Doc’s Pig Pack & Pig Pack Plus

Projoba Omega
Projoba Omega
A natural marine lipid concentrate that contains the valuable Omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA to support your heart, circulatory, brain and central nervous systems; eyesight, and healthy cholesterol levels.
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Each serving of Ultimate™ Osteo-Mag™ provides 200 mg of magnesium, an essential mineral involved in more than 300 enzyme systems within the human body and which plays a major role in bone health.* DIRECTIONS: Take one tablet, twice daily.
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Add Osteo-Mag for additional bone support

Beyond Tangy Tangerine Original 2-pk
Beyond Tangy Tangerine Original 2-pk
Beyond Tangy Tangerine® (BTT) contains a base of Majestic Earth® Plant Derived Minerals® blended with vitamins, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients to make a balanced and complete daily supplement. Click on the image for more information and quantity pricing.