.

PARKINSONISM (shaking palsy) is caused by a degeneration of the basal ganglia of the brain; symptoms are relentlessly progressive and include muscular rigidity, lack of purposeful movement, tremor, and “pill rolling” tremors of the thumb and index finger. The cause of true Parkinson’s Disease is unknown, however, there are numerous medica­tions that will cause Parkinsonism-like symptoms (i.e. phenothiazines, haloperidol, reserpine) as well as carbon monoxide poisoning, mercury from amalgam fillings, and excessive manganese in a community water supply.

Treatment of drug induced Parkinsonism should include the elimination of the offending drug. Note that the “orthodox” neurologist will usually recommend an additional drug to deal with the symptoms of the offending drug. Have mercury amalgam fillings replaced with composite, take octacosanol at 300 meg t.i.d., leucine 10 gm/day, 1-methionine at 5 gm/day, EFA at 5 grams b.i.d., 1-tyrosine at 100 mg/day, dl-phenoalanine at 100 mg t.i.d., Bl at 200 mg t.i.d., B6 at 100 mg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, and the base line nutritional supplement program. The “orthodox” neurologist treats with 1-Dopa and carbidopa which aggravates and speeds up the progress of Parkinson’s Disease in a significant number of cases and has no beneficial effect in more than 50 percent of the cases.

PEPTIC ULCERS (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer) are thought to be caused by stress, deficiency of “vitamin U” (a mythological vitamin), and/or dyspepsia. In reality they are caused by an infection of the stomach or duodenal lining with Helicobacter pylori. Symptoms of peptic ulcer include burning stomach pain, dyspepsia, and weight loss. “Coffee ground” stool or vomit indicates that the ulcer is bleeding and that the patient is in eminent danger of bleeding to death. GO TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY! Treatment of peptic ulcer should include alfalfa (Medicago sativa) which is thought to be the richest source of “vitamin U” at ten tablets t.i.d. with meals, cabbage juice (Brassica oleracea), flax (Linum usitatissimum), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). A 98 percent chance of a cure can be affected with antibiotics and bismuth every day for four to six weeks.

PERIODONTAL DISEASE (receding gums, pyorrhea, gingivitis) is thought by “orthodox” dentist to be caused by food particles packing into the space between teeth and between teeth and gums. In reality, all forms of periodontal disease are the result of bone loss under the gums, which causes the gums to recede and allow food to pack into the space created. Again, this disease has been eliminated by the veterinary profession as a result of nutritional investigations for better health and production of pet and farm animals. I have not seen too many cows, horses, dogs, and cats (nor wolves, giraffe, or elephants for that matter) floss, brush their teeth, or use mouthwash with fluoride. The reason that this simple concept has not been shared with the public is money. Think about the toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss companies that get the approval of the American Dental Association. Does it not seem odd that these same companies give large grants to the dental schools? Sherlock Holmes, and maybe some union stewards, would call this one a “sweetheart deal!”. This appears to be another case of letting the fox “guard” the chicken house.

Treatment of periodontal disease should include a correction of the dietary calcium/phosphorus ratio. Give up phosphate containing soft drinks, reduce red meat consumption, reduce phytate intake (raw vegetables), supplement calcium at 2,000 mg per day and magnesium at 1,000 mg per day, and remember the base line nutrition supplement program including plant derived colloidal minerals. Take vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals. Avoid sugar, use herbal and hydrogen peroxide mouthwashes, and dental floss to keep gum pockets and teeth clean so rebuilding of bone can take place.

PHLEBITIS (varicose veins) is most common in the hemorrhoidal veins and veins of the legs. Constipation and static vertical position are the primary precipitating factors; however, a copper deficiency is the root cause. Copper is required as a cofactor for manufacturing strong elastic fibers in the walls of veins. Treatment of phlebitis should include consumption of eight glasses of water, two heaping tbsp. of nutritional fiber in a glass of water at bedtime, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, B-complex at 50 mg each t.i.d., vitamin C to bowel tolerance, copper at 2 mg per day (Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula), EFA at 5 gm t.i.d., and herbs including arnica (Arnica montana), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), rue (Ruta graveolens), yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis), and cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshianus).

PICA (cribbing, cravings for dirt, paint, snack food, sugar, salt, etc.) is a symptom of one or more nutritional mineral deficiencies. Only mineral deficiencies cause this pica behavior. Adults often evidence pica when they crave ice, chips, salsa, chocolate, and soft drinks. Children evidence pica when they eat dirt and/or paint chips. The latter is extremely dangerous as many paints contain lead or cadmium. A hair analysis will be invaluable to determine the patient’s mineral status. Do a pulse test to determine if a celiac disease type malabsorption problem exists.

Treatment for pica should focus on mineral supplementation and must include the base line nutritional program including plant derived colloidal minerals. EDTA chelation therapy may be necessary if hair analysis shows elevated levels of lead or cadmium.

PILES (hemorrhoids): see hemorrhoids.

PILONIDAL CYST is a midline congenital defect (zinc or vitamin A, folic acid deficiency) in the sacral area. The “pit” often contains a tuft of hair. The tract is usually asymptomatic unless it becomes plugged and becomes a cyst. Treatment of the pilonidal cyst should include a poultice of plantain (Plantago major), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), or boric acid b.i.d. until cyst opens up. On rare occasions surgical opening of the cyst is required; local anesthesia and a scalpel blade are all that is required for this relatively minor surgery.

PIMPLES (acne): see acne.

PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS, hysteria) has a long history in “orthodox” medicine. Historically the treatment for PMS was hysterectomy (derived from hysteria) since removal of the ovaries and uterus “cured” all of the cyclical emotional symptoms leaving a precipitous menopause, which could be palliated with estrogen. It is now known that deficiencies of calcium and essential fatty acids in concert with the cyclical hormone patterns of the women produce the classical PMS picture of fragile emotions, irrational behavior, mania, depression, and debilitating pelvic “cramps.”

Treatment of PMS includes 100 mg B6 q 4 d, EFA at 5 grams t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta carotene during the last 14 days of the cycle, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, calcium (especially plant derived colloidal sources), and herbs including mistletoe (Viscum album), black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), and blue cohosh (Caulophyllus thalictroides). Don’t forget to supplement with the entire compliment of the 90 essential nutrients.

POISON IVY causes a contact papular dermatitis that produces a severe itch. Treatment of poison ivy dermatitis includes topical application of vinegar, Caladryl, Aloe vera, poultices of Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum multiflorum), golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis), and plantain (Plantago major).

POOR CIRCULATION can be caused by cardiovascular disease (arteriosclerosis, low thyroid, magnesium deficiency, and vitamin E deficiency). Symptoms include cold hands and feet and numb tingling fingers and toes.

Treatment of poor circulation includes EDTA chelation, the highest quality (with no contaminents) hydrogen peroxide IV (oxygen source) administered slowly, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, massage, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and herbs including ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), horsetail (Equisetum arvense), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris), and cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum).

POX: see chicken pox

POST PARTUM HEMORRHAGE is the result of an atonic uterus that failed to contract hard enough and long enough, allowing the open vessels to leak blood. On occasion a piece of afterbirth will remain attached to the uterine lining and is the source of the bleeding.

Treatment of post-partum hemorrhage should include firm digital pressure on the fundus of the uterus to stimulate contraction, and the use of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) orally at 10-20 minims (a minim is an old apothecary term meaning approximately 1 drop) or by injection will add sufficient contraction power.

PREGNANCY LABOR (labor) can be enhanced by the use of herbs including raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides).

PREGNANCY TOXEMIA (eclampsia) is the result of low protein, low salt diets entered into in an attempt to prevent excess weight gain in pregnancy. The first thoughts of restriction of weight gain occurred at the turn of the century when “orthodox” OB/GYN practitioners learned that low birth weight babies could be delivered faster and, thus, allow more calls in one day. Symptoms of preeclampsia include sudden weight gain (because of fluid accumulation as a result of low blood protein), high blood pressure, and albuminuria. Eclampsia includes the symptoms of preeclampsia plus convulsions and/or coma. Both preeclampsia and eclampsia characteristically occur after the 20th week of pregnancy. The current “orthodox” treatment is hospitalization and watching until convulsions occur and then give barbiturates.

Treatment of preeclampsia should include a high animal protein meal plan (150 gm or more whereas the RDA is 40 gm), no restriction of salt, and B6 at 100 mg per day. Drop to 50 mg per day at parturition (birth) if you plan to breast feed as high levels of B6 will reduce production of breast milk. In addition to the base line nutritional supplement pro­gram for all 90 essential nutrients, patients should receive 10-12 glasses of water and/or juice per day, especially in the warm summer months.

PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA (benign prostate hyperplasia): see benign prostate hyperplasia

PSORIASIS is well known as a cosmetically disfiguring dermatitis (i.e. “the heartbreak of psoriasis”). Psoriasis is characterized by dry, well-demarcated silvery, scaling plaques of all sizes that appear primarily behind joints (i.e. elbows and knees) and on the scalp and behind the ears. Celiac disease type changes in the intestine lead to malabsorption of essential nutrients causing psoriasis. Do a pulse test to determine specific food allergens. Treatment of psoriasis should include avoidance of offending food allergens, rotation diets, folic acid at 15-25 mg per day, vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d. with meals, EFA at 5 grams b.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., copper at 2 mg per day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg per day. Topical herbal washes are of palliative value as are topical pureed onions, topical pureed cucumbers, and topical vitamin A & D creams.

PYORRHEA (periodontal disease): see periodontal disease.

Q FEVER is an acute rickettsial disease caused by Coxiella burnetii and characterized by sudden onset, fever, headache, weakness, and pneumonitis. Q fever has a worldwide distribution and is maintained as an endemic infection in domestic animals. Sheep, goats, and cattle are the primary reservoirs for human infections. The infection is spread to humans by bites from the infected tick, Dermacentor andersoni, and from consuming infected raw milk. Diagnosis is made from a positive blood test. Treatment of Q fever should include tetracycline orally at 250 mg q 4 h. Chloramphenicol may be used in small children to prevent discoloration of permanent teeth by tetracycline.

QUINSY (peritonsillar abscess) is an infection of the tonsil between the tonsil and the pharyngeal constrictor muscle. These infections are rare in children but common in young adults. The “orthodox” EENT will want to do a tonsillectomy. DON’T LET HIM DO IT! SAVE YOUR TONSILS! Treatment should include vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin C to bowel tolerance, gargles with herbal washes, and penicillin G or V at 250 mg q 6 h for 12-14 days.

RABBIT FEVER (tularemia) is caused by the bacteria, Francisella tularensis. This disease is contracted by skinning and dressing infected rabbits or ground squirrels (87 percent). The disease initially appears as a local ulceration at the infection site, and secondarily goes systemic causing typhoid like disease with diarrhea and pneumonia. High fever and recurring chills with drenching sweat are characteristic. I have had tularemia and my grandfather died from it as a result of skinning infected wild rabbits. Diagnosis comes following a high level of suspicion (appropriate history of wild rabbit contact), and the ulcerated primary lesion at the infection site is enough to make the diagnosis. Sputum cultures are highly infectious, and labs should be warned of your suspicions. Treatment of tularemia is with streptomycin IM at 500 mg q 12 h until temperature drops into the normal range, then give tetracycline orally at 250 mg q.i.d. for 10-12 days.

RABIES (hydrophobia) is a highly dangerous viral disease that is transmitted by the blood, tissue (transplanted corneas, livers, kidneys, or hearts), urine, or saliva of infected animals or people. We are all aware of the dangers of bites from rabies infected bats, foxes, skunks, and unvaccinated dogs but most of us are not aware that many cases of fatal rabies occur following tissue transplants. Rabies in humans is a progressive paralytic disease that is often misdiagnosed as stroke, which is why rabies infected tissues get transplanted.

Many Americans spend over a hundred dollars to visit the “orthodox” doctor when their child gets bitten by the pet hamster, because of fears of rabies. Think about it; the incubation period of rabies is fourteen days. If you have had the hamster for three weeks or more, rabies is an impossible diagnosis. A free phone call to your veterinarian would be informational and save you a lot of money.

High risk research personnel can get preventative vaccinations for rabies. Treatment of rabies should be instituted quickly if survival is to be anticipated. Treatment includes the well known “rabies shots” every day for ten days and respiratory and fluid support in a hospital setting.

RACHITIC ROSARY (rickets) is the “beading” of the junction between the ribs and the rib cartilage. This is exclusively a malady of small children who are kept indoors and are not getting an oral source of vitamin D. The rachitic “rosary” is easily palpated. Treatment of the rachitic “rosary” should include oral vitamin D at 400-1,000 IU per day and the base line nutritional supplement program including calcium and magnesium. After the abnormal bony changes become normal, the vitamin D dose should be dropped to 250-400 IU per day. Be sure the patient receives daily exposure to sun for at least 30 minutes.

RADIAL NERVE PALSY (“Saturday night palsy”) is the result of compressing the radial nerve against the humerus. Draping the arm over the back of a hard-backed chair for an extended period, such as a drunken stupor or deep sleep, usually causes this. A wrist “drop” and weakness characterize radial nerve palsy in the ability to extend the wrist and fingers. Sometimes there is a loss of sensory function between the first and second fingers. Treatment of radial palsy should include B-complex 50 ti.d., topical DMSO, acupuncture, massage and hydrotherapy.

RAYNAUD’S DISEASE is characterized by tingling and numbness in the fingers (and sometimes the nose and tongue) which is caused by spasms of small arteries. The “orthodox” approach to Raynaud’s disease is to cut sympathetic nerves and give anesthetics and tranquilizers. Food allergies can be the precipitating factor in Raynaud’s disease when arteries are the target tissue. Do a pulse test to determine if food allergens are a problem. Rule out “thoracic inlet syndrome” (nerves or arteries coming out of the thorax are squeezed by muscles or bones). Treatment of Raynaud’s disease should include calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg per day and 1,000 mg per day respectively. Avoid offending food allergens, avoid caffeine (i.e. coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, etc.), vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, essential fatty acids at 5 grams t.i.d., 1-tryptophane at 500 mg t.i.d., acupuncture, chiropractic, and herbs to increase circulation such as cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum).

RECTAL ITCHING can be caused by Candidiasis, food allergies, hemorrhoids, crabs, fleas, and pinworms. Do a pulse test to rule in or rule out food allergies. Take the self-test, blood test, or skin test to determine infection with Candidia albicans. The diagnosis of pinworms requires the scotch tape test to identify the parasite eggs. The presence of fleas and/or hemorrhoids will require the use of a mirror for self-examination of the anal folds. Treatment of rectal itching can be palliated with a variety of herbal washes (see hemorrhoids), Preparation H, sitz baths with herbal washes and/or hydrogen peroxide, along with specific treatments for parasites.

REYE’S SYNDROME occurs most frequently in young teens and usually in the fall and winter. Reye’s syndrome is characterized by pneumonitis, nausea and vomiting, sudden change in mental status to deep depression, amnesia, agitation to coma and convulsions, fixed dilated pupils, and death in 42-80 percent. The cause of Reye’s syndrome is thought to be consumption of aflatoxin (an exotoxin of the grain mold Aspergillus flavus). A typical liver necrosis is present on biopsy. Survivors show a 100 percent recovery of the liver tissue in twelve weeks after the attack. Treatment of Reye’s syndrome include barbiturate anesthesia to lower intracranial pressure, IV fluids and electrolytes, pulmonary support, and exchange transfusions and dialysis. Take vitamin C IV at 5-10 gms per day, B-complex and B12IV or IM, and selenium IM or IV at 250-500 meg per day.

RHEUMATIC FEVER is caused by Streptococcus Group A infection (usually starts as a “strep throat”). Rheumatic fever is characterized by arthritis, skin rash, fever, heart valve inflammation, and brain signs (chorea). The residual valve damage is the most dangerous aspect of untreated rheumatic fever. Diagnosis of rheumatic fever is made from the typical symptoms and concurrent positive cultures of Streptococcus Group A. Treatment of rheumatic fever early in the course of the disease will prevent the heart damage. Treatment should include aspirin for joint pain and sulfadiazine orally at 500-1,000 mg/day for 1-2 years or penicillin G or V orally at 250,000 u. b.i.d. for two years.

RHEUMATISM (rheumatoid arthritis) is thought by “orthodox” rheumatologist to be a disease of the immune system. In reality, rheuma­toid arthritis is caused initially by an infection by a PPLO (pleuro­pneumonia like organism) or Mycoplasma synovea that characteristically causes an upper respiratory infection and pneumonitis. These organisms secondarily attack the tendon sheaths, joint capsule membranes of the fingers and toes, and later, the larger joints of the shoulders and knees. This disease has been recognized and eliminated in the veterinary industry. Again, the human population has been left out because the truth would eliminate an entire medical specialty. Remember the quote by the famous Dr. Arthur F. Coca: “I am a realist; as long as the profit is in the treatment of symptoms rather than in the search for causes, that’s where the medical profession will go for its harvest.”

Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is made by biopsy of the joint membrane, x-ray, blood test (elevated SED RATE, positive for RA), and physical examination. The “orthodox” treatment is totally aimed at relieving symptoms (i.e. aspirin, gold shots, methotrexate, steroids). They claim great victory, but statistics show that 75 percent of the rheumatoid arthritis patients improve in the first year without any treatment at all (up to 10 percent are disfigured and disabled despite “heroic” “orthodox” therapy).

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis should include specific treatment for Mycoplasma synovea PPLO (Minocycline, tetracycline), for one year, IV and/or oral hydrogen peroxide, EDTA chelation, acupuncture, enterically coated bromeliad at 40 mg q.i.d., autoimmune urine therapy, DMSO, 1-histidine at 1,000 mg t.i.d., EFA at 5 grams t.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, copper at 2-4 mg per day, B-6 at 100 mg t.i.d., cartilage (collogen, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate) at 5 gm t.i.d. , acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and herbs to include topical camphor (Cinnamonum camphora), black mustard (Brassica nigra), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), grappie (Harpagophytum procumbens), juniper (Juniperus communis), stinging nettie (Urtica dioica), and sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum). Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula makes this program simple.

RICKETS is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D and is characterized by stunted growth, joint pain, and deformed long bones (i.e. bowlegs, dropped wrists, “sickle shins,” barrel chest, rachitic rosary, etc.).

Treatment of rickets includes supplementation with vitamin D at 400 IU orally b.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, and exposure to sunshine for 30 minutes per day. Advanced cases will require orthotic correction and, in some cases, orthopedic surgery.

RINGING IN THE EARS (tinnitis, Miniar’s disease, and Wallach’s vertigo) can be caused by high blood pressure, drug side effects, and osteoporosis (fibrous connective tissue squeezing the 8th cranial nerve).

The bones of the body try to get stronger following the loss of mineral by generating connective tissue. The 8th cranial nerve can be squeezed as it passes through the skull into the inner ear. When the vestibular branch is squeezed, vertigo can be a feature; when the auditory branch is squeezed ringing in the ears occurs.

Treatment is directed toward lowering blood pressure, eliminating drug side effects, and reversing the osteoporosis with calcium 2000 mg and magnesium 1000 mg. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula is the treatment of choice.

RINGWORM is caused by fungi that invades the skin, nails, and hair, and the skin lesions tend to be circular thus the name “ringworm.” The organisms most frequently isolated are Microsporum spp. (Tinea capitis) and Trichophyton spp. (Tinea cruris or jock itch). Cats, rabbits, and children are the most common source of infection. Diagnosis is made by seeing the characteristic lesions, culture of the fungi, and positive reaction to the Woods lamp (lesions of Microsporum will fluoresce a bright pastel green).

Treatment of ringworm should include Griseofulvin orally at 250 mg q.i.d. for four months, vitamin A at 25,000-300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, ultra violet light directly to lesion for up to six minutes per day, and herbs topically including plantain (Plantgo major) and castor oil (Ricinus communis).

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER (tick fever) is caused by a rickettsia (Rickettsia rickettsii) which is transmitted to man by the bite of an infected tick (i.e. the wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni, the dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, and the lone-star tick, Amblyomma americanum). Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever occurs May through October during the tick season and affects small children who have access to heavily wooded areas direcdy or indirecdy via the family dog who brings home the infected ticks. Ninety percent of the reported cases occur along the Eastern seaboard and only 10 percent occur in adult hunters from the mountain areas. The symptoms of RMSF follow 7-12 days after a tick bite and are characterized by headaches, chills, weakness, muscle pain, fever, and dry cough. A characteristic skin rash starts on wrists, ankles, palms, soles and forearms at first, then spreads to the neck, face, axilla, buttocks, and trunk, along with liver enlargement and pneumonitis with terminal circulatory failure in untreated cases. DO NOT WAIT FOR A POSITIVE BLOOD TEST BEFORE INSTITUTING TREATMENT AS DEATH MAY OCCUR AS QUICKLY AS 4-10 DAYS AFTER APPEARANCE OF SYMPTOMS.

Treatment of RMSF should include tetracycline at 500 mg q.i.d. orally or IV if the patient can’t swallow capsules. Supportive treatment with IV fluids and electrolytes is essential to rapid and full recovery.

ROSEOLA is an acute viral disease of infants and toddlers and is characterized by high fever (up to 105° F) and a rash that predominates on the belly and chest and lightly on the face and limbs. Convulsions may occur during the high fever periods. After 3-4 days, the child will feel completely well even though the rash persists. The course of the disease and distribution of the rash are diagnostic.

Treatment of roseola is directed to reducing the fever sufficiently to prevent convulsions and topical poultices on the rash (see measles).

SCABIES (itch) is caused by an almost microscopic “mite” (Sarcoptes scabiei) that burrows into the skin. This mite is very contagious from person to person. The original infestation usually comes from an infected animal or contaminated animal bedding.

Treatment of scabies includes total body application of 1 percent gamma benzene hexachloride, 25 percent benzyl benzoate cream in adults, and 5-10 percent sulfur ointment in infants to avoid potential neurotoxicity; poke (Phytolacca decandra) may be used topically as a natural alternative.

SCARLATINA (scarlet fever) is caused by a Streptococcus Group A throat infection. The organism releases a toxin that produces a rash that is most common on the belly, sides, and skin folds and a red pulpy “strawberry” tongue. Fever in the early stages is common. Before the advent of antibiotics, deadly epidemics of scarlatina swept through the young populations. Aggressive treatment is recommended to prevent death or rheumatic fever from developing. Diagnosis is made from the characteristic lesions and positive throat cultures of Streptococcus Group A.

Treatment of scarlatina is oral penicillin V at 250 mg q.i.d. for 10-14 days.

SCHIZOPHRENIA (“split” personality): see bi-polar brain disease. There is considerable evidence to show that schizophrenia is the result of a severe niacin deficiency. The term “megavitamin” was coined to describe the large dose (4,000 mg/day) of niacin required to “cure” a schizophrenic.

SCIATICA (low back pain radiating down buttocks and legs) can be caused by “subluxations” of lumbar vertebrae, thinning of lumbar inter­vertebral disc, or even a thick wallet in one back pocket. In its most severe form, sciatica may be the result of advanced osteoporosis, bone spurs between the lumbar vertebrae, and vertebral arthritis.

Treatment of sciatica should include hydrotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, inversion-gravity therapy, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg per day and 1,000 mg per day, and the baseline nutritional supplement program. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula is the treatment of choice here.

SCOLIOSIS (curvature of the spine) occurs in preteens and teens (80 percent in girls) during the rapid growth stages. The patient should be examined bending over facing away from the examiner. The spine is viewed for lateral deviations. Scoliosis may be a benign disease or herald the early stages of muscular dystrophy (MD). Scoliosis is basically caused by one set of the spinal muscles being stronger than the other (i.e. right side stronger than the left) which causes an “S” curve in the spine. These changes are the result of muscle degeneration (i.e. fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy). Prevention of scoliosis should include the religious consumption of the base line nutritional supple­ment program containing all 90 essential nutrients. Celiac disease type intestinal damage may be the cause of malabsorption syndromes leading to scoliosis.

Treatment of scoliosis in the early stages will result in a complete cure. Failure to aggressively take supplements will result in persistent damage requiring back braces and surgery. Treatment should include avoidance of offending food allergens, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day, and the base line supplement program to include plant derived colloidal minerals. Chiropractic care can be very useful in relieving back muscle spasms associated with scoliosis.

SCURVY (bleeding gums) is caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Scurvy may occur concurrently with gingivitis (see periodontitis).

Treatment of scurvy should include vitamin C to bowel tolerance, increased green leafy vegetables and fruit intake, and herbs including dog rose (Rosa canina).

SEBACEOUS CYSTS (Wen, steatoma) are slow growing benign cystic cutaneous “tumors.” They contain sebaceous material and are frequently found on the scalp (Wen), ears, back, breasts, or scrotum. The cyst ranges in size from a pea to a golf ball, is firm (like a soft-shell egg) and painless.

Treatment of a sebaceous cyst includes a “stab” incision at the lowest edge of the cyst, evacuation of the contents, and flushing the site with hydrogen peroxide. Large cysts require removal of the cyst wall to prevent refilling of the cyst, placing a sterile gauze drain in the empty cyst, and gradual removal over a period of 7-10 days.

SEBORRHEIC DERMATIS (dandruff, cradle cap) is a scaling dermatitis of the scalp and face, the composition and amount of sebum are normal. Celiac disease type intestinal lesions can be the cause of a malabsorption syndrome.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis should include biotin at 100 meg t.i.d., folic acid at 15-25 mg per day, B6 at 100 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1,200 mg IU per day, EFA at 5 grams ti.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., and Selsun Blue shampoo topically.

SENILE DEMENTIA (senility): see memory loss.

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES include gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, Herpes II, warts, etc. SEE EACH DISEASE INDIVIDUALLY. Use condoms and select sexual partners with great care. A mistake can cost you your life.

SHARK SKIN (keratosis) is caused by a deficiency of vitamin A and zinc (usually as a result of low animal protein diets). Shark skin is characterized by cracks in the corners of the mouth (cheilosis), oral lesions that are often secondarily infected by Candida albicans (per­ leche), “geographic” tongue, and skin lesions characterized by hard granular plugs resulting from collections of sebaceous and keratinized material in hair follicles which gives a sandpaper-like surface (shark skin).

Treatment of shark skin and related skin problems should include B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d. and skin washes for dermatitis (see dermatitis), vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., and EFA at 5 grams t.i.d.

SHINGLES (Herpes zoster) is a chronic viral infection with the chicken pox virus. The symptoms include a very painful skin lesion (“shingles”).

Treatment of shingles should include Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg per day and American sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) as a wash or poultice.

SKIN AILMENTS (dermatitis) are caused by a variety of diseases, see dermatitis.

Treatment of skin disease should include specific treatment for the underlying problem, homeopathy, EFA at 5 grams t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, zinc at 15 gm t.i.d., EFA at 5 gm t.i.d., and herbs including horsetail (Equisetum arvense), pansy (Viola tricolor), Quack grass (Agropyron repens), soap wort (Saponaria officinalis), stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), slippery elm (Ulmus fulva), and globe mallow (Sphaeralcea spp.).

SORE THROAT can be caused by a variety of viral and bacterial diseases. Bacterial diseases (i.e. Streptococcus Group A) tend to exhibit a higher fever than sore throats caused by viral disease (i.e. URI, cold viruses, flu, etc.).

Treatment of sore throats should include antibiotics as necessary for chronic Strep throat and herbs including flax (Linum usitatissimum), garden sage (Salvia officinalis), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), marjoram (Origanum vulgare), marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), myrtie (Myrica cerifera), and lobelia (Lobelia inflata).

SPRAIN is characterized by a painful stretching of ligaments of the joints. These traumas can be temporarily debilitating and locally painful. Sprains are caused by lifting, sudden stops or turns, and/or trauma.

Treatment of sprains include ice to reduce swelling as immediate first aid, then wrap with an Ace bandage for support. Fingers may be taped to the adjoining fingers for added support. Take collogen, glucosamine sulfate, and chondroitin sulfate at 5-gram t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. in between meals, DMSO topically, pain gels topically, and herbs including arnica (Arnica montana) and comfrey (Symphytum officinale).

SPIDER BITE produces swelling, local fever, and itching. Brown recluse spider bites produce ulceration and require surgical removal.

Treatment for spider bites should include soaking bite wound in a bath prepared from 8-10 sunflowers (Helianthus annus) soaked for 30 minutes.

STOMACH DISORDERS: see dyspepsia.

STRAINS are more severe than sprains and are characterized by torn ligaments and torn joint capsule with bleeding and swelling. A very painful joint trauma, emergency treatment should include ice to reduce swelling; strains frequently require a cast similar to that used for a fracture to immobilize and rest the injured joint.

Treatment of strains should include ice, DMSO, pain gels, betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. between meals, and herbs including arnica (Arnica montana), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), and lavender (Lavandula spp.). A cast and crutches are appropriate to provide support and rest. Hyperbaric oxygen or oral oxygen supplements speed up the healing process.

STRESS is the body’s reaction to stressors such as overwork, money problems, marriage problems, etc. The adrenals in particular suffer from chronic stress resulting in a lowering of the immune system’s ability to protect you from infection and cancer and disturbs the function of your entire endocrine system including energy management (i.e. blood sugar, blood pressure, thyroid, etc.).

Treatment of stress should include relaxation, subliminal stress relieving audio tapes, sublingual ACE drops at 5-10 drops t.i.d., vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., and learning to compart­mentalize time expenditure. Have 20 projects (a combination of work, family, and hobbies—remember the old saying about “giving the project to the busiest person if you want it done”) so that at least one will give positive feedback.

STROKE (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) is the result of a blood clot or tumor cells blocking an artery supplying the brain. The result is local brain tissue death from the lack of oxygen and food. If the damaged area is small enough and not in a vital area, the brain will reroute the brain’s functions to unused portions through a relearning and compensation process.

Treatment of stroke should include EDTA chelation and IV hydrogen peroxide as soon as possible, 5 grams t.i.d., exercise, and the base line nutritional supplement program to include hyperbaric oxygen and oral oxygen and Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula.

SWEAT TEST a nonspecific test that measures the number of electrolytes (i.e. sodium, chlorides, and potassium) in sweat. Originally it was thought to be a specific genetic indicator for cystic fibrosis (CF). However, today it has been found to be positive in 17 different diseases, food allergies, starvation, kwashiorkor, celiac disease, etc. The mechanism is related to EFA deficiencies and thus the lack of certain prostaglandins (short-lived hormone-like substances) which control sweat electrolyte levels in the skin.

SWIMMERS EAR is usually caused by Candida albicans growing in the external ear canal; constant dampness during the summer swimming season is thought to be the underlying cause.

Treatment for swimmers’ ear include hydrogen peroxide ear drops and/or Nystatin ear drops.

SYPHILIS is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. It has been associated with 90 percent of AIDS patients in one study of homosexual males. Syphilis is characterized by active infection and by years of spontaneous remission. Symptoms of syphilis include a primary lesion or chancre sore that may persist for 3-4 months on the penis, vulva, lips, tongue, etc., skin rashes appear after 3-4 months and last for weeks to months. Eighty percent of infected people have herpes-like sores on lips, tongue, penis, or vulva. The disease may infect any organ including liver, bone, brain, eyes, heart, etc. Terminal stages of tertiary syphilis occur 10-25 years after the original infection. Diagnosis is made from a positive blood VDRL test.

Treatment for syphilis is specific in all stages with penicillin G at 2.4 million u IM with a second treatment 10-14 days later. Like AIDS, syphilis is a reportable disease to the Public Health Service.

TACHYCARDIA (rapid heartbeat) is characterized by rapid heartbeat. Tachycardia can be caused by “nervous heart,” hyperthyroidism, food allergies, hypoglycemia, nutritional deficiencies (i.e. Bl, B3, selenium, etc.), poisons, and organic heart disease. A classic example is allergy to MSG or “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.”

Treatment of tachycardia should include the identification and treatment of the underlying cause, acupuncture, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, Bl at 100 mg t.i.d., B3 at 450 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, subliminal relaxation tapes, and herbs including English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), hops (Humulus lupulus), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), mother wort (Leonurus cardiaca), valerian (Valeriana officinalis), and lily-of-the-valley (Convallariana magalis).

TAPEWORMS (cestodes) can set up housekeeping in your intestines without causing any noticeable problem in a well-nourished person, but cause wasting weight loss and anemia. Tapeworms are contracted by eating contaminated watercress, raw fish, raw beef, or raw pork. The encysted larvae are released into the digestive tract and attach to the intestinal wall by suckers or hooks in their head. Diagnosis of tapeworms may be made by seeing segments on the surface of the bowel movement. They look like grains of rice that are moving. They can also be diagnosed by observing eggs in microscopic examination of the stool. See parasites in laboratory section. Prevention of tapeworms is related to cooking fish and meat before consumption and thoroughly washing vegetables.

Treatment of tapeworms requires the use of a single dose of niclosamide at 2 gm taken with a glass of water. Recheck stool in 3-6 months for reinfestation. Retreat if needed. Herbs may be helpful including garlic (Allium sativum) and male fern (Dryopteris Felixmas). Pretreating herbal remedies for tapeworms with a teaspoon of castor oil in the morning before treatment increases the efficiency.

TARDIVE DYSKINESIA (spasms of facial muscles) is on the increase as a side effect of heavy tranquilizer (phenothiazines) usage.

Treatment of tardive dyskinesia should include the discontinuation of the inducing drugs, B3 at 450 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, phosphatidyl choline at 30 gm per day, B6 at 200 mg q.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., manganese at 10-15 mg per day, and vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day.

TEETH DISCOLORATION (tetracycline) with reduced enamel thickness is a common side effect of prolonged administration of tetracyclines during the second half of pregnancy or during early tooth development. The affected teeth will be brown or gray and fluorescent orange green in ultraviolet light. Prevention is the name of the game. Cosmetic capping is necessary if permanent teeth are affected.

TEETHING can be an uncomfortable event for infant and parents with painful local swellings, sudden fever, irritability, and diarrhea (especially irritating with severe diaper rash).

Treatment of teething includes Tylenol or aspirin drops (follow label directions) and herbs including German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) as teaspoon doses as needed.

TMJ (temporal-mandibular joint syndrome) is characterized by headaches, misalignment of teeth, popping the TM joints while talking or eating, etc. This syndrome is related to carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive motion syndrome in that all three are caused by deficiencies of arsenic, manganese, and choline.

Treat for osteoporosis and be sure to include colloidal arsenic, manganese, and choline. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula works like a charm here.

TESTICULAR ATROPHY is not uncommon in aging men or following an episode of mumps. Testicular atrophy may result in decreased sexual drive and feminization.

Treatment of testicular atrophy should include zinc at 20 mg t.i.d., plant derived colloidal minerals, an herbal combination mixed with testosterone (Zumba), ginseng (Panax ginseng), and saw palmetto (Sarenoa serrulata).

THALLIUM POISONING (rat or insect baits) can accidentally occur when small children get into pesticides containing thallium salts. Thallium poisoning can be rapidly fatal if not treated promptly. Symptoms include bloody vomiting and diarrhea, oral irritations with severe salivation, tremors, facial palsy, and hair loss in 3-4 weeks in survivors.

Treatment for thallium poisoning should include contact with poison control centers and syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting at 15-30 ml (1-2 tbsp.) for children and adults. Follow the syrup with several pints of water until vomiting occurs. Then take one tbsp. activated charcoal in a glass of water. Control convulsions with diazepam. Chelation therapy is of no value for thallium poisoning.

THRUSH (oral candidiasis) is an oral yeast infection caused by Candida albicans. Thrush is characterized by creamy white patches that can be scraped off with a tongue depressor. Candida albicans is a ubiquitous nonpathogenic yeast under normal circumstances which becomes pathogenic and invades tissue when the host’s ability to defend itself is lost through malnutrition, chemotherapy, AIDS, etc. Also occurs when the competing intestinal organisms are killed out (i.e. antibiotic therapy, etc.). Diagnosis can be made from the characteristic lesions or by looking at the exudate under the microscope.

Treatment of thrush includes the use of oral washes and gargling with hydrogen peroxide. Small infants unable to gargle may have to have topical Nystatin applied to the lesions. The underlying condition must also be dealt with to allow you to defend yourself against reinfection. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, selenium at 25-1,000 meg per day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, vitamin A at 25,000-300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, and zinc at 15 mg t.i.d. are of great value in restoring the immune status. Following extended antibiotic therapy (i.e. acne, rheumatic fever, cystic fibrosis, etc.), you can restore the competitive organisms into the bowel (to help keep yeast numbers down) by the use of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Administer Lactobacillus at ten capsules twice each day between meals for ten days each month to restore normal colon count; a retention enema with the Lactobacillus will assure reimplantation.

TINNITUS (ringing or buzzing in the ear) is characterized by a ringing or buzzing in the ear. “Orthodox” doctors suggest that “surgery is of no value; if you can’t tolerate the ringing, play background music.” In reality, there are a variety of causes of tinnitus including hypertension, lead, mercury toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis (connective tissue squeezes the 8th cranial nerve), food allergies, and/or hypoglycemia. Do the necessary laboratory work to make a specific diagnosis including the pulse test, six-hour GTT, and hair analysis. Take the base line nutritional program.

Treatment of tinnitus should include the treatment of the underlying disease. Avoid offending food allergens, avoid sugar and all refined foods, take zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., tin from plant derived colloidal minerals, EFA at 5 grams t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg per day, and betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals. Using Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis simplifies the whole process.

TIREDNESS (chronic fatigue syndrome): see chronic fatigue syndrome.

TONSILLITIS is characterized by an inflamed sore throat caused by viruses or Streptococcus organisms. Treatment of tonsillitis should include hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and gargle, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 25,000-300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., selenium at 25-1,000 meg per day, herbs to include echynacia (Echynacia angustifolia), green hellebore (Veratrum viride), marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), marjoram (Origanum vulgare), and garden sage (Salvia officinalis).

TOOTHACHE is usually caused by cavities (caries) that are stimulated to pain by sweets and cold or hot drinks.

Treatment of caries and toothache should include filling of the tooth with non-metallic composite (fiberglass). Avoid a stimulus that initiates pain. Acupuncture and herbs to include penny royal Mentha pulegium, lavender (Lavandula spp.), gelsemium (Gelsemium nitidum), and, as necessary, OTC analgesics (i.e. aspirin, Tylenol) or Tylenol-3 from your pharmacy.

TORTICOLLIS SPASMODIC (wryneck) is caused by spasms of the neck muscles and/or “subluxations” of the cervical vertebrae. Torticollis may be caused by “whiplash” injuries, calcium deficiencies, and/or muscular dystrophy.

Treatment of torticollis should include chiropractic, massage therapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg per day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, and vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day.

TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME (TSS) is caused by an exotoxin produced by a Staphylococcus organism. The exotoxin is similar to if not identical to that which is produced by Staph food poisoning. Approximately 15 percent of those affected are men via food poisoning; the remainder are young women between 13-32 years of age. The syndrome is precipitated by improper use of vaginal tampons. Use of a single tampon for longer than four hours produces an ideal environment for Staphylococcus growth. TSS is characterized by high fever, sudden onset, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, skin rash, headache, and sore throat with rapid deterioration and death within 48 hours. Prevention is the best policy with TSS, so avoid prolonged use of individual tampons, and avoid food poisoning by proper food handling. Treatment of toxic shock syndrome is a medical emergency requiring rapid emergency room care. DO NOT LET THEM MAKE YOU WAIT IN THE HALL. Treatment should include IV fluids and electrolytes, as well as penicillin to kill the Staphylococcus.

TOXOPLASMOSIS (cat coccidia) is caused by an intermediate stage of a house cat intestinal protozoa (Isospora bigemina). The intermediate stage in humans was originally named Toxoplasma gondii and the “orthodox” doctors refuse to admit that it is a cat parasite. “Toxoplasmosis” in man is characterized by a generalized brain disease. Toxoplasmosis is acquired in man from inhaling or swallowing dust from contaminated “kitty litter” boxes or outdoor sand piles or from eating rare beef. “Toxoplasmosis” is of particular danger to pregnant women as infection will cause birth defects in the fetus (i.e. brain defects, blindness, mental retardation). Symptoms in adults can mimic the flu, causing headache, rash, high fever, swollen lymph nodes, meningitis, hepatitis, pneumonitis, myocarditis, blindness, and diarrhea. Diagnosis of “toxoplasmosis” is made from a positive blood test or skin test following a high level of suspicion. Prevention of “toxoplasmosis” in pregnant women is related to avoiding cats just prior to and during, pregnancy (i.e. move cat to grandma’s house temporarily) and eating well-cooked meats.

Treatment of “toxoplasmosis” should include trisulfapyrimidine orally at 25 mg (1 mg/kg for kids) daily for four weeks.

TRIGLYCERIDES (Elevated) can be a sign of diabetes, a liver disease, and deficiencies of EFA, chromium, and vanadium. Do a six-hour GTT and a full blood chemistry. Elevated triglycerides are a high-risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Do a pulse test to determine if food allergies are involved.

Treatment of elevated triglycerides should include moderate exercise (walking), avoidance of sugar, avoidance of refined foods, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., high fiber and raw foods diet and the elimination of red meat, chromium at 100-200 meg t.i.d., selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day, plant derived colloidal minerals, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, and the base line nutritional supplement program.

ULCER (stomach) is brought on by an infection with Helicobactor pylori. Antibiotics for 4 to 6 weeks are a preferred treatment of gastric ulcers over surgery.

Treatment of gastric ulcers should include alfalfa (Medicago sativa), for its “vitamin U” factor, bioflavonoids at 1,000 mg q.i.d., B6 at 100 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, zinc at 20 mg t.i.d., and glutamine at 400 mg q.i.d.. Avoid alcohol, sugar, and refined foods, and consume a high fiber diet. Antibiotics are a preferred treat­ment of gastric ulcers over surgery. At any sign of “coffee grounds” vomiting, get to an emergency room immediately, as this is a sign of a hemorrhaging ulcer.

ULCERATIVE COLITIS see Crohn’s Disease.

URTICARIA (food allergy rash) see food allergies.

VAGINITIS (vaginal discharge) can be caused by a great variety of diseases and syndromes ranging from pantyhose without ventilation, parasites (Trichomonas vaginalis), yeast infections (Candida albicans), venereal disease (gonorrhea, syphilis), etc. Diagnosis of the specific underlying disease is essential to correct therapy. History will be useful as well as vaginal cultures.

Treatment of vaginitis should include specific therapy following diagnostic procedures (see specific diseases). For nonspecific vaginitis you may use hydrogen peroxide douches twice weekly, vinegar douches (two tbsp./pint of warm water), yogurt douches and herbs to include myrde (Myrica cerifera) and blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides).

VARICOSE VEINS are thought to be caused by constipation and constant vertical posture; copper deficiency may also be a contributing factor.

Treatment of varicose veins should include vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., bioflavonoids at 600 mg t.i.d., DMSO, hydrotherapy, copper at 2 mg per day (try a copper bracelet), and herbs including marigold (Calendula officinalis) topically, rue (Ruta graveolens), and yellow sweet clover (Uelilotus officinalis).

VERTIGO (dizziness, car sickness, motion sickness) see Car Sickness, Wallach’s Vertigo. Take powdered peppercorns (Piper nigrum).

VITILIGO (loss of skin color) is a loss of skin color, especially in dark or black skinned people.

Treatment of vitiligo should include extracts of placenta, live cell therapy, PABA at 100 mg q.i.d., phenylalanine at 50 mg/kg/day, copper at 2 mg per day (copper bracelet), vitamin A at 300,000 IU pr day as beta-carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., Vitamin B12 at 2000 megs per day, folic acid 1 mg per day, and the base line nutritional supplementation program to include plant derived colloidal minerals.

WALLACH’S VERTIGO (dizziness with or without ringing in the ears) Osteoporosis of the skull. The connective tissue generated by the demineralized bones squeezes the vestibular branch of the 8th cranial nerve.

Treatment approach includes osteoporosis nutritional program— chondroitin sulfate (gelatin), calcium 200 mg, 1000 mg magnesium, boron 1 mg, and plant derived colloidal minerals containing all 60 essential minerals.

WARTS (papillomas) are contagious (viral) benign skin tumors known as warts (verrucae vulgaris), planter warts on the sole of the foot, and venereal warts (condylomata acuminata) which may be found on the vulva and penis.

Treatment of warts should include topical application of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale), oil of yellow cedar (Thuja occidentalis), and milk-weed juice. There are commercial wart removal kits available from your pharmacy that employs salacylic acid topically.

WEIGHT LOSS: see diets.

WHITE SPOTS, FINGERNAILS are caused by zinc deficiency. Treatment should include zinc at 50 mg t.i.d.; also take the base line nutritional program to include plant derived colloidal minerals.

WORMS (parasites) see parasites.

Treatment may include wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and butternut (Juglans cinerea). Levamisol is a good veterinary “wormer” that can be used very effectively in humans with minimal to no side effects.

WOUNDS (chronic ulcers) treat topically with herbs including euphorbia (Chamaesyce spp.), cliff rose (Allionia coccinea), arnica (Arnica montana), snake root (Aristolochia clematitis), German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), marigold (Calendula officinalis), snake root (Sanicula europaea), and witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)

ZITS (pimples, acne) see acne.